
cnn The thief bile TXT complete works _395

Is feeling , relationresultLanXin is clearly loves to cut ,can be so concerned about his views .relationresultReally? Don lie . Zhao Lanxin just to relax a little .relationresultXiao Yuheart was throbbing ,Zhao Lanxin take over, tightly in his arms ,looking at her lips ,kissing up ,straight to the Zhao Lanxin kiss was flush with shame .
relationresultAfter a long time,Xiao Yucai put Zhao Lanxin released .relationresultThis screenshot is good, should go online ,topic called the vampire . Xiao Yu said with a smile .relationresultHow dareyou !Zhao Lanxin stared Xiao Yu ,their first kiss would be rather baffling to no ,this guy actually cheekily a comment ,Zhao Lanxin really wanted to severely flat to him, although like this, was filled with bursts of sweet .
relationresultonline, to look like rain . Xiao Yu music ,like Zhao Lanxin light ,thin angry look ,pink cheek lets a person cannot help wanting to bite .relationresultYour love called enough ,the start .
relationresultLeonardo coughed, tract .relationresultThisis definitely a jealous ,reminiscent of those memories, Xiao Yu heart could not help but some heavy sigh ,sigh , Lan Xin said : let .
, relationresultWell . Zhao Xin replied .relationresultTwo peopleflew up into the air ,Xiao Yu looks on the ground due to the ghost of Beamon ,Xiao imperial property prices, the ghost of Beamon is greatly improved, the head also increased many ,the properties of high horror ,Xiao Yu calculation, ghost Bimengduo out that part of properties, is exactly the Xiao Yu capacity of 3% ,the original owner for each additional 1 attributes ,cnn,summon creatures can be increased by 3 points ,but this number is too small, almost negligible ,never being present .
relationresultCombat between vampires,the ghost of Beamon is definitely doesn ,it is impossible to fly to heaven ,Xiao Yu mind flashed through an idea ,his various attributes increased a lot ,the ghost of Beamon although the increase was only 3% of them have strong strength ,very from the spectrum ,deal with the porcupine warriors without any problems .
The ghost of Beamon has certain intelligence ,even away from the master ,can also move around ,why don make it clear ?relationresultThis isa great idea ,so they can rest assured to do the task, the ghost of Beamon upgrade without delay ,is a shoot two hawks with one arrow ,even the ghost of Beamon hang nothing .
relationresultXiao YuBeamon issued a directive to the ghost ,the ghost of Beamon towards the distant porcupine warriors activities in the region to go .relationresultWhat haveyou done .He curiously asked Zhao Lanxin .
relationresultLet the ghost of Beamon to upgrade . Xiao Yu said with .relationresultHave to say,the head is quite clever ,ghost than * * since the upgrade can save a lot of time for him .
relationresultKeep pace with.Leonardoda said ,in the depths of porcupine cave * * fly .relationresultXiaoYuhe Zhao Lanxin a eye ,with it ,they know ,Leonardo is they go in search of halstead .
Xiao Yu hearts have some doubts ,Holls is the ancestor of all vampires ,will be like Leonardoda, can mentally control them.? If Holls would like Leonardoda to control them ,that this battle how to fight? , relationresultEvery vampire can only control their first generation of offspring ,because vampire blood is injected into a human body ,and the blood of human variation, continue into the second generation descendants of the time ,blood completely change .
So they cannot control the second generation descendants . Leonardo seemed to see Xiao Yu misgive ,explains .relationresultXiaoYu finally understand why Leonardoda Holls hands and prosthetic hand to him, just for such method .
relationresultHis strength ? , relationresultDescent with and maternal gift ,but strength depends on the willpower is strong weak, will more strong, actual strength is stronger .What ,I don .
Leonardoda said .relationresultThe originalvampire world, there is such a rule ,hope Holls is too strong ,otherwise they will .But this is no way things ,Xiao Yuhe Zhao Lanxin left this way ,either to complete the task ,or die .
relationresultIn a darkcave in the shuttle, then a giant bat flew past ,these giant bats is fierce ,but see Leonardo ,do not dare move ,Leonardo raises his sword red sword ,a giant bat chopped .
relationresultThese are Holls minions . Leonardoda said .relationresultSinceHolls minions ,Xiao Yu won ,towards a giant bat jumped forward, sword sword ,bang bang ,giant bat exploded into a mist of blood ,he hit more than 30000 damage numerical .
relationresultXiao Yuxian,the giant bats are level twenty-five elite ,was himself a seckill ,after transformation force is horrible .relationresultZhao Lanxin aside thelesser strength than Xiao Yu ,hand took a turn from Leonardo there to get the sword ,is more than sufficient to deal with these giant bats .
relationresultText chapter three four zero count package , relationresultThe thiefbile chapter three four zero count package , relationresultA bodyforce .W was strong to outrageous .At the beginning of the .
Xiao Yu is unable to meet the needs of .After a period of time after the war .He can use the power of self .relationresultXiao Yu haskilled a giant bat .But there are still some giant bats away .
relationresultTake down agiant bat after .Xiao Yu looked back at Zhao Lanxin .relationresultZhao Lanxinsword thorn out slowly .Like slow real .Through a giant bat body .Through its heart .
Giant bat from the sky .A heavy fall in the upper .relationresultThis is the art ? Royal surprised said .He didn have such a stunt .relationresultIn the military science .By fighting and fencing .
Do not drag you down . Zhao Lanxin said .See Shaw Royal surprised child .Mouth slightly upturned .relationresultXiao Yusmile ha ha .Zhao Lanxin martial art so strong .After entering the game .
Combatives although it turned out to be useless .But the stress also adjust to changing circumstances .How to drag myself back ?relationresultXiao Yu glanced athis skill bar .Somehow the thief fighting skills but also can not use .
relationresultThese skills,it should be able to use .Fly over a long distance .A giant bat in front of her royal .Positive wayfinding channeling .relationresultDart!relationresultXiaoYuyi a dart to the giant bats .
By the sudden acceleration effect .The hands of the vampire teeth toward the giant bat chop down .Giant bat sharp vampire Fang sword cut fly .relationresultDashskills can .To dash skills acceleration effect .
In the battle for absolute can be received in the last effect .relationresultThe lunge.relationresultXiao Yu hands of thesuction ghost teeth together in the air across the red streamer .Through a giant bat body .
The giant bat shot .Sting also can use .relationresultIn addition to the twoskills .Xiao Yu continued to test including crack explosion .Are also used .But the backstab backhand stab in the back and so on short weapon could cast technology .
Use the vampire play without root .Since a thrusting and dart skill can be used .Estimation of lung surgery can also be used .Because of their own strength increased substantially Xiao Yu .
This lung surgery might also can be strong on many .relationresultLeonardoda tookXiao Yuhe Zhao Lanxin way to kill him to pay attention to Xiao Yuhe Zhao Lanxin action .To his surprise Zhao Lanxin fighting ability than he imagined to be much stronger .
As for Xiao yu .Various emerge in an endless stream of fighting skills even he was surprised .Leonardoda hearts flash of ecstasy .Xiao Yuhe Zhao Lanxin strength that he saw a glimmer of hope .

