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Grow state …"
"World the state from the same life is a highest religious leader."Soldier's emperor Shen writes:"That our going to heaven as a fairy isn't two worlds together the strong of the life?This descends the real strenght that we go to heaven as a fairy and have already completely outstripped to settle to wash China house for past of status."
A world what concept is the strong from the same life ?Is tantamount to the medium town teaches of treasure, because the life span of emperor within parties is also limited, not endless endless, but world together life of strong can't die, can protect a parties forever!
"The square is cold, if I guess have no wrong of words, your current real strenght, have already far and far outstripped world state from the same life, infinite Be approached to the gentleman in sky.In the forehead, did you get biggest fortuitous?"The feather emperor stands and conjecture once again square the cold whole body go up and down.
"Is quite good, in the forehead, I fall among the frame-up of the gun of judgment.However drew together the pike of vengeance, at the right moment meet a forehead situation to lay siege to, hence intruded into a forehead treasure-house, a connected to cut to kill too a Zhang teach, disaster emperor, gentleman mankind, give birth to an emperor, Ning emperor, emperor just big way ……."The square is cold to stand still, once the big hand flick, immediately a fight by himself/herself, the shot kills of the condition appear at air, fly to soon deduce, live vivid now, this is him with the highest power, urge the rule in time, reappear the then act.
Is thoroughly shocked!
Go to heaven as a fairy of public, Che thoroughly completely losing of the bottom his/her own thinking.
Square's cold body more and more Gao Da Dun, almost is can with at the beginning open to send the Zu teacher gentleman in China sky to match in excellence.
Connect feather emperor is also very foolish:"Younger brother Shi, this is true, you the sworn enemies that we go to heaven as a fairy, too a Zhang taught to also cut and gave birth to an emperor, Ning emperor, emperor just the big ways all cut …….Particularly is an emperor big way just, this person but emperor just the genius of noble family, invincible religious leader."
"Connect Xi emperors all almost be killed!"
"This …is this still a person?The gentleman mankind is a sky, gentleman turned a life time, was also killed!"
"This, what person is this exactly?Breeze good luck?Is the square cold?"
Allly go to heaven as a fairy a superior, all discussion in succession, the heart violently jumps about.Allly go to heaven as a fairy too up elder, emperor's, sage, all was placed in a kind of crazy status.
The feather emperor suddenly stands:"I announce a secret now, the identity of anyway square cold younger brother Shi already suddenly and violently l-, tell everyone for the Suo.The breeze good luck is also square cold, he is the Zhang that we go to heaven as a fairy in the customs to teach sovereign, already go to heaven as a fairy and fly to rise through of cripple slice of give I, he flies to rise to come up and get into us to go to heaven as a fairy in, especially gifted leaders of men."
"BE so, is the Zhang that we go to heaven as a fairy in the customs to teach, can fly to rise to arrive for a sky, field, really severe ……."
"This next, we went to heaven as a fairy to truely show off force to spread fame …"
"You say that the square is cold meeting can't the self-discipline arrive gentleman state in a sky!"
Don't know is who said this words, immediately whole go to heaven as a fairy to decide palace in all silent come down, gentleman in the sky is this very heavy words, good enough to to collapse under pressure for ten thousand thouses.
The world state from the same life is still nothing, allow much more highest greatly teach superiors to all have this state, but gentleman in the sky dissimilarity, is a sky, the myth of field, is a , all pupils basically had an absolute powerful supporter.
All people all hope a square cold.
Is silent, thoroughly silent.
"Younger brother Shi, do you say what state you arrived now?"The feather emperor asks question by matchless and dignified tone:"Have the state to hope to pound at gentleman in a sky?After all, your real strenght can cut to kill an emperor the big way is just!Defeat a Xi emperor!This state of ancient emperor, all already thoroughly concealed fix, the way of three Wu gentlemans in the sky, have of even can cause for a sky, gentleman robs, all unfortunately don't dare to cause, you are this beginning of a reign in the rare remarkable talent, is very likely to get into the state of gentleman in a sky.If you really have confidence and opportunity, so we will support you with all strength.If you real impact arrive gentleman state in the sky, that we go to heaven as a fairy just can truely be stood erect to the highest point of this boundary ………"
The feather emperor has to be careful.
The square is cold to also know the importance of affair not from must make use of whole body of the strength reckon, lead good short while, just slow-moving openings way:"I really am hope to pound at for a sky, the way of gentleman, however still have to make stronger very long period of time, body inside of building and turning the absolute being machine remnants slice digest , at the same time, cause that gentleman's greatly robbing no trivial matter, my Du not the Du must pass by, several rates are also small of again small ……"
Chapter 1,369 gentleman in the sky fills the vacancy a placard list
Chapter 1,369
Say the true, the square is cold now for promote the way of gentleman in a sky to have no confidence.
The state of gentleman in the sky and the emperor of"world together life" state, don't know to differ how much, walk each time among them one-step difficulties hardship, basically isn't what the common run of people can thought of.
Promote for a sky most at least, the lowest standard of gentleman state is to have to cause for a sky, gentleman greatly robs of ability, the square is cold to still have no ability to lead now.
"To, the feather emperor's senior, I hear a sky, the field contains a placard list and is called for a sky, gentleman fills the vacancy a placard and up jotted down numerous communicants promote for a sky, the name of gentleman state superior, your knowing doesn't know this placard list can the where watch?"
The square is cold to suddenly ask a way:"I watch this placard list and see some what person in my top, can make me reckon for a sky in detail, the way of gentleman exactly has those remarkable places."
"Gentleman in the sky fills the vacancy a placard list ……"
The emperor of feather is silent for a while, order, "really is to have such a placard list, rumours in is in the truth hall.Is rumours in, the truth fairy Wang Yi of one of the boundary three greatest fairies in sky kings stays of huge influence, now from the truth fairy king of several greatly manage, the real strenght isn't under the forehead, that the boundary in sky is another on carrying, also administers huge palace.Rumours in, that placard list is together called world life placard, all self - disciplines arrived the world emperor's from the same life state, all will the automatic emergence is on that placard list.Placard list from Gao Dao Di,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, among them most hope to promote for a sky, the superior of gentleman arranges fore noodles ……so again be called to fill the vacancy a placard for the gentleman in sky a list."
"What?Still having is an and forehead equal influence ……."
The square is cold don't also thought of, incredibly in the boundary in sky, have and the influence of forehead more or less equal, be called the truth to teach.
"It is quite good.Boundary in the sky is a lot too big, even if is a sky, gentleman also cans not finds it a limits in it ……"the feather emperor's way:"The truth teaches of sphere of influence, very of big, leave the distance of forehead 100,000 greatest states also very faraway, even if is my airspeed, also want to fly for few decades, is as for, so as to arrive, was separated more Qian Hong among them last a hundred years the ditch built to turn fairy in those early years the king and the truth fairy the king for numerous days divide the line come out."
The square cold hand holds a crosier and listens to these, quiet quiet stand air, seem and is reckoning oneself of the huge memory in the brain, that emperor just big way, gentleman mankind, disaster emperor, Ning emperor, give birth to these people of emperor's memory, all in his brain 11 of present, sample, calculate, lead along while, he just grow 1:"Boundary in the sky is really a lot too big, the forehead isn't uniquely either to dominate, however so also good …"
"No matter how it is, our going to heaven as a fairy to build up real strenght is right way."The feather emperor's way:"Now, the square is cold you come back, we go to heaven as a fairy the real strenght of door to greatly increase, if not that gentleman in the sky makes moves, what then not we, much less you back still have disorder support of the gentleman for sky!Now we can hand, lay siege to clean up one another big state group of being empty, then annexing by force in the battalion of state."
"Confusion sky of gentleman ……really is confusion gentleman in the sky?His back is a confusion sky of gentleman is supporting."Many elder emperor'ses that go to heaven as a fairy a door are all shocked, " that why what the shot Kui gentleman absolute being in China sky read is the Zhang of legend!"
"Was confusion sky of gentleman and treasure boundary to reach agreement …."
"Multiply by disorderly strong real strenght is have to, however I got many treasures to hide in the forehead this time and also wanted to digest for a while, soldier's emperor, month emperor …….You also bitterness cook for a long time, I start promoting your real strenght now, you all promote to arrive world one by one together

