
cnn The thief bile TXT complete works _506

System : you gain 20000 points the glory of the value .relationresultEach playerhas won the extra income ,they all looked at Xiao Yu ,secretly admire ,Xiao Yu is just a few words will help them get so much glory ,if for them, I would lose the opportunity .
relationresultThe necromancerSandro stood up ,next to the temple stood the Necromancers said: together with me your army ,beat holy city ! , relationresult,your excellency sandro . The Necromancers said in unison .
relationresultXiao Yubid farewell to the necromancer Sandro ,from inside out .relationresultXiao Yu said: ,even swap it, by the way in the holy city nearby have a look . , relationresultXiao Yu and othersout of the fortress ,the army ordered to bring up ,mostly undead .
In fact ,the Empire top building is not much, a powerful necromancer does not exceed ten thousand ,but ten thousand of the necromancer is the Imperial forces, each necromancers can summon up to ten thousand of the skeletons ,and a powerful undead creature ,such a huge force together, sufficient to support a empire .
At the same time the undead than humans, have an advantage ,that is they don fear death ,necromancers, ordered them to do, they will not hesitate to do .relationresultTheseskeletons arranged into one array ,to the light direction into the city .
relationresultThecity is not captured by one thirty ,Xiao Yu at the ten thieves in the coordinates ,there are five individuals in the wild, the remaining five men in the town ,with the ten game player ,do not need to take them one by one ,crush one by one method is more appropriate ,at the same time the thief is difficult ,you can various escape skills freely ,if they choose to escape, Xiao Yu and others mostly stay, when must attack in the blow hit .
relationresultDivided into six teams ,and I fall candy one team ,other people two people team ,to hunt outside five people ,start ! Xiao Yu said ,the five game player didn ,ten men laid siege to a person is a bit big deal ,as well as unit operations .
relationresultXiao Yu for theirassigned target ,the players were dispersed ,he himself was idle ,he prepared in the outside stroll near the city of light ,light is everywhere two big league game player battle royal flush ,Xiao was the glory of the value .
relationresultThe sky moredark sky ,death more sprawl ,the holy city completely covered up ,like a ferocious beast ,it will light the city engulfed .relationresultThe far skyin a team to the light bone dragon city dive ,a cohort of the Griffin knights from the holy city to fly ,roared into the sky in the bone dragon ,both in the sky of stalemate, played a murky sky over a dark earth .
relationresultXiaoYuzai grass and watched for a while ,continue ,that is in front of two major league game player battle is the most intense place towards the hill ,see to ,above the plain of numerous game player is divided into a battle group, some only a few hundred people ,some tens of thousands of people .
The game player or team up with friends or single-handed ,and fierce fighting ,both sides .relationresultSeeing thisscene ,Xiao Yu hide blood began to boil off ,before mixing the battlefield scene one one surfaced in my mind ,but now ,Xiao Yu was no longer an ignorant person ,he was standing at the top of all the game player ,general game player Xiao Yugen not to mention any interest .
relationresultPlay a few . Xiao Yu mouth smiled ,thinking to himself .relationresultText Chapter Four Zero Zero what , relationresultChapter four zero zerothe time thief bile , relationresultOnthe strength of the letter and others fall candy .
Xiao Yu is not worried about his job .So that was extremely leisurely .If fall candy and others cannot .Then he shot later .When the captain is good .relationresultXiao Yu went to thebattle area .
Found an angel alliance game player .They rushed up .relationresultXiaoYuyi near a dart .A gouge in the rabbi bar down .Opponents would stun .Two a wicked attack .Then a backhand .
relationresult5673.A high injury values from the master on his head up .I groaned down .Since the change after the prophet dagger .Xiao Yu greatly increased .At the same time more prone to crit and times .
The damage output increasing .relationresultSystem:honorable kills .Long a champion .A number of .By 138 ,the glory of the value .relationresultThisbattlefield .Come a .At least the commander power long level .
Now this level of the game player is not uncommon .Strength is not strong .Xiao Yu could easily .relationresultTheordinary play .How can this level of master confrontation with Xiao Yu ?Short more than 20 branch .
For sixteen consecutive individuals to fold in the Xiao Yu .These people are at least the commander level .Too low-level opponent reward value too little glory .Xiao Yu disdained to deal with .
relationresultSeventeenth . Xiao Yuyi cracked .Will be a angel alliance game player zapped out .relationresultAt first.With the addition of Xiao Yu is not remarkable .But with the reduction in Xiao has more and more on the game player .
And almost never walked a few action .These players feel wrong .Unholy alliance party to say something .Found a powerful booster .Potential like rainbow .Angel alliance party game player found to be a trend which cannot be halted some of Xiao yu .
Have retreated .The backoff time .As Shaw Royal knife sword .relationresultIt is a brigadier general medal . , relationresultThis guy is a brigadier ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, relationresultThemedal has on several Angel League game player called .
They from Xiao imperial chest medal recognized Xiao Imperial Army Hoon grade .Brigadier general level is not high but the average game player .It is amazing .If they know Shaw Royal has accurate handsome level .
Marshal one step distance .I just don to replace the medal .Don what feelings .relationresultFive .The sixth .Let A a silver armor barbarian Berserker thundered .Brandishing his sword Xiao Yupu up .
Barbarian tall tall strong muscles .Like a beast full of resisting force .relationresultA druidand a hunter saw .Also up .relationresultXiaoYu scanned the three person .A will .The two commodore .
Strength is not weak .Of course, the specific strength can not use the rank of .They realize that Xiao Yu is very strong .Want to use the number on the suppression of Xiao Yu et al .relationresultYuet Wahchop .
relationresultBarbarianBerserker both feet pedal .Sudden acceleration .The hands of the big sword silver explosive shot .Roll down towards the Xiao yu .Like the moonlight .And as the watery diarrhea .
relationresultXiaoYuye calculate upper body by war .Although savage Berserkers assault fast he is an easy mistake .Out of the barbarian Berserker this mind sword .relationresultXiao Yugang is ready tobegin .
Barbarian Berserker seemed to see Xiao Yu intention .Not given the opportunity to display her royal .A wind chop .Hand drawing a silver sword .relationresultXiaoYu stepped back a few paces hide off barbarian Berserker attack .
Barbarian Berserker did not stop step by step .Another storm thunder cut out .Play a trick .relationresultXiao Yu,his eyes scan .Found the Druid hunter has been kept in the Royal Retreat .
Barbarian Berserker attack seemingly ferocious without .But smart enough .relationresultNext to thegame player people close to see Xiao Yu et al .Barbarian berserker rage thunder attack strength greatly .
To attract them .Xiao Yu and others became the off focus .relationresultXiao Yuon one side of the body .Barbarian Berserker his sword from Xiao imperial eyes peeled .Xiao Yu and only a few centimeters distance .
Xiao Yuyi gale step open gale acceleration and other skills .His eyes sword .Have been to the savage fighting mad back .relationresultSneak attack.relationresultXiao Yuhands the knife towards the barbarian Berserker head back stab .

