
cnn you still call Sl

! Von Rokuko catch chicken little hand ,fast from intrauterine flashed out ,also in them out at the moment, the entire palace bang sunken rocks ,snow ,dust four , relationresultWhenvon Rokuko and wind you from the bottom up, Feng Ling has been looking at Feng Liuzi ,she found the six brother always overcast , relationresultCold,just to destroy the palace ,she even see Ding Roku son was slight .
She didn why Feng Liuzi , relationresultYouwill hate this palace ,also don how Rokuko von .relationresultSix brother ,how are you ?Are you making you angry ? asks you lower the head wind .
relationresultVonRokuko hesitated, see Feng Zhao the grievance face, he loves to Feng Zhao in his arms and said: six brother is angry , relationresult,but not born Ling gas ,but the student that animal gas ,he killed many of the little girl , relationresultOh.
The wind suddenly understanding : my six brother was angry with him . , relationresultWhat do you think . Von Rokuko blowing wind Ling small nose .relationresultAt this moment,Feng Zhao suddenly feel nausea ,retching followed she vomited ,but for a long time did not spit spit , relationresultWhat.
relationresultHow Zhao ,how ? Feng Rokuko anxious patted Feng Ling back said .relationresultIt seems to be just the dust to choke up ,let ,I want you to give me to catch the frog .
.. Feng you don , relationresultReplied.relationresultpregnant ? Feng Rokuko joking said .relationresultOh ,you necrosis ,I didn ,we group all the Phoenix to pregnant mother said ,listen ,I still single , relationresultBody,by the world Reiki Institute students .
, relationresultWhat is the single carcass ply ? asks Feng Rokuko wonder .relationresultThe windbe proudly replied: is the mother, by absorption between heaven and earth with a nimbus I ,and I is not the father .
, relationresultt,and so the outrageous thing ? Von Rokuko eyes almost popped out of her head .relationresult,we the monster realm is the biggest characteristic of naturally conceived single carcass ply ,even at the appropriate time ,heaven and earth Reiki can directly produce spirit ,turned into humanoid ! , relationresultHearingFung Ling ,von Rokuko suddenly understanding : Oh ,I understand ,journey to the west, so Sun Wukong out,google, so it is true ? , relationresultFengZhao be rather baffling and asked: what Sun Wukong ?I only know the monster realm had a love heaven and earth is conceived ,but also my chicken clan ancestors ,but the old father early fly into god .
, relationresultAh ,not to say ,don say ,you evil boundary things too much, we play Feng Liuzi ,pulled the chicken little hand to run .relationresultHowever,when he and Feng Ling is not known ,because just interruptions ,let von Rokuko missed most of his life to make him regret a thing !relationresultEpisode second:Chapter ninetieth :extraordinary talent to accompany me to kill , relationresultUpdate: 2009-3-1816:22:23 chapter number :3934 , relationresultFlashis a month ,Feng Ling came to earth has been more than two months ,two months and Feng Ling Feng Rokuko traveled across all corners of the country ,more than the numerous hills and streams ,South Africa ,South America ,Australia and Europe and even to have left their imprint, two people as if time is same, does not stop shuttle back and forth in the world around the places of historic interest and scenic beauty ,eating delicious .
relationresultThe two months ofFeng Liuzi and Feng Ling ,should be their happiest most sweet two months, two different worlds ,different ideas come together in love ,and they put everything into the head ,enjoying the sweet ,that love !Because they know ,there is not much left.
The time has .relationresultWhen two peopleonce again appeared, has Wang Jitian and Li Jie to marry in Shanghai ,has become the industry of one big heat ,the two billionaire billionaire couple ,finally ended three years love long-distance race ,is about to enter the marriage hall, a national media coverage, to catch first hand data .
relationresultThe followingneed to reply to see , relationresultNight,Shanghai Jie long hotel .relationresultLong JieHotel is Li Jie initially established Samsung Hotel ,after some time ago expansion and reform ,now clean Dragon Hotel has become five star grade hotel .
relationresultHotelpresidential suite ,von Rokuko smiling at sitting in front of him high four and Li Jie and Tong snow and Ouyang Shaohua a few people .relationresultHow?Don to my wedding preparations ,what are you doing here ? Feng Liuzi smiled at Li Jie .
relationresultLi Jie glanced atit around in Feng Liuzi Feng Zhao ,then gave Feng Liuzi a look . not here to ask you about it ,if your baby you use ,cnn. , relationresultLend you ?What are you doing.
Feng Liuzi and Feng Zhao are all surprised at Li Jie .relationresultLi Jie smiled is of course the bridesmaids ,Ouyang is older than me ,the bridesmaid is not appropriate, snow and clients to entertain ,so it cannot be ,I think finally, only my sister is the most suitable one .
, relationresultLi Jiehad finished speaking, Feng Ling would be rather baffling to von Rokuko asked : six brother ,what a bridesmaid ? , relationresultVonRokuko smiled and shook his head ,then the scratch Feng Ling small nose and said: t mess around, go inside the room .
, relationresultPeople are asking ,Facebook... ... Feng Zhao unhappy pout tract .relationresultFeng Liuzi ignoredFeng Ling is not happy ,but directly to Li Jie replied : I Jill ,you are not suitable as bridesmaids ,you still call Slight Snow .
, relationresultLi Jie wasa dark ,some embarrassment to the point : I nodded ... ... I have another one . , relationresultLi Jiegangfinished the sentence ,Feng Ling is not dry, stand up and glared at Feng Liuzi said : no, I do Li sister bridesmaids ,six brother you promised me ,if I want to do, you let me go ,and I also like Lee sisters .
Hum . Feng Zhao said side pull Li Jie .relationresultLook at thechicken little stubborn way ,never say Ouyang Shaohua suddenly ,Feng Liuzi a look : your this person is boring, my sister all agreed, you have to stop doing ,is it right? Want Jill annoyed ? , relationresultYes ,you are the man is selfish ! Tong Xue also meets the road .
relationresultVonRokuko wry look at wind linger ,but in fact he is not selfish ,because he knew that the wind you here have not much time ,according to the wind you feel, is likely to be the last few days of his mother will come, if you really catch in her mother day had come ,that thing will be large .
But the wind be stubborn but let von Rokuko have a trace of love, because he promised the wind you ,whatever you want to do, want, as long as you can, will meet the wind you all wishes .
relationresultOkay ,okay, I promise ,but tomorrow I will give the following day . Feng Tao Rokuko compromise .relationresult,this is also similar, following the day the seat would give you ! Li Jie glanced at Feng Liuzi .
relationresultZhishizhizhongnot spoken high four see things settle down ,face some grim said: six brother ,fourth some words want to say to you ... , relationresultAthigh four expressions of serious ,Roku Ko knows for sure this time what happened ,so I nodded then stood up and said: we talk about it ! , relationresultSuiteroom, high four came in this time he told all Rokuko von . Related articles:

