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Don't clean off."
The wild goose south flies in the mind concussion matchless, superficially but not dew voice color:"That meaning that depends on you, this kind of mineral stone you have many."
"Certainly Be getting aer lot of, how many 100,000 years of the excrement accumulate over there, do you say that is the ability not much?However the excrement in recent ten thousand years has no how much, we are to eat more much, the excrement is just more many.These year my kids all have no metal and crystal stone, certainly excrement also have no.However, the south flies boy, what do you ask this stem?"
The wild goose south flies a way:"The thou of the Ni pulls you, you can tell me that you chase excrements where all still?This thing I am useful."
The thou of the Ni pulls a way:"We have a specialized excrement processing passage, pile up to have several 100,000 in the last yearses us there the excrement of one clan, if you want and then take to go, at the right moment clean up those garbages all."
The wild goose south flies a way:"The thou of the Ni pulls you, can send a person to take me to go to."
The thou of the Ni pulled to arrange an iron wing armor insect of two wings to lead the way right away, the wild goose south flew hurriedly a heel to go.
The thou of the Ni pulls a way:"The south flies boy, you the crystal stone haven't given we, don't you ever think to open to slip away, get here, your wanting to run to also escape didn't go out."
"Who say that I want to escape and waited I to came back,Facebook, perhaps we can also do one big trade."
The wild goose south flies the iron wing armor insect of following those two wings to a very strange passage, iron wing armor insect of those two wings is walking, and it says:"Excrement at in, you go in by yourself how to handle all can, the flavor here too that, I still keep treating from a distance goodly."
The mentally dense original stone in fact has no strange flavor, probably that aims at iron wing armor insect.
The wild goose south flies to walk into passage, that passage is very profound, go in half of time, the wild goose south flies and then discovers the both sides of passage respectively have passage again and get into passage not far see a huge long pit, the heap in that pit is full mentally dense the original stone is also the excrement of iron wing armor insect.
The wild goose south flies a milli- Don't mention it and spared China field exclusively a piece of vacant land, use to pack a mentally dense original stone.Mentally dense the original stone is quite a few, a mentally dense of underground tunnel the original stone can't fly the mineral pit that harvests in the top than the wild goose south little.
The wild goose south quickly and soon collects the mentally dense of finishing the both sides original stone, and then continues to go forward and isn't and far separated, and then has same underground tunnel, the inside equally filled up a mentally dense original stone.The trace that sees that passage, know that the year of this underground tunnel becomes ratio just the year of those two underground tunnels become much long ago.
The wild goose south flies an excitement matchless, only accept an original stone of mentally dense to make his hand and foot twitch.
Descend to go all the way, the wild goose south flies already once several hundred underground tunnels sweep and get empty, he discovers a problem, more is the underground tunnel that goes toward an inside, the mentally dense in the underground tunnel original stone quality is more good, obviously the year counts long ago of time, the mineral hides more abundant, so the excrement quality of those iron wing armor insects is also high many.And more thorough, the year of that underground tunnel achieves to relatively approach and explain the Hou mineral of that time the stone is ample, so the excrement is very quick the heap is full an underground tunnel.
The wild goose south flies to altogether sweep empty about thousand underground tunnels, accept mentally dense original stones on the whole the lights was all.In finally about 100 underground tunnels, each underground tunnel inside wild goose south flies to all collect an original stone of many first grade mentally denses, and also often discovers the mentally dense of best original stone, in 8, 900 inchoate underground tunnels, he occasionally just can discover a piece of first grade mentally dense original stone, the best original stone basically has never seen.This time in elucidation time immemorial, the mineral hides compare afterwards much more abundant, otherwise iron wing armor insect canned not make the garbage of one these bests, either.
"I am a street cleaner, I am a lucky street cleaner, and I am a happy street cleaner..."The wild goose south flies extremely excited, simultaneously collect those mentally dense original stone simultaneously hum song.
Arrive afterwards, the wild goose south flew all numbness, China a pile of mentally dense in boundary the original stone sway to spend his eyes and shocked his mind, he has already could not said words.
If is fixing a true world, if be let to know that he has the so many mentally dense original stone, his affirmation will be divided corpse.Well in this world not know a mentally dense original stone, also not know the function of mentally dense original stone.Wild goose south's flying has already made a decision, will never reveal the affair of mentally dense original stone to go out, the person who know is more little, even if the confidant and family don't go as well more safe.To make the original stone of mentally dense able to refine a saint machine that still doesn't arouse pretty mess!
The wild goose south flies a collections over mentally dense original stone, pursued again underground tunnel to check 1 time and see have escape from punishment.
The his self-satisfied idea is finally full, came out that passage.He the iron wing armor insect of two wings lead over there under arrived Ni to pull to live for thou of palace, that palace is very high big smooth, there are many shiny crystal stones on the hole wall, make palace's inside like the daytime is general.
In the corner of palace there are many rare metal mineral stones and crystal stone, those should are all Ni the thou pull and the ration of his those eight wing gold iron wing armor insect kings.Mineral stone although it is said Be getting lesser and less, but Ni the thou pull and some grade Gao of the mineral stone needed by iron wing armor insect is still certain.
The underground palace is divided into many small pieces, a lot of next synthesize an area again, those iron wing armor insects are all living here, have iron wing armor insect to scoop out passage toward the all directions every day at ordinary times, for looking for mineral stone and crystal stone, this is also why passage in have so many like the passage of spider's net sort.
The wild goose south flies to have no time to cautiously conjecture those underground halls, he is taken the biggest palace, saw Ni pull for thou over there.

Mainland chapter 26 of the eighth absolute being forms alliance
Ba Da novel download the net renew time:2012-4-215:10:13 chapter word numbers:4285

Chapter 26 forms alliance
The thou of the Ni pulls a way:"How?Whether for us handle excrements all?"
The wild goose south flies a way:"Handle good, you why too anxious to do I take away those things?"
The thou of the Ni pulls a way:"Those are our excrement Ais, see arrive certainly feel disgusted, since you say that you take out it's useful, I am free to give you, you should be contented be."
The wild goose south flies to set up for a dissatisfied way:"I was to be getting more contented, regarded as the street cleaner to me."
"Like, the south flies boy, don't get cheapness to still sell lovely, if not that that thing looking at really too disgusted, would I not like to also give you!You still at once promise to take out for my crystal stone, then you can walk at any time."
The wild goose south flies a way:"Do not be busy, I want to do 1 pen to trade with your iron wing armor insect one clan."
"What trade?Say to listen to."
"I can provide an enough crystal stone for you, metal mineral stone I can also provide to you as far as possible..."
"Really?That what condition do you have?"The thou of the Ni pulls to apprehensive not certain.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Later you iron wing armor insect one clan follow me, I have the time of calamity and you have to make moves to help each other."
The thou of the Ni pulls a Nu way:"You make us do your under charge, you are too unbridled."
"The thou of the Ni pulls you, don't become angry, you aren't my under charges, only ascend an ally just, everyone is each to take need, we give you so big advantage, you certainly should also point dint just fair!"
The thou of the Ni's pulling is lost in thought in, very long, he says:"Your condition has much of temptation dint, but we are habitually living in the underground, is not likely to follow what you go out.And my clansmen is so many, follow you also inconvenient to the outside."
The wild goose south flies a way:"You whether need to consider to promise or not go, I had way to take naturally you to go out, and have a place to settle down you.Over there, you still can construct own underground palace, no one will interfere you."
"If is true such as you say, I can promise you now, anyway here already there is no mineral stone being provided for us to absorb evolve."
"That you were to promise."
"I would not° until see first you say of settle down us of place promise you."

