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Sky.From that time on, I again the 沒 has the scenario to see the 過 sader 傷 .That 時 waits,cnn, I in front 這 class person probably only 20 餘歲s, his 們s all morally upright 壯 year."
A big 戰時 , day 軍視 the virtuous 國戰 capture 賓 of 為 , but 20 years, Hou, everything completely changes 寫 .Two big 戰時s expect, the day 軍兇殘 ground the 對 need the 戰 of medium 國 , Singapore and 緬 Dian and 馬來亞 to capture and civilian, most Hou drive hat in the world with cold-blooded 殘 suddenly and violently of criminal charges.
In addition to this, Japanese more from 視為優 more of race, 對 "榮譽 ", "humiliation" and 領 Xiu"Emperor" in 國 house have Zhao 與 the 別 the different 見 solution.The 這 viewpoint 驅 makes 軍籌 the 組 "absolute being 風隊 " in day make to offend 擊 from the 殺 type and makes large numbers of Japanese civilians die from the 殺 before the 領 in the outside 國軍隊佔 and more make 數 with 萬計 soldier the 寧 dead don't decline.
This 節 eyes 採訪 front day 軍 soldier, the absolute being 風隊飛機師 and alliance 軍 the 戰 capture and victim, with latest collections the film and the short subject of 記錄 of來 , announce to public the 軍 in day in the unruly conduct that two big 戰時s expect.In the 當 more the 討論 arrive fantastic thing, including the Jing 國 absolute being agency, the anthropophagi affairs of現 in the 戰爭 , make cold 殘 of public suddenly and violently torture, the 還 has the absolute being 風 of the 隊 現 and at Japanese 現 big 規 mold civilian from the act Hou of the 殺 true facts.
See it is said that is the Japanese in the British's eyes of gentleman most, also scold I sully Japanese of can shut up, again at I of the book review area see that kind of talk for the Japanese of the words of invitation card, very sorry, I am using the right for ascending me, forbiding for you and talking!I don't hope to see those invitation cards break down own mood.
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◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎Qi Rui they rush through at the front of car brigade's arriving at has already scheduled to a good bivouac order and waited favour a night of the warriors sleep awake from sleep, open the tourist group of big Ba just come leisurely.
"Everyone literally eats some thing, our next targets are …… beauty of Dan wave lake ……" Qi Rui smiles happily ground to say.
Bluish cloud Tung and Jiang Yun tings loosenned tone while seeing him being safe and sound to ascend and heard the Qi Rui very happy ground introduce how these obstinate Mao of the ninjas to tidy up, bluish cloud Tung not from get a strange way:"Did not true[one] persons kill?"
Qi Rui satisfied tunnel:"Certainly, I am a kindness and docile of person!"
"Slice!"The nobody believes his outright lies, however also have no who again keep on cross-examining, until walk to arrive piece be clearly just secretly depending to come over to ask a way halfway:"Do you still have those bad symptoms now?"
"Have."The Qi Rui freely answers a way.
"Oddness ……" piece is just clear wrinkly eyebrows to say.
"Is not strange at all, ascended last night I had never killed those kids to have reason, heel different in that orphanage, didn't you feel?What orphanage trains is a cold-blooded cutthroat, they don't have their own thought, what ninja developed is a future successor, they is have thought, although I occasionally have brutal viewpoint,I ain't complete to control, otherwise of words perhaps the first want to put out me of is you six?"Qi Rui smile don't smile ground to spread sound to say to him.
"Not, " piece just clearly positive color way:"We have never lost confidence to you, particularly now, we believe that you have already controled the method of controling the evil, trust more."
"That you just oddness what?"The Qi Rui asks a way.
"I think that you are all not hand goes limp to Japanese."The piece is clearly saying with smile:"Ascended us to start still last night to really think those little devils have already been killed off."
"Ha ha, the Japanese also separates the quality, not the ability is all but speech, besides ……ha ha, don't say, again say you perhaps again want in addition to evil Wei way!"See Qin Meng Yun's sister gather together to come over, the Qi Rui beats ha ha say with smile.
"Luo Luo ……" Zhao Zhi Hua says with smile:"Our current combination still true of oddness, if several decades ago, absolutely can't someone believe."
"Science and technology is flourishing now, new thought new science and technology of various each kind piles up one after another, the ability ratio of accepting of everyone was strong before 10,00000% not only, evil door even if still have one silk evil ways, but have already canned not arise everyone interest for laying siege to of everyone's son."
There is perfect transportation in Japan, Qi Rui they but the mountain climbing trudge, but walk faster by big Ba, came right away on that afternoon beautiful of Dan wave lake, after finding out a bivouac to order camp out, everyone took the skin rowling of the spirit of Chong to flow out into Dan wave in succession lake inside, even many people-included the Qi Rui- to be dressed in a swimming trousers to jump into pure lake inside, freely and at ease visited.
"Feed, don't want down a swimming?Is very comfortable of oh, water isn't cold, true!"The Qi Rui seduces into wrong doing a way.
Many females greatly move for idea, just is a little bit worried that the ground looking at Qi Rui, the Qi Rui badly says with smile:"I will rush through them from a distance and trust!"
"What we worried is you!"Many female a burst of Jiao Chens, the plastics boat syrup Fen falls to hit Qi Rui such as rain difficult cent thing.
Finally various female still enemy however that lures, an as a result also all takes a swimsuit and seems to be still and has the meaning of the game, incredibly a less than a material, see Qi Rui the within an ace of nosebleed wildly spray, also ashamed foolish at many fragrant cluster of in, visit a part and walk the warriors of reporting the camp and beat and have naval battle and have fun.
Far and far, two ninjas wear a this place in the lo jollification of condition,Facebook, after observing along while descend settle a language way:"This is the general visitor, we didn't need to be worried, they could not also break the enticing that we establish and return to, the underwater training can temporarily stop before they walk ……alas, now visitor where all go, and more and more, is really a trouble extremely."
The enticing cans make people insensibly leave original road and heads for another different direction, generally is used to conceal own residence so as not to be bothered, sometimes some not clear so of the person will think to meet with what peculiar thing, have of be called ghost to beat feet, is one to avert from the common run of people good strategies.
This kind of small cheap trick deceives not to live Qi Rui naturally and also deceives however evil religious section to help of the superior.
The special activity brigade of tourist group then started acting after the night, Qi Rui at use luminous telescope far and far the lo arrives in water in sky to hand over to answer of place some silver is only rowing circle, he who received secret password immediately issues order to set out, those skins rowlings that originally regard as a game toy load down roaring warriors of vehemences to then row toward the center of lakes of Dan wave lake.
The hand ascends heel almost completely same yesterday, only many more than ten black dress ninjas, the Qi Rui also arranged manuscript for them tonight, see their performance capabilities.
The base that water endures on the center of lake islet of Dan wave lake, however this islet isn't born, that the ninjas one in water bottom is convex to rise but have never peeped out surface water bottom highland up use timber or bamboo of waterproof grease build without basis of the building Ge in water, if done not cover up Related articles:

