
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu scatter on the grou


Lin Qi Yu says:"Is impossible, so big place absolutely can't only one export, probably be still different from of map."

Zhang Yun He has spirit to feebly say:"I say Lin Da Dun's childe, alas, I even want to go out than you, here is a hopeless situation."Is public all silent come down.

The stone is originally kind to lightly clap the shoulder of clapping Zhang Yun He, advised a way:"Old piece, we not definitely don't go, there are outside also two friends of light rain, the opportunity is still certain, don't be disappointed."

The Peng is blunt to say:"Really don't go, we walk that passage."

Zhang Yun He starts station to say:"That is to seek dead!That passage harmed to die more than 100 brotherses, we still want to die again once ……"

Lin Qi Yu hears once the spirit flap and ask a way:"What passage?"

Michael says:"Ability passage in the sky, on sky ability mineral vein in, there are numerous traps, also have …… still have a homicidal living creature ……" he beat to shudder with cold, and then added a way:"We once sounded out, at that time, our person was still a lot of, died as a result more than 100, later have never been to any further ……the place of that uncanny fearfulness."

Lin Qi Yu's two eyes put light, the no time for waiting ground asks a way:", There is also place like this?Tell me quickly, if can break through there ……can we go out?"He once fought in the Qian star underground and once experienced the ghostly energy forms of monster, what peculiar things all no longer feel terrible.

Zhang Yun He looking at Lin Qi Yu with the look in the eyes of seeing the bedlamite and says:"That road of dangerous you have never experienced again, which to so great confidence?"

The cold diagram knows Lin Qi Yu's real strenght include much violent, he says:"Can make us probe for a while, if the light rain feels to have confidence, we might as well rush once, total compare to trap to die strong here."

Lin Qi Yu says:"Take me to the entrance to go, you probe an another place and try to come out science and technology here civilization exhumation, once canning go through, we leave here."

As long as Zhang Yun He uses an intelligence calculator record, oneself equally can can also a data, so he not worries will miss what new detection.

The stone is originally kind to say:"I take you to go to."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Like, cold eldest brother, you go together with them."He presses near cold diagram nearby, small track:"They severals seem to be not good at long fight, these weapon materials stay to you."He from keep to take out a lot of weapons and protect AN in thing space, again way:"The cold eldest brother what is up and immediately contacts me and keeps communication unimpeded."

The cold diagram hesitated for a while and said:"Light rain, yourself are careful, if meet what not deal with of thing, never be hard to stand, withdraw to slowly think a way, really not make China family come in, two of him at outside also not have what function."

Because China eagle soars to dance Ya not to understand modern science and technology with China, can not outward the star civilization launch research and exhumation, can guard in the outside, not really heavy to Lin Qi Yu's help.

Lin Qi raindrop head way:"You also have to be careful."He suddenly thinks of fairy Ling, in the mind not from get a burst of vexed disorderly.Escaping from this ghost place quickly is his only wish now, although know that the fairy Ling can't have what dangerous, the in the mind is still ill at ease.

The transmission point that is originally kind to give according to the stone sits a mark, 2 people together deliver pass by.

The cold diagram asks a way:"How to have no those female kids here?"

The Peng hurtles an explanation way:"A person's body can produce 100 people, we altogether produce 400 people, after all of them go out, we just discover to continue to produce ……

Your 2 people's body can produce 200 people."

Cold diagram mumbling way:"Produce?Strange parlance."He curiously asks a way:"Can you take me to try and see?"

Zhang Yun He says:"That good, since those kids walked, is alas, be like a grave here."

The Peng hurtles and Michael is also very excited, several person's companies measured a short moment and decided that the body that use cold diagram first makes some girls to come out.

There is a huge stone pillar in halfway up a hill the center, the diameter reaches to 50 meters and extends a numerouses to diverge from the post top end, concealed go into circumferential stone wall, be like a three days big tree.Ten circle wreaths soar to the skies to suspend, the stone pillar straightens in these wreaths in the center, the of circle wreath twinkles a Tao Kuang long grass and often has a small lightning flash to once wear, and the voice of Weng Weng keeps ringing.

Lin Qi Yu and stone are originally kind distance to never appear.

The stone is originally kind to say:"Arriving is the heart part of historic relic here, at the beginning we come, is a close here of, the historic relic energy is started behind ……" his wry smile 1:"……

Didn't go any further, we were to get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning."

The Jia collapses to exclaim a way:"Eldest brother,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, the sky here can undulate really too and badly, yourself caution!"He immediately accepts Long ghostly energy and hides to work properly inside in the leaf, don't dare to come out any further.

Lin Qi Yu tries to let out a life turn, 剎 that, the defense cover that can form in the sky pressed to come over and frightenned he hurriedly accepts to shoot life energy, in place with strong ability in the sky, be still honesty a point more appropriate.

The stone is originally kind to say:"The passage that gets into ability mineral vein in a sky follows me here."

The passage entrance is a small scaled transmission of flank to order, the stone is originally kind full face to seriously say:"At the beginning we by chance come in contact with this omnipotent transmission to order, whatever thing, want ~only the station is in the top, the meeting be delivered to nether of mineral vein inside, one of our seaman be be like this sent into of, with difficulty find out of way."

Immediately after, he again way:"After having transmission a ball don't so bother, using to deliver ball should be able to soon come back."

Lin Qi Yu says:"Why does need not transmission ball directly get into?"

The stone is originally kind to shake head a way:"Delivering the ball discovers afterwards, so has no passage inside of sit a mark, using to deliver ball can come back, also just our guess, you bottom go to behind can measure to take a shot, I feel to be able to use, was also full of a sky in mineral vein ability."

Once Lin Qi Yu's in the mind move, he seems one silk inspiration, but don't hold tight.

The stone is originally kind to continue to say:"There is one thing if you discovered, never miss, that is a sky, the crystallize body of ability mineral, the crystal in a kind of navy blue color, generally mix up in the mineral stone, if see and then collect, it is very important for us."

Be been originally kind on interrupting by the stone, Lin Qi Yu stopped a deliberation and asked a way:"Blue crystal?"He thinks of green Yun jade and says:"Contain a great deal of ability?Be like to keep an ability machine."

The stone is originally kind to say with smile:"That's right, we still can not find a deluxe sky of ability so far and contain in great quantities opposite purity in this kind of crystallize body of sky ability, haven't discovered this kind of crystallizes a body, besides which, other saving sky ability of way.

"The sky here cans supply, is all provided by this huge stone pillar, don't know as well outside star living creature how from the mineral vein in samples ability in the sky of, ha ha, here have too many puzzles."

Lin Qi Yu says:"H'm, I will definitely find out blue crystal, road find out to go out, wait my good news."He seems to be confidence hundred percent.

Fall in a very big stone cave after delivering.Lin Qi Yu sees that huge stone pillar from above extend down, he knows he in halfway up a hill the center, underneath very dry, have no damp and Yin cold felling, the ground is very neat, obviously fix whole lead.

The rock here sends forth the thinnest green light, therefore pour also and don't feel darkly, scatter on the ground many odd pieces products, Lin Qi Yu knows that that is what stone originally kind they stay, there is broken up kinetic energy gun, the fragment of old style protection AN etc..

In this kind of unfamiliar and peculiar place, have to have strong force as backing.

Specially made of the set of Lin Qi Yu of protection A, tidied up to carry on the back A system for a while, and then replaced storm to flow of play box and kinetic energy piece, pin up two high performance flashlights to play in the chest, there are also two vibration bombs, heart way:"The Jia collapses, I keep on wanting, and you work well preparation at any time."

The Jia collapses to ignore Lin Qi Yu, ability in the sky here is thus abundant, and he doesn't think to be canned assimilate by the sky.

Lin Qi Yu repeatedly calls Jia to collapse, the Jia collapses to continue to pretend to be dead and with reluctance calls a way:"Eldest brother, stem what, not is tell you the sky here ability too severe, I ……

Your Rao do I go or not?The ah is really hard luck."

The heart way of Lin Qi Yu:"The Jia collapses, I again didn't you come out now, is collecting of ability in the sky ground here, even my life energy doesn't dare to let out as well, but stand down go to can't have so abundant sky of ability, you could come out at that time ……you are my baby

