
cheap beats by dre e enough Xiao Huagan

, Super thieves , relationresultAuthor :relationresultIDG books ( www.i7wu.cn ) complete works TXT Free Ebook Download , relationresultText relationresultThe first chapter mastermind in adolescence , relationresultCountlesswhite brush not to stop mad flashover ,the game officially open the moment ,countless game player poured into the second world .
relationresultThe characters of Xiao Huafigure with a white light appeared in the new village of 2012 new square, vision had become clear ,half a month later to see these with a hint of medieval Rome style buildings ,Xiao Hua can again for these Meilen US-hwan fine buildings to marvel .
Instead of saying that here is the newbie village ,new town is more suitable .relationresultAround the numerousnew game player is like Xiao Hua, but short-lived sigh ,game player who in thirty or forty meters away from the new village gallop .
relationresultIt isknow that mayor is their game enlightenment teacher ,all tasks from his start ,want to reward the task ,for mayor !relationresultXiao Huahey hey laugh, toward the crowd in the opposite direction, toward the rear of the village ran .
New village did not hide the task ,only a reward the top task ,in the village of NPC rear ,emotional apprentice librarian who .Find him ,as long as the correct answer a few questions ,can obtain a reward .
relationresultWhocan be connected with the task ,but only the first correct answer the people can get a reward ,and as long as the online game player know new village has such a task ,it is to see who is faster .
relationresultThedistrict has fifty thousand game online game player participation ,Xiao Hua knows the novice village beyond a person he participated in online, so in the game, he rushed past .
relationresultSure enough,Xiao Huagang from the crowd ,he saw seven or eight meters ahead ,a warrior who ran in front of his game player .The game player is a fighter ,Xiao Hua music .relationresultSelectsoldiers usually choose power system .
When building a personage ,the system will let game player character attribute development direction .According to character attributes, divided into physical lines ,power lines ,agility ,intelligence ,spirit ,choose a good development direction, then choose occupation .
relationresultThe different attribute,attribute increase ratio of different ,monster beats.For example power system game player ,power points ,physical attack power bonus highest ,physique growth slightly high speed growth ,general ,wisdom ,spiritual growth difference ;agile system game player ,moving speed of highest growth, physical attack power growth was slightly higher, physical growth ,wisdom ,spiritual growth is poor .
relationresultAnd the second worldsystem is very open ,attribute system choice did not affect the choice of occupation ,is a personal choice of power lines ,he could choose master occupation ,and then in the game to buy a physical attack power is strange tall staves or single hand sword ,do a wand at the melee master !relationresultXiao Hua did notdoubt that anyone will do ,in fact ,in the online has many people of various attempts ,power lines ,agile system melee master and physical systems of the blood of cattle priest ,wisdom to skills output mainly Mogong hand and so on ,and points out that this seemingly crazy deficit attribute system and occupation collocation ,once the skills and equipment collocation ,will play a tremendous power .
But can be met is ,early in the game, in the absence of equipment and skills ,this match is a large cup .relationresultXiao Hua is naturallyhonest chose agile ,not for the other ,because agile allow your body to react faster ,high agility to a certain extent ,the reality of many he did not act in the game can also complete ,fully meet his demand .
Like now, everyone just born ,all attributes are 1 agile system ,but he ran faster ,he in front of the warrior is doomed to a cup of .relationresultSoon,seen from NPC and 10 meters ,Xiao Hua grinning down the soldier side .
relationresultBrother ,don run so fast, wait for me . Soldier blue said ,he certainly knows the purpose of Xiao Hua .relationresultHa ha ,brother ,I have no idea why ,a run, want to slow ! Xiao Hua feel oneself highly flattered .
relationresultI ,brothers refueling ! Not running a few steps, Xiao Hua has opened the two step distance and the warrior .This guy Xiao Hua ,walk away, don forget the back under the stimulation of short warrior .
relationresultSoldiertears at Xiao Hua gradually gradually far from running ,into the game before he was aware of this possible ,but rare system he set in close to the library management near square edge ,one stroke ahead of others in close distance meter ,but did not expect to encounter an agile system .
relationresultThen the two menfrom task NPC lost apprentice librarian and not far distance ,Xiao Hua leading two meters distance to the NPC .relationresultSecondin the world of NPC is divided into active and passive ,in front of the task NPC is passive ,Xiao Hua one step forward ,touched a task scenario :relationresultYoustand a face of young people ,helping you quickly stepped forward to ask a question ,only know that he is a young man from a distance were sent to the village Apprentice librarian ,to replace old librarian position ,but here ,he did not know ,the old caretaker refuses to let a management trainee manager in his place ,must correctly answer the question of old old administrator ,administrator can admit his ability .
relationresultThe system prompts:are you willing to help answer apprentice librarian problem? , relationresultXiao Huaquickly accept the task, young trainee manager looked up ,happy and said to him : young warrior ,if you can help me to answer these questions ,I will repay you ! , relationresultTraineemanager finish, Xiao Hua appeared in front of a problem :relationresultProblem one:relationresultDo you think thatis holy holy angel beautiful or perceptual fallen devil Princess temptation ?relationresultA,of course is the sacred angel beautiful .
relationresultB,I love a temptation of the devil princess .relationresultSeeing this,Xiao Hua first major .relationresultIt wasfrom management second world three big brain .The second world is made up of three super wisdom brain system management ,two in the game image are like white holy angel Cappella and likes black devil Princess Ai micro Europe ,usually Cappella and AI micro-hm alternating management game, the game appeared in various events ,behind the third lost wisdom the brain generally do not involve in management ,only when Cappella and AI micro Europe in the same incident handling a contradiction will come to take over management, has the right of final decision ,so the official propaganda in a second world, take an oath devoutly that second world with the world the most perfect management system ,even the world in the crowded in the same system, also won problems !relationresultXiao Hua took part in theonline, on Cappella and AI micro Europe two zhinao administrator understand a little .
As far as he knows ,the second world developers to allow the second world has more possibilities ,has a long life and vigor ,he gives Cappella and AI micro Europe two highly realistic personality ,with human feelings and exactly alike ,in the second world ,even with a task ,if the current management system different ,or the same management system in a different mood, the reward will be different .
relationresultOf course,according to the official is that, the personality and emotional changes in the foundation ,was established in does not destroy the game game player behavior activities .
But it let the game with more unknown and much denaturation .relationresultXiao Huaeyes to answer the question ,is a fixed answers the question ,the key is now Cappella or AI micro Europe in the management system ,as long as can be determined ,will is very simple . Related articles:

