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Fine smiling face you ,do not make a positive response .To maintain a posture that is too profound to be understood ,to watch .Naturally not at this time to plug in, he is now a thug !Only the key as barbarian .
.. ... General for time, not a barbarian time to shine ,google,so naturally he closed his eyes, as if asleep in general .relationresultThe wholemess ,they spread out to discuss ... ... This discussion without any nutrients, is blind why hu .
.. ... Sounds more and more ,also more and more lively atmosphere .Discussion on topics ranging from the original arms supplies to the unreasonable ratio ,to get supplies to do wicked things ,until it began to shout abuse .
.. ... Anyway, did the fight you know ,is not it ,do not break this paper ... ... Those who suffered bullying the small race ,at this time ,can enjoy ! sound ! . !It is found once in a blue moon vent opportunity !relationresultNaturalheart happy !It is like a series of landscape .
He could see a lot of interesting sight .Some are small race ,no power ,no right to speak .But be eager for the fray .Or looting !Some are neutral race ,at this time ,try to get some more ,so as not to be returned .
Or lose the neutrality of the advantage .The noisy period ,just took the opportunity to exert a pressure .Estimate usually them no room to talk ,this is the opportunity .As for those who do things offensive to God and reason things more, but did race ,at this moment is embarrassing .
But they remained still ,although the word is not much ,but it point at one but abuse another pain .This is no way ... ... Let them not enjoy popular support .relationresultBorn toalso see the Balrog ,family ,family reputation the worst wind field !Can say ,are a group of animals !Of course, this is also the point at one but abuse another persons indignation song !Tuoba clan and family and mother ,but much respected .
All for the two race of the least .On such occasions ,no evaluation ,even excellent level .Apparently the Tuoba and good mother two race in the minds of all ,still recognized .While the evaluation and for you this a hard material powers give great expectations, and for the king height evaluation and so on .
relationresultPraise,scorn ,condemn ,speak in excitement emotion ,be in high and vigorous spirits ,foam flying ,flush with shame ,eyes glared out the .What are !Born even with closed eyes ,but have to bring your own three-dimensional map, let him clear grasp to everyone changes !The most exaggerated, whenever the point at one but abuse another touch Yin Yao nervous ,he immediately distortions of the handsome face .
A thousand pointing fingers ... ... Looked at the faces of vivid face ,seemed to remember that secretly ,called the beast earned !Like ,I can and that you care about ,after going back ,we can summarize today you vent the declaration of independence !relationresultButthe scene anyway ,are you making, she is the arch-criminal provoke a dispute .
So the Balrog and Yin Yao from time to time to time to throw intense disdain light !But two of them also take you no way .Who let you reclaim fertile scales sea ?Now the demon who supplies the whole is in the charge of her .
If she unhappy, then who will not buy it .When the day is sad !At present to the banshee is the first heavy .In this scene ,Balrog just do nothing heard ,ear miscellaneous fart durian, he walked through the pass by .
.. ... Yin Yao really can not stand the siege ,he simply aiming at eyes East ,West ,an indifferent ,do not know everybody to discuss what expression .Simply to feign madness and act like an idiot !Play dumb !It is also the best choice .
relationresultThe goodmother after the speech ,also strangely silent, she listens ,and listened attentively .At the same time eyes constantly swept the Balrog and Yin yao .Seems to be observed in two people .
At the same time for the two or three race in special care ,with attention to their every act and every move ,this makes natural notice .The two race is not about her ... ... And seems to be associated with the Balrog or Yin Yao what implicated .
.. ... , relationresultWhen the twolayer of the conference hall ,intense discussions are conducted such as tea like fire ,Tuoba ghost be long in coming .He is personally accompanied by a systemic wound around the white gauze .
The woman immediately attracted the attention of born .Not much else ,is too strange ... ... , relationresultThe womanis tall ,almost natural head !Slender body is light ,give a person a kind of elegant feeling .
Her whole body around ash large white gauze .Wrapped like a dumplings .Even those with eyes of two transparent grey lens .No trace of the exposed body .Mystery .Her body seemed too light ,soft focus ,instead of a ,foot not touchdown ,the body floating in mid-air ,follow the ghost side slowly come .
The body also emits a strange fragrance .The smell is not immortal home frequently used, if the orchid Ruoxin ,and seems to be a kind of herbal medicine .relationresultYoulook at people ,pink face showed little surprise ,then gave a little unhappy .
But this was just moments instantly dies ,she is still a human and animal sound sweet smile .These details are not that keen Yin escape natural exploration .Presumably this mysterious dumpling children have nothing to do with you .
Or my enemy? Born to the world through a period of time to contact ,she was left a deep impression .You will not despise a man woman .There is no contempt epigenetic hate mood .Besides the mystery woman or a group .
Obviously there is unknown .Was born a mortal essence could not understand ?relationresultMoreover,the human life fairyland ,long ,generally successful, no good without ?Even his enemies, for a long time is a friend .
The immortal life and life is this thing !Can mix the world is so big ,rise see ,bow saw .We always have the time to meet .Therefore fairy house called enemies ,with the passage of time ,mostly fades .
Even if is born the two grams of spirit ,everybody entered the pole saints ,will bury the hatchet .These things are normal in fairyland .relationresultBorn toopen his eyes, not at the mysterious woman ,King sound came .
.. ... Her voice is very subtle ,know that sound . This is the monsters in monster his love ,but also the Mei tribe bedazzle there remained but a single one .Good turn bewitched ,will little people exercising mind .
This is not the Mahayana ,but also not far away .I have often suffer ,repeatedly fooled .Holy things carefully ,also cuts to look into her eyes . King of a hint to help big natural curiosity ,cnn.
.. ... The Inferno has soul through this concept? , relationresultNoisytalk hall suddenly quiet down ,this is very strange ,seems to leave and this mysterious woman appears ,everyone consciously to shut up ?Although many people though many did not enjoy, but surprisingly nothing more to say !King first speech .
Ha ha ,Facebook,very good ah .It seems that everyone has a little idea .Why not continue ?Also let Mei Ling and I ,in which ,listen to everybody for the recent perspectives within the group .
.. ... Ghost loud ringing, but within the lobby is muted .It seems that it was this two * *, let people lost in the discussion ,to discuss .Courageously ,to denounce the interest .
In moments of quiet ,so naturally also feel very confused .These demons ,taboo what? , relationresultBornwas strange ,King came again, this is generation and caning ,also for today rewards and punishments to people .
Some of their internal disputes ,naturally does not want to let this smell ,they are silent .It is also wise to save .Saint without speech ,later my own judgment . I was born ,the Related articles:

