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It took out her king Yi Yin Qin and together with the sea plays the source meditation music .Playing music for him to be practiced ,with God the source of magic robe ,though this playing music is not to directly work faster recovery ,but the effect is acceptable .
He did so ,also can better let death fighters to restore .In this group the melee ,a person is limited after all ,maintains the overall strength of the prosperity is the best way in the face of danger .
relationresultThesource of meditation music and with the help of a clear division of labor ,the soldiers did not only more power consumption ,but in the gradual recovery manual .Ice magic ape a big heart secretly glad ,and black adults together is good ,so wonderful music ,it is again advanced hope ah !Never stop to enhance the strength ,is each monster ,even a level nine subordinate he was no exception .
relationresultThe relativecalm three hours passed quickly ,when the air once again twisted up, continuous bombardment island for three hours waves disappear .The air element of water dispersed quietly intense ,Cheap Beats By Dre,all started the new change .
relationresultWithout theleaves Yinzhu commanded ,all will be alert to highest position ,since every environment will face the natural disaster ,who knows the next environment to face is what ?relationresultLighttransform ,flashing ,everything appears again had the huge change ,stretch as far as eye can see the sea disappeared .
The surrounding scenery was clear .The soldiers felt an intense heat wave came .Previously those immersed in seawater quick steaming armor ,looking ahead ,but Huang Mengmeng piece .
relationresultThedesert ,a desert environment is .The hot sun fall from the sky ,from the sun to determine the location ,it is the environment in the noon ,is when the highest temperature in the desert .
The ground hot sand and even through the heavy boots still fast afferents in vivo .Just the beginning people also do not have much feeling .But as the sun ,the Milan fighters are clear now ,his body as if it is going to get hot roasted like armor .
When they emerged in the environment of less than ten minutes .relationresultYe Yinzhucarefully observe the surrounding environment ,the desert can only be regarded as a natural phenomenon .
Is not a disaster .This can have other countries also appeared in here ?He and the death of soldiers was in a sand dune ,but the sun is shot down from above .So there is no shelter .relationresultToesin the sand light ,leaf Yinzhu Teng body and rise on the dunes .
Just standing on the top of the dune ,his pupil will not consciously contraction .He saw another team ,a regular corps .relationresultWalking inthe Corps front ,it is with a dark blue long beautiful black phoenix ,behind him ,Dias blue soldiers about the number and the original local 4/5 ,did not know that 1/5 is dead or injured left the battlefield .
Don .In the last the environment in which they have encountered some trouble .The 1/5 loss was more than the kingdom of Palermo by .relationresultIn theleaf Yinzhu see Dias blue team when, two clear Longyin ring at the same time .
Black Eddie and the beautiful Coquettish female dragon at the same time, as the body into the sky .Apparently ,blue Dias people have attached great importance to reconnaissance .relationresultPrepare for battle .
Leaf Yinzhu low drinking .Since you have encountered ,there is no other possible .He sat down directly in the hills .The soldiers heard the leaf Yinzhu command the first time to react .
In Oliveira and under the leadership of Ye Hongyan near the hill .relationresultMarinealso leaves Yinzhu sit down ,directly out of their own guzheng placed horizontally on the lap .relationresultThetwo dragon apparently also reveals their sound ,rapid Longyin sounded ,so that the black phoenix eyes immediately toward their side view .
relationresultYe Yinzhu Shenchannel : since we met ,only the desperate .Oliveira ,Ye Hongyan ,you take the soldiers prepared to charge ,the sorcerer ,the strongest magic is ready .Your goal is to battle each other .
The enemy still I don ,as long as their magician dare act ,with your the most powerful magic to me .A large, your soldiers with death strike .You are the main attack ,their own safety first .
, relationresultAlook up to the sky over two black dragon, black adults ,those two guys how to solve? , relationresultYe Yinzhuhad said: two dragon gave to me and the sea .But I can vacate a hand to help you .
Oliveira ,Hongyan ,please .From killing wounded ,we must rely on our own efforts . , relationresultYe Hongyanalways cold eyes flashed a feverish gleam , if we did not return to the embrace of death ,then ,they will become our sacrifice to death .
Epee before, after the spear in battle ,triangle ,parade . , relationresultSo hotenvironment did not falter death soldiers powerful spirits ,four hundred and fifty soldiers on the dunes aligned neatly camps ,death was finally in the Silom qualifying battle the first show ,with strong the insurgent death breath by the wind blew the enemy .
relationresultBlackphoenix did not first time to attack command ,far away, she raised her hand, blue Dias suddenly stopped ,quickly arranged in a square, warrior before, after the magician in .
Black phoenix and her status was not low the man standing in front of ,behind them is the black shadow light fighters twenty .relationresultLook from the amount,is obviously the Empire of Milan party prevailed .
But the black dragon has become their biggest threat .Although Ye Yinzhu is confident ,but he knew ,with eight dragons themselves have some grasp ,but also can make them lose control of the body .
To the nine grade ,due to fuck to their lung destruction is impossible ,only as far as the opponent with music .relationresultArtifactlevel dead dragons guitars flat on the lap ,leaf Yinzhu gaze into the distance ,he did not go to the black dragon ,but looking at the dark blue long waving black phoenix .
relationresultOliveiraand Ye Hongyan are standing side by side in front ,before they are taller than seven meters of a large .A big battle is the triangle tip .They only leaves Yinzhu order, immediately knifed into the enemy camp .
relationresultIn the desertthe environment and blue Dias battle ,for the Empire of Milan one party does not suffer .Fifty Fire Mage in the hot environment can better display own magic power .
And hot environment is on dark magic ,magician no benefit .relationresultWind,sand blowing in soldiers with armour ,a rustling noise in the air ,black dragon bass singing sound ,leaf Yinzhu hands eight also refers to the strings when, he suddenly now ,gravel beat armor sounds are gradually .
The wind in the desert at the hot away somewhat ,all of a sudden, fei-teng-wen-xue leaves Yinzhu eyes flashing light ,he suddenly come to understand .The desert is not catastrophic ,however, disaster has not yet begun .
At the same time ,blue Dias on one side ,a total of twenty-two lightning shadow ,in the desert to draw on the twenty-two line ,flying towards them running over here ,big black fog formation in their rear air condensation ,blue soldiers of Dias has launched a scrum .
relationresultof bamboo ,ordered . Oliveira urged .Soldiers assault is the need of time ,no speed impact ,how to resist the impact force ?relationresultThe sorcerer to stop the spell ,all soldiers listen to turn round ,triangular charge formation defense grid ,retaining the central . Related articles:

