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Have no Wei Long Bang any further behind, the Wei dragon helps of the person would like to join a purple sword alliance of hereafter follow eagle young master, blood Phoenix 2 beat world, other persons at will love why and then why go!"
"Eldest brother, do you want to go where?"Chen Hai Po's an under charge asks a way.
"I am getting older, shed leaves to return a root, it's time to go home and see!"Chen Hai Po hopes Xiao jade Ling Dao:"Thus, always should pass my this old bone?"
Xiao jade Ling Dao:"You are old can the torrent current is brave to back me again would not dare to again embarrass?We the purple sword alliance take orders voluntarily a principle, as long as doing not set against with us, everyone can at will leave!"
Liu Tao difficultly held center of the chest to kneel to sit and spewed out a blood again this time, self-effacing fall on the ground.
Seeing many people very cant not bear to the ground looking at Liu Tao , the Xiao jade Ling eyes on turning, to farmland brave way:"This guy is a man, send a person to send to hospital right away hospital!"
The Chen Hai Po's eye midstream leads a silk to appreciate greatly and nods a way:"See come still the Chuan help of old Xu Kan's affair understand, I am really to be getting older, since it is so, so I still keep leaving!"
Xiao jade Ling He Dao:"Chen Lao slowly walks!Have no what is up of words, everyone also all spread, tomorrow the person of purple sword alliance from meeting go to connector field son, you respectively field son should by whom be responsible for temporarily still by whom be responsible for, unless discovered a problem in our check, otherwise everything is as usual!"
Everyone's son gradually spreads to go, Xiao jade Ling Rang Ren tidies up and also arrives at a people hospital along with the ambulance from the son.

Chapter 2

If detection which day I have no renew as usual, also have no notice, you have whether the power doubt natural disaster and man-made calamity took place …… didn't the power is off today, pour is oddness, however my cook all night dizzy dizzy slept for a day, what don't also do, the living creature clock disordered, head also not make.
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On returning to a hospital, discover Xiao Lei while ascending the Lei is feeding thing for Qi Rui, the Xiao jade Ling sees Xiao Lei Lei happily shout loudly a way:"Lei Lei, am I about to seek you!"
The Xiao Lei Lei lets go of a bowl, tiny tiny on the face a red, way:"You run where go to?Is whole to all disappear a person in the afternoon, now how much order you just know to come back, also so loudly scream madly, is really very naughty, if of Qi Rui what affair how do?"
Xiao jade Ling Tu sticks out tongue, way:"Not is know you will here I just dare to trust brave ground go out of, Xi Xi, have you this super doctor special grade the nurse is here, can have to be much better than me!"
"Ling Ling, who get hurt?Is so hasty to want to seek Lei Lei?"The Qi Rui still lies prone on the bed, his empress' carrying on the back is burned, right hand, bottom, many thighs are played a slice to shoot, although all have operation play slice, bullet to dug out, but the wound can'ts accept Long so quickly and has to continue to lie prone like this,Beats Solo HD.
"Be not ……just came back of time discovers a person lying on the road on the road, I give° him to bring back, want to show Lei Lei he how."Xiao jade Ling Tu vomits a small tongue, the tunnel of Jiao Qiao, how also can not see clearly her before more than ten minutes that cold appearance.
"That is all right, let the plum son feed thing for me to eat, you go to lo lo!"The appearance that sees a Xiao jade Ling , the Qi Rui knows that she didn't see blood tonight, mood also like order, as a men, he doesn't think that the woman who let he lives the day of bloody fighting all day long as well.
The Xiao jade Ling pulls Xiao Lei Lei before arriving at Liu Tao 's sickbed, the doctor once gave him the lo and opened to order to fall a dozen to spread the medicine of Yu just.
Xiao Lei the Lei know on seeing problem not to, tooks a look to steal to smile of Xiao jade Ling Dao:"Is he really what you come back from the street Jian?"
Stealthily a pair younger brother that stays by the side Liu Tao the Wu wore a mouth to run to go out.
Xiao Yu Ling knows to deceive however this big doctor smile happily a ground of frank way:"This guy scolds me, I slightly gave him the two times, Xi Xi!"
"Slightly?I see the words that I don't make moves him the second half generation son being about to encounter offense!He exactly did what bad matter let you descend so malicious hand?Why to contuse and want to save him?"The Xiao Lei Lei blinks eyes way.
"Ah, this guy despises a woman, scolding me is a smelly old woman Niang, do you say that my spirit doesn't annoy?However beat to also regret afterwards, this guy's looking is also a man, so I bring back him to make you cure, you know, these harm only you can cure well ……"Xiao jade the Ling also blink eyes way.
"See on your face I cure for him all right, his life is big, incredibly met with I, hum!"
The Xiao Lei Lei turns over Liu Tao of the last body bareness to make him lie prone on the bed and tooks a look the regiment extravasated blood of his center of the chest and brushed ground to put three gold needles up, through the hollow gold needle of specially made, slowly pulled out out the blood clot in his body.
Use go to the two greatest regiments disinfect cotton, he empress the blood clot of the heart is thin to also see be missing quickly, Xiao Lei Lei this just pull out needle, the carrying dredges for him to be blocked inside the dint of blood vessels.
"Spittoon!"The Xiao Lei Lei drinks a way.
The Xiao jade Ling served to also learn many things for two days of Qi Rui, hurriedly under the bed of the spittoon took out, the Xiao Lei Lei manipulates strong Liu Tao like a small doll, lifted him to get up to make him sit a while, the Xiao jade Ling hurriedly passes the spittoon to his in front.
Xiao Lei Lei luck once the achievement urge, Liu Tao 'burst'ground one vomited a big blood clot to come out.
"Like, take a few days off and then have no a matter."The Xiao Lei Lei is used to along with take of disinfection water sprayed to spray on the hand, doing grimace Ling Dao was to the Xiao jade.
Liu Tao already awake come over, he silently sees Xiao Lei Lei is one eye and looking at a Xiao jade Ling with the self-contradict tastes again.
Xiao jade Ling Dao:"You trust ground to keep body well here, the affair of your home need not worry and ascend tomorrow morning me will notify that your younger sister comes over to see yours!"
"Not!The person who don't want to let my home knows ……"Liu Tao Ji's way.
"That is all right, you want to let who come to call on you?"
"Need not, I this gets out of the hospital!"Liu Tao bites a tooth to struggle to get up.
Xiao Lei the Lei stretch hand back at him lightly on touching, Liu Tao shouted loudly 1 to lie to return to, the whole body is painful cold sweat direct current.
"I say to take a few days off well don't say your running about aimlessly everywhere is free and see and see, in addition deep now condition of the injury, you must eat last several days suffering,cheap dr dre beats!Honestly foolish here,Beats Detox, otherwise I dare to say that you could not walk ten will throw up blood but Wu, doesn't your letter believe?"Xiao Lei Lei cold tunnel.
"You are what I contuse, I not miss your any affair, you also not hope that the family worry about you?Eldest brother Chen has already handed over to you me, you even if doing not want to mix with me must also wait to harm good say again, your younger sister's school fees still have to you to collect, do you want to make the old father whom your younger sister stops schooling to still make you maim go out a part-time job?"The Xiao jade traverses sense of right Lin however tunnel.
The Mao ground of Liu Tao Jue Zao Qi becomes overdo to go to, the Xiao Lei Lei pulls Xiao jade the Ling walked to go out and ordered those two under charges Be very good-looking to protect, forbid Liu Tao to move indiscriminately, then absquatulate.
Once ran to turn Cape, 2 people ascended the Wu wore mouth Luo Luo to smile.
"Your quality, incredibly so whole he!"The Xiao jade Ling smiles the tearses all flowed out.
"Ha ha, who make him despise chemisette?Hum, originally lay last three days some matter to also have no, I was it happened that to want his per hour painful last time, painful he three geniuses were sufficient!"Xiao Lei Lei's canning not see clearly is also a little witch.
"Ah, that he not is hate to die me?"Xiao jade Ling Dao:"This person isn't bad!"
"You say an another man like this is the not afraid Qi Rui jealous?"The Xiao Lei Lei says with smile.
"What is your blah!"The Xiao jade Ling stretches hand to go to ha her Yang Yang, 2 people make track for to beat to run while smiling to make, in the deep night sky Related articles:

