
Facebook The thief bile TXT complete works _246

The Shaw Yuyou seconds into transient blindness .The explosion to bang to Xiao Royal ears buzzed .relationresultFor a long time,white light dimmed ,the whole world gradually calm down .
Bound Xiao Royal vine automatic atrophy disappears .Xiao Yu field of vision gradually returned to normal .Open your eyes and see to .The ground is a mess ,to the palace to the ground and wall explosion left a deep pit .
relationresultXiao Yuwangblasts central look .The explosion crater central ,stood a skeleton ,it onto the skin has no .Looks very ugly .relationresultXiao Yurecognized .This skeleton is actually Ai Ji Leah .
The explosion destroyed her skin ,exposing her body .Her essence but Bihar is even more ugly to a skeleton !relationresultIf thehall at the scene .What will he think? Ai Kim Liya Bernard almost obsession and madly in love ,will it disappear ?relationresultMost of the time,we look at things .
Are things like the surface .See thing intrinsic .Face the how? In the husk ,she more than anyone to be ugly !relationresultQuack, I ,I was dead ,I am immortal . The skeleton sharp raucous laughter ,it is difficult to imagine ,this skeleton is just the Aggie Leah .
relationresultSee Ai Kim Liyais not dead ,Xiao Yu frowned ,would eventually need to do it yourself ?Xiao Yu gave the skull dropped the investigation .relationresultUndeadskeletons :Twenty aggrandizement elite ,volume 0 , relationresultThe 0volume , how not to die? Xiao Yuyi Leng, suddenly realized what .
Eyes fell on the hands of the Oracle book .relationresultOraclebook issued a faint white light ,is a warm atmosphere surrounded by .Xiao Yu looked to the distant ugly skull ,slowly raise the left hand to Oracle book .
relationresultTrial of the god!relationresultA whitelight beam bombardment in the Aggie Leah body .relationresultDon. Ai Kim Liya screaming ,white light a little swallow .A little bit of ablation ,finally disappeared without a trace .
relationresultWhite lightdisappears ,leaving the ground for some of the ashes .relationresultXiaoYu looked down at the hands of the Oracle book .Oracle automatically opens the book .The breeze to Oracle book page by blowing .
Oracle book on writing a row disappeared ,into a blank page ,Oracle book automatically turn to the last page .On the last page of the pages ,slowly revealed a number of feather pen to handwriting :relationresultThank you ,dear angel .
, relationresultIs the faith ! Xiao Yuleng .Search around the eyes ,and found no trace of faith ,this line of words appear after .Disappeared again .Oracle book floating slowly up .
Suspended in the air ,the sound of the .Disappear in the sky cleared away ,a white portal in his royal eyes appeared out of nowhere .relationresultXiao Yuglanced around our eyes to battlefield .
Feel relaxed and hitherto unknown ,a faint smile: mission accomplished . , relationresultSystem:mission accomplished .relationresultSystem:you get the quest rewards ,experience points , relationresultSystem:you get the quest rewards ,gold 200 .
relationresultBuzz.A sound upgrade tone ,Xiao Yu to look at the experience value, rise to the twenty-four Royal currently ranked in the unholy alliance ratings list to third position .
The first is a level twenty-five .relationresultSystem:you get task reward .The glory of the value 500 .relationresultThe task of the additional Honor reward value ? Xiao Yu is a surprise .
Look at the current honor points ,advanced the centurion to yao .Distance advanced very early in the morning .relationresultSystem:you get task reward .Faith gift of Oracle leather armor ,automatic bag equipment .
relationresultThere isa piece of equipment to reward ?Xiao Yu glanced at the backpack was obtained this piece of leather .relationresultFaithto the gift of the Oracle :grade leather armor .
Legends class .Ten level enhanced defense defense .Dodge ten 5% .The killing is obtained when the experience value of ten 5% .When attacked by rate trigger fee Sizhi guard skills .relationresultFeeSizhi Guardian :open a defensive barrier ,absorb damage .
The total energy absorption strike damage .relationresultThisleather property is good ,especially the Dodge plus 5% and fee Sizhi Guardian two properties of several other attributes are also not bad .
Xiao Yu will be on the land of a down, put it on fee Sizhi guardian ,a lower Shangdi equipment .The vast majority are legendary equipment .To collect so many legends class equipment ,is really not easy .
relationresultGiven the task ofreward .Xiao Yu had no regrets ,looked back at the scene of this task ,stepped into the portal .relationresultText chapter two three two barter , relationresultXiao Yu returned to thedark night city .
A copy of this task makes Xiao Yu harvest quite abundant ,some things still need to handle it .relationresultLook atthe distant sky .It will be dark .relationresultGo to the free market have a look .
Then off to eat a meal . Xiao Yu thought ,to free market direction .relationresultThe free market is thetrading platform to sell in a line, another deal mainly local .Trading platform to sell equipment for renminbi .
The auction to sell equipment in exchange for gold ,the free market to barter ,under normal circumstances ,there appeared a cutting-edge equipment than the auction and trading platform more, who is not bad money the team to not need their own sophisticated equipment ,will be to the free market in exchange for other team needs to sophisticated equipment .
relationresultIna free market ,Xiao Yu directly to senior district .Senior area exchange items are some epic ,legendary equipment as well as the rare materials .relationresultXiao Yu backpackhas a lot of epic ,the most precious is the alloy and the energy sword .
So to senior district switching equipment or very confident .relationresultCheckthe body and equipment .In addition to hand ,shoulder pad ,Facebook,boots and a few ring outside .Other equipment are all above the level of the legend .
relationresultXiao Yu entered thefree market thief and brigand equipment trading .Thief and brigand equipment trading area has many colored occupation to game player who exchanges ,with the largest number of thieves .
relationresultXiao Yuyi entered thetrading area ,caused the people attention to game player .relationresultThe robber which team ?Why haven ? , relationresultMay be a guild member ? , relationresultInthe game player eyes ,is only those big guild ,big teams can afford such a powerful equipment of a thief .
relationresultEvena legends class equipment .Too annoying .Game player who look to Xiao imperial eyes are looking at a class enemy .relationresultThe root of allasset classes !relationresultLet ,let a rogue and a soldier pushed the game player ,going this way .
relationresultSeethe two game player to face .The common game player who have retreated .relationresultIs a Vulcan fury man .We cannot afford to offend .Or hurry . , relationresultXiao Yulooked at the two men .
The two persons of the equipment is good ,fighters have two pieces of legends class equipment .Thief is a legendary equipment .relationresultXiao Yu gavethe two game player dropped the investigation .
relationresultOrigin:twenty-one .The thieves ,the guild .Vulcan fury .relationresultSand:level twenty-two .The dead soldier .The guild ,Vulcan fury .relationresultXiaoYuxiang up .Vulcan fury in the unholy alliance rankings are not yet determined .
It is also a few famous guilds ,Xiao Yu was heard to .Just do not know and master the wind field ,cavalry and oath three guild compared to how .relationresultXiaoYuye dismissed the two person .
Go straight on .relationresultYounger brother. The thief origin called .relationresultCall me ? Xiao Yu asked suspiciously .relationresultYes . The thief origin nodded ,gaze at Shaw Royal several legends class equipment, out of envy and greed .

