
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu of these intelligen

Come to say:"Hide however go to, they used to fly a dog to track, we can not get away from ……have never thought them to unexpectedly have this trick, H'm, see appearance the future not kind."China eagle doesn't understand the function of these intelligence electronics devices, he asks a way:"Light rain, do we want to wait here?"Lin Qi Yu says:"The geography is spacious here, it is can hardly for us to get away and rather and first descend to go and go back and forth with them in the hole ……they I see still get into stone cave better, even if the persons also display not to open more."He started trying to practice to once study before of military tactics theory, look for to personal square beneficial form, the environment advantage all anyway wanted to make use of first.

China dance Hao says with smile:"Is afraid of, can the soldier have much big ability?My a person beats more than tens to have no problem."Lin Qi Yu's facial expression seriously says:"Mouse, they aren't common soldiers, a special kind soldier!Inside the many people is super to evolve, the real strenght is not- same sort, and all of them is after the person of true war, pay attention to match to battle most , impossible with you list dozen only Dou.

"Brother-in-law, we walk first and seek better geography ……regrettable, my bomb was used up."China dance Hao totally unconcerned the ground say:"Admire, light rain, exaggerated too much."If he don't believe Lin Qi Yu, clean person of Fu sky never super evolution see in the eye, in controling energy, they compare a super evolution badly get many.

Lin Qi Yu is also lazy to explain, he knows China dance Hao these.The persons are all severe superiors, but they don't know, one has organization and has discipline, and owns first troops of entering the weapon material, anything but their superior like this can deal with.He from small have already been subjected to education of this aspect, really know that the troops have much real strenght.

4 people ride to resist to drive to hurtle toward the entrance to cave to, not and in a short while disappear in the underground.2 flies a dog motion tracker to quietly keep up with, the signal constantly and constantly delivers to return to.

The Wei Sen led two special kind squads, twos were common of strengthening and connecting brigade, totally and nearly 500 people, among them, the special kind is soldier more than 200 personses, super evolution more than 70 persons, plus various forerunner's weapon to equip, he doesn't believe to deal with those people.

Sit in suspending chariot, the Wei Sen keeps pressing to speed up, even if some soldiers drive of the double empty boat to person bump on the cliff, he the slightest doesn't sway as well.

According to flying the signal that the dog motion tracker sends out, the Wei Sen issues order that the troops tracks but goes to.He knows it in heart, those people can't treat at first etc. he or she.

Continued to shoot 10 to fly a dog motion tracker, the signal delivered to suspend in the chariot, the troops is light loose ground of to catch up with ten thousand hole boundaries.After flare gets off the ground, all soldiers dumbstruckly looking at this peculiar place ……can not reckon how many of entrance to cave wreath the wreath mutually button up, entrance to cave strange form strange form, the mutual depends very nearly, the of two entrance to caves usually only together horizontal beam partitions.Each deep hole is all conjoint, the gloomy and damp algidity constantly surges forward, at reflecting of flare Chen the bottom seem to be excrescent terror, the light grey color smoke covers with in the entrance to cave above.

The adjutant says:"Superior, do we want to keep on tracking?The signal that sends out according to the motion tracker suggests that those people have already got into entrance to cave."The Wei Sen deliberated a short moment and said:"Suspend chariot and suspend gun carriage and suspend armoured vehicles all and stay in the sky, at any time preparation support, first squad with second squad with I next go, you adjust an empty boat and go together and keep communication unimpeded with me …… my rebind protection A, and my war knife goes fetch."The empty boat is in common use special forces pileup, its shape is very beautiful, head Gao Gao Qiao since, car head is a triangle of, the end of the tail is thin long.An empty boat can embark 2 people.

The empty boat doesn't take weapon, but can provide a certain protection.It depend the body respond to drive, the body anteversion is acceleration, empress the Yang is a deceleration, the left side is a left turn, and the right side is also to turn right, and rebinds the helmet knot of protection A to put together, can do smaller action.

The Wei Sen wears very jet black shinily rebind a protection of A, wear the helmet in good black, fly a body to jump in an empty boat.

A soldier lifts a to chase 160 cms long, the strange form of two palm breadths long knife, call a way:"Superior, knife!"The Wei Sen stretched hand to once connect to throw of war knife, the anti- hand puts on the weapon of getting empty the boat, loudly way:" The first squad lines up search a brigade form, second squad ……battle array, follow me!"The empty boat is abrupt however next to sink, quickly rush at huge entrance to cave.

More than 100s empty boat file in but go into, send out to sharply break an empty voice.The Wei Sen shouts command a way:" First squad, track signal to show at a helmet video frequency inside, everyone's readying to his/her own weapon, once being subjected to any threat, need not pass by me to agree, can immediately counter-attack!The brotherses speed up!".

Lin Qi Yu the felling at this time isn't very good, he says:"I how always the mind is not and rather of?Always feel that the pursuing troops of behind is more and more near."He operated Jia to collapse to once wear an entrance to cave and originally liked this kind of very much lightning fast of speed, now but feel very uncomfortable, seem to have a kind of disaster is upon us felling.

China eagle soars to before fly at Lin Qi Yu, he turns head to say:"Do not worry, it is can hardly for them to track, the geography here is very complex."China the dance Ya and China dance Hao a left a right heel at Lin Qi Yu nearby, four people present article form to speed forward.

Was horizontal to once wear a chain of caves, the cold and damp breathing was hard to bear with and hang on the stone wall full ice Ling , the battle wears energy to undulate, they arbitrarily wear a line of in the interval.

Before have the one energy the motion dissemination to open suddenly, China eagle soars to drink low a way:"Put slow speed!"Front a group of persons are China eagles to blare them.4 Lin Qi Yus hang to stop in the sky, listens to China eagle blaring a small voice to remind a way:"Do not make a noise,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, see that direction!"The place that they hang to stop is a together huge stone beam, a spacious space under, an eye could not hope a side, sees heavy mist vacillating and see not pure below is a ground or what.

Lin Qi Yu takes out to scan locator to inspect, he in astonishment discovers, the heavy mist floats at Be about ten meters apart from the ground or so height, ground from the sticky liquid composing of a kind of oddness, scanning the locator can not distinguish is what material, carry on real object analysis to just go.

While scanning locator feedback information, Lin Qi Yu came across the monster said by China dance water, he thought that that is the huge a cake of rock in the beginning, careful a see just discover, that was unexpectedly a spine.He cannot help but pouring to take a suck at cool spirit, this trick is also a lot too big, even if be apart from thus faraway, still feel that very huge China eagle soars to don't understand a ground of small track:"Stop dry here what?Rush through to leave at once!"Lin Qi Yu used to scan locator to back and forth rock to scan for a while and lost a voice to call a way:"2?Is two monsters!"His in the mind is shocked matchless, if two so big monster attacks come over, absolutely don't dare to imagine how to cope with.He hurriedly way:"We have to leave here, too dangerous."China eagle soars to suddenly return overdo, hurriedly the ground says:"What voice?"Lin Qi Yu twists a head to listen attentively and says:"Walk quickly, this is the empty boat!"The Wei Sen took big brigade person's horse to make track for to come up.

An empty boat appears at above, the hasty way of Lin Qi Yu:"Brother-in-law lets them walks quickly!"China eagle blares to say:"I face up, you walk first!"He rides to resist to drive to rush to go upward, one speech of Lin Qi Yu not hair close on the heels of afterward.

China eagle soars to drink a way:"Is old three, dry old, take others to walk quickly!"China eagle male roars and shouts a , straightly rush at an underneath, greatly drink a way:"Follow me!"Sons in a group of China house follows him to hurtle downward.

China eagle soars 3 people high speed upward, Lin Qi Yu with take out storm to flow.3 people just rushed out entrance to cave and got empty boat to surround 3 people, saw a top and bottom or so front and back, is all the empty boat in silver white.

The cave space of ten thousand hole boundaries is biggest like the sponge body enlarged, the space of cave had overwhelming majority, and the stone wall horizontal beam just propped up a spatial shelf.China eagle soars long smile 1, drink a way:"What person are you ?"The body of the Wei Sen tiny anteversion, the empty boat immediately hurtles into a ring of encirclement.He cans see well in the helmet scanner, the in the mind feels very surprised, the at present situation is too uncanny, three big fellows of shape halenesses, riding will fly of monster, each monster contain long 56 meterses, is all outside star living creature that has never seen ……those sit at empty boat up of soldier, also an is shock, they have never seen a so uncanny field as well

