
Monster Beats elieve you do not a

Easy to see attractive flushing, whole person seems to be in good out of a bandbox up one .relationresultThe littlegirl was already awake ,lay in a cradle ,open smooth pure blue eyes quietly ,very cute ,Chen daughter smiling to hold up ,severely Pro two ,look at the entire people like a porcelain doll girl, looking more and more like .
relationresultTangAozhi stood aside ,wandering eyes ,nothing more than her husband love their children more let a woman feel happy ,her in the room with the father and daughter to stay for a while ,face flushing pulled back after the out of the door to prepare for breakfast .
relationresultThe sudden arrival ofcasual visitor .relationresultAlong withChen Ping suffering a lieutenant colonel sister first into Zijin Mountain golf ,Chen Ping and Tang Aozhi marriage room .
relationresultTangAozhi slightly surprised .relationresultChen Pingwith daughter came out ,a smile face ,with a little joke ,but no active opening ,he seemingly massive equally rewarding harem groups, and his grievances Lieutenant sister is undoubtedly the most special one ,from the impulse bawanggengshanggong the female person, two people relationship with an almost deformity and the relationship between the rapidly developing, seemingly far away ,but there is always a delicate touch ,Xue Yufei for his suffering ,son of the bitch Chen also * * more than feelings ,few intimate contact ,but also forced nature are, Xue Yufei repeatedly against no fruit ,no noise, in a weak position while still refuse to be cowed or submit more tenacious ,good woman, not everyone has the time with Chen tinkering ,in a rogue forcing even export .
Make it done and not crazy bitch ,really is a wonderful person .relationresultIs there for the night time ? , relationresultXue Yufei wascold, take the initiative to open ,as soon as he spoke he went straight to the theme ,come to the point ,today she is still a garish Lieutenant uniforms ,field strong ,even in the face of Chen Ping, also won weak momentum ,without ceremony, is a pre-emptive effect ,no shape to occupy the initiative .
relationresultChen Pingwith daughter ,smiling, quietly enjoying the girls more exquisite body curve, it is said that a woman age after age twenty-five figure looks began to go downhill ,it seems not necessarily ah ,the law was on Chen Ping woman is not suitable ,especially Yufei Xue lieutenant colonel ,a military uniform is fucking great rumbling ,Monster Beats,a mature woman gentle ,there are soldiers strong sense, temptation is straight up ,at least to lieutenant colonel Chen Ping sister a uniform time image show special preference to two people ,and even the first intimate contact ,are in her wearing a military uniform carrying case .
relationresultAsk me on a date ?Although I very want to go ,but when his wife ,I still want to incumbent rejected . Chen Ping is the same smile ,paused ,continued and I was afraid ,a little sister while I dragged me to a before the middle of nowhere shop where to ooxx ,you a commander twat ,superwoman ,I beat you ,if I am not from in the end ,the absolute sad ah ,no, absolutely not ,I have no time ,you get back .
relationresultRogue ! , relationresultXueYufei cold way ,this attitude ,and don Aozhi red face charming charming time difference too much, Chen Ping is not angry ,you laugh ,go straight to the table ,cut off a small piece of Tang Aozhi only served fried eggs into her mouth ,talking together in order to true ,I engage in illegal activities the woman was revealed truth in turn called me after rogue ?Fuck ,this world is too strange .
relationresultTangAozhi put some hot cup of milk on the table ,sat down beside Chen Ping ,a full face of helpless ,glared at him .relationresultXue Yufeitook a deep breath ,strong self press rushed up to this asshole dice attractive idea ,a flat road night my father invites you to dinner ,said that there are things to discuss with you ,eight o ,to go by you .
relationresultChen Ping wasaware of the tremble ,looked down Aozhi quietly ,and glanced at the face of cold Xue Yufei ,slightly bitter smile .relationresultOnone .relationresultNow thekarma .
relationresult(ask for a telegraph subscription ticket ) , relationresultThe 597th chapter :to throw in the towel ?relationresultThe 597th chapterrelationresultChen Ping,is it right? Man? Quite familiar with Chen Ping woman may be filed in his time with the rogue shameless shameless fellows like vocabulary ,but nobody can deny this cat bed bed performance is strong enough strong ,so always think that my man Chen Gongzi now but not to ,he said meal ,look up look cold Xue Yufei ,smiling, regardless of the presence of Tang Aozhi ,with time ,of course ,the old father-in-law summon me this cheap son-in-law ,I do not not not to face ?Lieutenant Colonel wife ,do you think I bring Bu Shushu what gift ?Don it.
Money ,more secular ,jewelry ,the aunt must don ,to me or to the two elders to take back a granddaughter grandson relatively reliable ,saw no ,this is my daughter ,cute or not? Wipe ,you don ,I can not believe you do not admire ,come, girl, call aunt gave her to listen to .
WWw ,relationresultChen Zimou anomalymatching ,small voice call aunt ,voice immature, abnormal ethereal .relationresultTangAozhi sitting next to it ,laugh ,and ravaged this asshole ,she can in the welcome banquet in the Chen Ping flower in the southern military work to please Zijin Mountain cottage ,itself is a kind of attitude ,that between Chen Ping and her own nearly clear Maoni ,now saw the men and women of complex the confrontation, Tang Aozhi mood weird ,vinegar flavor ,more or watch the show .
relationresultXueYufei stand in situ, face no change ,but the sound was increasingly cold ,with a little ashamed and angry ,angry gangsters, don have a daughter just great ,don think you Chen family lineage have more precious, as long as I am willing ,Nanjing some men want to give birth to a child .
I am a night for a lifetime do not necessarily with duplication of the do you believe ?relationresultChen Gongzi lookedindifferent, devote oneself heart and soul to feed her to eat ,sneers well, Colonel sister charm is infinite, now you can go to have a try who dare to climb on your bed for your child ,be born in the purple grass ,do you think you are ?Let me live a woman ,even if I don ,don allow others to touch a finger ,you don thou ,since to please me, little swing this lofty stance ,army standing true standard ah ,gee ,two legs of a slit ,a pure JB Oh ,I want it, you may also be open leg ?relationresultFoul-mouthed.
relationresultLethality ofamazing .relationresultOna wearing Colonel uniform valiant and heroic in bearing woman saying this, in addition to having a sufficiently caustic rogue mouth ,as wall thickness skin is also essential .
relationresultEven the normallycool as Tang Aozhi can it deliberately mystifying posturing ,she gives him a ,stood up and hugged her daughter upstairs .relationresultWhile thetarget is more unbearable, the whole body trembled ,gnash the teeth in anger ,a pair of hate not coming with Chen Ping desperately aggressive posture ,weak to adhere to a patient ,three years ago, although two people have occurred several times not happy things ,but compared to this would be too far away ,in the army and three years experience in all be struck dumb has maintained a rapid rise in good condition ,Xue Yufei heart bear ability is a powerful general ,plus she knows Chen Gongzi as a person, to have done sufficient psychological preparation ,that if Chen Ping alone with her .
,she may be angry ,but never did so rude, some animals when another woman face so called her ,especially it is the deity is overcome ,Xue Yufei orbital red, full of grievance suddenly all of the outbreak ,scream ,disregard for their own image ,at the head of Chen Ping come over . Related articles:

