
cheap beats training for five

It is five hundred years later .Zhang Yang in the primary sector of the tower has been training for five hundred thousand years ,from the initial repair man ,has soared to the three gods of late .
But he has been revealed as the man of God realm ,and Yan Fu for he was not in the generated suspicion .relationresultIn the 414th chapter,the appetite is too big , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-130:05:02 chapter number :3243 , relationresult!The God of your Liushiwanyi years birthday and four hundred years is coming .
This is I draw up a guest list ,please Lord ! God exalted town within the forest to open with a piece of the invitation list to see a handsome boy .Forest open since called the boy as little Lord, so the boy and forest party relationship benefit .
He is the son of forest trees ,God medium repair .relationresultLin duct !Father .Don ?Father didn want to advertise .Do you make him angry ! Juvenile the lips to say ,but stared at the list carefully watched .
relationresultForestforest open running ,although on the mouth is said so, but did not say they oppose ,but to carefully view the list of trees ,apparently also wanted to give their father lively .
relationresult!You can count on me !God your is not angry ,about it I have God and your said .God and not against your .Besides, this is also an opportunity .The tens of millions of years, the Arctic and Antarctic ,West is close to the people ,we just take this chance and make their relationship in the future ,it is necessary to ! Lin Kai told the LORD God knows it respect ,but also to the birthday party as forest open up a gap between the event is .
relationresultLin duct ,you should put his father birthday as a pull relationship event, your eyes there is no father presence ! Forest forest open to hear and the West pole ,South Pole person relations .
Have one A .In his eyes ,the West pole and the South Pole. Not even worth mentioning ,only the Arctic god statue of Li Jiancai is that he the greatest obstacle .So many years of point and North Point fight both with open and secret means ,always in a weak weak .
While the West pole and south pole is two does not help ,the two are each sweep the snow in front of .But because of the weak point ,let the West pole and the South Pole slowly towards the Arctic close .
While the forest open to do so is to change this kind of state ,his starting point is good ,but he chose the wrong time .But this is not the way .Usually do not have this opportunity .relationresultHeseems to be in the forest forest opened expected .
Because he did not give up his idea of forest angry .relationresult!I would like to present situation ,Beats By Dre Spider-Man,you know ,if let the West pole and the Arctic and Antarctic development continues, the world would be no point position .
Later God your in the spirit world would be no words right .I want to know if your God says he will agree with me to do so ! Forest opened reason to say out .His heart has nine into the hold ,he is so kind to bring God your birthdays feast run ,Lin Fang how can know his intentions .
Lin Fang actually knew the current situation is not optimistic ,but he is God first, something not convenient to ,it needs people to take the initiative to do it .Lin is such a person .
He had figured out through the forest side of the mind .Only he can see ,people can it ,the answer is no. .Also see this tree .He just for forest open approach does not approve of .
relationresultI will go to the forest ,the matter and said to his father ,if the father you can do it ,if you do not agree with ,father birthday will be canceled . Forest hand shake face angry and turned towards his father room to .
relationresultFather !Lin duct will give you big birthday thing you know ! Forest asked .relationresultWood son, this thing I know ,I told him not too much .How? He done ? Lin Fang asked queerly son forest .
relationresultOh.It is not !On the list of the people it is not much, but he want to borrow this opportunity and the West pole and the antarctic person pulls the relations ,it is not the father of your insult ? The forest here it is angry .
relationresultLin Fangsaw standing in front of the angry forest ,tiger eye in an imperceptible naked moment and . Wood son !It seems in this respect you or to and opening !You know now I point the most threatening force is the Li Jian .
Antarctica and West pole and Li Jian got closer to us ,is not a good thing ah .The success person not to stick at trifles .It is a feast for the why not .Wood infants should look ahead ,don with eyes .
,Beats By Dre Kobe Bryant, relationresultAfter hearinghis father and trees become enlightened at once ,this time not forest open independent ,but obtained his father default .No wonder the forest meeting so bold .
Father ,wood infants learned !I go to prepare and duct ! Forest towards father deeply worship withdrew .Watching my son out ,forest Fangtan tone .He is the son of temper is too straight .
Do direct ,identify dead manage .If you don explain just now ,I am afraid that he will not let the forest open to do so .relationresultTheGod exalted Town ,forest open sitting hall is drinking the tea spring snail .
This time he came to the Antarctic is god statue should be days to send invitations .relationresultLin duct !God has accepted your invitation ,( 16K novel network mobile phone station wap.
16kxs.Com ) and your God shall I tell Lin duct ,then he will go to the forest god respect to birthday party ! Antarctic Explorer Ying Lei took the forest God exalted town open sent invitations went in to see the God after god respect with respect to be a message to tell forest open .
relationresultForestopen put down his cup ,stand up toward the hand should thank lei . Should the duct ,then you must come !But we haven drink too, I point wines Xiangquan but waiting for you a long time ! Forest open warmly invite this should Lei and a point .
Because the forest drive and Ying Lei a good relationship ,although be days and Arctic Li Jian got closer ,but Lin and Ying Lei did not .relationresultLin brother !The forest god statue big birthday party ,not only in the happy ? Lei said should be quietly .
Should Lei words make forest open heart rate .Did not think this should actually did lei .In fact, this little trick one can know .relationresultLei brother !I know you have more than five billion years !Say normally with my and your relationship, the Antarctic and Arctic should not go so close !How should God statue will be .
,cheap beats.. ... Saying here forest is continued ,the following words Ying Lei knows .relationresultYing Lei glanced atforest opened binocular flicker . Brother ,we are the servants of God ,your mind and how do I know it ,though you and I to be very friendly ,but this thing I do not know ,but I want to tell you one thing ,that is you only see the representation .
, relationresultShouldLei words let Lin Fang be startled at .This saying is very clear .It is the god statue should be days and Arctic god statue of Li Jianzou near the is representation ,then should the day and Li Jian should be friction .
relationresultbrother should Lei ,I go first !There must come to the point !I am waiting for you ! Forest open get this amazing news unable to hold oneself back to Ying Lei to leave .relationresultLin brother walking ! Ying Lei made a gesture of please .
relationresultYour God ,I have to tell you the forest ,forest open after getting this information is unable to hold oneself back to leave, he seems to be as soon as possible to go back and tell the forest God Statue Square ! In the forest away soon after ,Ying Lei also came to God alone should respect the practice of the .
relationresultGood !This time should be able to let Li Jian and Du law be afraid ! Should God statue of words that Ying Lei could be rather baffling . You go !You and I went to the Related articles:

