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Combat ,always and only Beamon was an ,but this is somewhat strange, but this also happens to her heart ,little a lot of concerns .relationresultBeingprepared from killing the forbidden spell when, suddenly ,she clear see shine a little strong golden light group ,but she didn react, she and Atthews silver body and tremor ,abdominal scales a thrill ,sharpened stimulation to their unconscious ascension flight height ,eyes reveal a ribbon with horror .
relationresultWhat is that ? To kill by automatic speaking tract .relationresultAtthews said: it seems ,leaf Yinzhu himself can solve the problem .We are the foreign people really can bring surprise .
I also want to know ,whether this is a what kind of weapons .Even we can feel it sharpened . , relationresultThe originaldwarves will be extinguished the God crossbow lost to leaf Yinzhu ,will be extinguished the God crossbow use tell him ,but that still leaves the first use of the crossbow Yinzhu extinguished the god .
When he stepped on the pedal when extinguished the God beneath the crossbow ,suddenly a charge energy into the body .A deep breath into the soul leaves Yinzhu soul brand ,and his spirit sea completely communication .
Ye Yinzhu felt is a proud and proud mood ,that is extinguished the God crossbow deep love .Suddenly ,leaf Yinzhu understand ,the original master Ronaldo in casting out the crossbow when extinguished the God ,and I am afraid not thunder destruction, but to attract thunder cleaned up his * ,to make their own soul and extinguished the God crossbow integration ,become extinguished the God crossbow for soul ,casting out the attack God is very bossy .
relationresultThe crossbowis extinguished the God the whole package .The first feeling is systemic tight ,tight hoop ,the crossbow was extinguished the god .But this magic energy is not mechanical sense ,but a soft energy .
Immediately after the .Leaf tone embroidered under a moment feel that their body is extended .The crossbow was extinguished the God wrapped three meters body as if his own full body ,was behind the full edge energy fluctuations also seems to have become his sword .
relationresultRaise your right legto the mountains move ,accompanied by a sound ,leaf Yinzhu some surprise ,his body did not imagine is heavy ,although not as lightweight originally ,but have a feeling of harmony .
The upper and lower body came to .Only a solid stable feeling ,as if the body such as the general dignified .relationresultClangclang .Ye Yinzhu on the hill top location and stopped ,the legs to the rapid location together ,merging into a broad base .
Huge three meters off the giant crossbow from behind .Breastplate of separate ,accompanied by a metal rhythm and dark golden giant crossbow together ,below the front end of the base uplift ,and the giant crossbow commissure .
The formation of a special shaft .relationresultYe Yinzhufrom a crossbow that extinguished the God ,all soldiers ready for harvesting target .I ask you to play the fastest speed ,listen to my command hit back ,there shall be no stop .
, relationresultA simple word,singular in tone ,and surprised ,then leaves Yinzhu tone is so cool .That cold and even brutal sound ,does not seem to belong to the leaf Yinzhu ,seemed completely broke his grace .
Even the leaves Yinzhu felt very strange, he now filled with killing breath ,body whether you or magic power in dramatic fluctuations ,and extinguished the God crossbow released energy common fluctuations .
The crossbow is extinguished the God of destruction ,crossbow ah !Whether it is for the soul of Ronaldo extinguished the God crossbow ,crossbow or use now extinguished the God leaves Yinzhu ,emotional effects of handedness is completely extinguished the God crossbow .
relationresultDwarfpatriarch old Luceno once told Ye Yinzhu ,extinguished the God crossbow attack although strong ,but must use less .Because of the use of the crossbow extinguished the God emotion will produce great influence, if the weak-willed people use ,must be extinguished the God crossbow infection and make your emotions and thoughts in .
The use of the number, the greater the impact .It is precisely because of this, although the dwarves that extinguished the God crossbow is powerful, but can not use it to try to do, they would never want to use the powerful warrior extinguished the God crossbow crossbow generated because extinguished the God the emotional impact and problems .
relationresultIn the leafYinzhu cold command ,all soldiers to pick up their weapons ,regardless of the extent of the injury ,including the sorcerer ,death five hundred no one is sitting on the ground .
Ten days ,life is very short ,but in these warriors ,especially after joining the two hundred warriors and wizards in this short period of time, really understand the meaning of life .In the vast territory of the orcs ,face every day at any time of the orcs ,every day in the life and death between wandering .
In the life and death of temper, they really understand the meaning of life .In the five hundred to five thousand after the first World War, they all know that only complete obedience ,in every battle trying to survive ,possible .
relationresultCovered with athick dark golden armor hands raised ,the void ,a golden crystal in his fists in light, vanity ,a golden light across the bow body ends ,with both hands to pull the air gradually ,visible in the fluctuation of large elements appears in Ye Yinzhu even if is the six element of coercion Yinlong play is not the sight ,this is true of all attributes .
relationresultHundreds of metres away,can barely see the subtle elements in the air .relationresultFifty meters,can see has become a little light .The beautiful and colorful light in the light of the sun, like a circle of seven rainbow circle to Ye Yinzhu and cohesion .
relationresultTen meters away,light into light ,visible ,as the grain size of the spot as a light to dark golden giants surrounded inside .relationresultAm ,spot into a surface form, on the cohesion between the crossbow ,accompanied by the dazzling light ,empty dark golden crossbow was pulled back to .
A length of about three meters ,such as thick arm great white light arrows in the card slot slowly forming crossbow .That is all the elements from the fusion of an arrow .Similar to lightning ,thunder elements play the breath ,but the giant arrow on the edge penetration is lightning they do not have the elements of play .
relationresultIncluding Oliveiraand Ye Hongyan, all the people ,dr dre beats,death five hundred senses are in an instant drop to a minimum ,even moving step seems to be the giant crossbows, sharpened the injury like .
relationresult-- leaf Yinzhu shouted ,cold voice as if suddenly broken half empty silver ring .Before the dark golden light into the air in a moment complete convergence, in his side to the viscous element fluctuation in the golden crossbow open instantly disappear .
relationresultGold stringwhite arrow ,still maintained at steady state ,son leaves Yinzhu is giant covered hands are held in the crossbow beneath the joystick .The whole body to base as the center of moment rotation angle ,with no adjustment .
The shining faint white bolt ,slowly toward the orc five legion of the direction of travel .relationresultEdgerefers to the office ,almost at the same time ,the five army advance footsteps were stopped ,the strongest reaction was the two cavalry regiment wolf ,wolf cross under wolf bursts of lament ,extinguished the God referred to in the bolt ,a crawl in the rustle of shake ,not dare dare one step .
This is the power of God is ,really attack artifact power .relationresultThe deathof five hundred unseen is ,at this time, covered with leaf Yinzhu head of the metal housing, has more of a golden red aperture ,when the bolt edge pointing lion Legion direction when, in leaves under the control of tone embroidered ,crossbow, stopped .
relationresultCrossbow,not moving around, but the white tip arrow but slow down, originally to lion Legion edge now aiming at the lion and leaf Yinzhu legion of their five hundred people between the middle ground position .
relationresultThe sharpsmell disappeared ,000 lion almost at the same time relieved ,but even if they are wisdom is relatively low the orcs, did not dare to act rashly and blindly at .The Related articles:

