
google olute being clan kil

 The ancient argosy , on the boat of the other shore, appeared clear voice and delivered numerous group ears eyes.
Later on, the boat vibration of that other shore, fully have several shadows of big boats, flew out, let each general situation dint load.Connect into one.
"Help each other, total anti- Evil-doer!"
Boundary emissary in the sky of central big world suddenly and wildly roars 1.
The person who herds wild household also wildly roars.Later on Li Tian Wang, have no wildly, saint light, morals, have no quantity ….The superior who waits a many big world also all wildly roars in succession, all influences link into one.
"However is a disorderly band just, I can kill in you seven enter 7!"The square cold facial expression is cold, the slightest not afraid, is about to begin, the shot kills a few fairies, suddenly Gao empty in of nine You spaces, Hua broken for a while, numerous absolute beings rob of water, sprinkle to infuse down, incredibly permeate into among them, start a chain turning the whole Xuan yellow big world.
"Is not good, the absolute being clan accelerated a chain to turn!"
The square is cold this is surprised, but no trivial matter, his idea reads a to move, felt a yellow big world of Xuan of origin, all sent out a dangerous information.This time, he also cans not considers of what battle out an of leader of alliance, once the body move, the tree branch leaf of numerous worlds flew to go out and constantly and continuously absorbed the absolute being robs of water.
The absolute being robs of water, for the fairy, even fairy to say, is an all dangerous thing, chain incarnation body, even can chase fairy machines to all slowly decay, if a fairy machine, soak in the absolute being to rob of count ten thousand years in water, perhaps will also morals and custom.And the absolute being in nowadays robs of water, there are among them also many evil heads therein drifting along, contain difficult to know Xuan machine.No one would like to be besieged.
However the square is cold doesn't stop, the absolute being robs of water is his big tonic, after the conversion of the tree of world, change into timely rain, decline to drop down.The ground got into to fulfill a wish to hope is various to go and live with a group in, those group immediately one earthquake, shout jump like sparrows.
The square is cold although this didn't invite ex- the placings ten worlds and some ancient old groups, some a little bit smaller big worlds, there is also two demon, also calculate ascend a huge alliance.
Particularly is ten thousand demon valley, Zu demon of the influence of ground, the slightest bear comparison with ex- ten big worldses of placingses.
They all in the ground of wishes, look up at the sky, saw square cold on moving, numerous absolute beings rob of water change into timely rain, condition decline to drop down, all there is very big viewpoint in the heart.
"Purple saint, this absolute being robs of water , after the conversion of the tree of world, change into timely rain and is tantamount to world saint water.Compared with any miracle drug wonder drug, the Qiong straches jade liquids to all have to be efficacious, absolutely peter last pill of immortality.You see, we the demon of those troopses absorbed these saint water, a was vigorous, the province went to for thousand years, the bitterness fixed, and the life dollar is also increasing."
The bewitching Zu of a fairy Class is to the purple saint way.
"Is surprisingly square cold such of severe, kill to herd wild diffused, defeat the son of mentally dense, fight to kill all the way, more and more severe.The real strenght in nowadays, lead we resist an absolute being clan greatly rob is not a difficult affair either, we follow him, can get a huge advantage."Purple saint way.
"Really, the square was badly too cold.You see, those absolute being state door, the person of central big world, also back to walk in succession."
Water robbed in the absolute being permeates down of time, absolute being state door, many ancient old way door, big world, suddenly back to walk.
Chapter 959 seven greatest fairies abode
The absolute being clan incredibly launched strategies and robbed absolute being of water permeate the ground of getting into nine Yous, in the endless night soil, this rude in behavior also very of severity, arrive now this situation is regardless an absolute being state door, the monk of each big world, all know to put together to kill mutually now, is a very stupid affair, resist an absolute being clan to greatly rob together.
And, rob in the absolute being of the aqueous chain turn under, the whole Xuan hidden locations in the yellow big world all will be disheveled hair now.
What"seven mansions"s"three databases"s"a Mi hide", all will one by one of the chain turn out and how all conceal not to live.
Isn't only this, Xuan yellow big world the strong existence of some places with deep time and space, will sit upright not to live as well.Even some ancients first and wisely loosing Tui will present as well.
The Xuan yellow big world is an ancient first world, don't know how much Gao the persons live in to have some tall person's remainses for withering among them and also, for example ancient gold the fairy even is a corpses of Zus fairy of higher Class, all not definitely have no.
The aqueous chain robbed in the absolute being turns under, these babies present in succession, is the good time that accepts to pare off, get among them of a , good enough to with receive due acclaim and attention, strengthen a life dollar, on sky the boundaries can own a certain position, need not is a slave.
Is positive as it does, these person where still have and square cold fight of mood, immediately back to walk.
And the square Be cold to also have no mood to be what leader of alliance now, anyway accepted Luo a group of persons, the influence also inflated.The clan that is too anxious to cut to kill numerous absolute being acquires an endless advantage.
Those deicide clans also killed for the white, he was different, considered as the nutrition to the absolute being clan, killed 1 each time, coagulated of magical power fruit, can increase real strenght.
The absolute being clan kills more much, the real strenght is more arrogant, when the time comes, can also fearing not deal with many superiors of absolute being state door?All round up all at one fell swoop isn't all impossible.
"The various person unites and all listen to the adjusting of lovely fairy send,google, she wants to kill who, you kill who.Is many to go and live with my person, all set out next 33 to print a big, unite to put together like this, so as to resist an absolute being clan."
The square is cold a noodles absorption the absolute being rob of water, a side wildly roars a way.
"The ground of Zu demon, you occupy to leave fire directions!Ten thousand demon valleys, you occupy to have no a wild, the jail is evil to believe in, you occupy a black Gua and shake a thunder big world and declare big world in China, weigh a big world of sun ……you many persons, occupy each directions, seal to print an absolute being clan together, then all importation get into my body."
Extensive voice, at lovely fairy set out of resound in the ground of wishes, is almost all to go and live with square cold real strenght, brain in all got some bigs the vitality method of the operation door, meanwhile their body involuntarily of be been cold to urge by the square, occupied to like each position of big, in succession according to the method of square cold establishment, adjust vitality.
"Time passes, the in a flash is thousand years!"
The square is cold to again give a long whistle, pure sun vitality combustion, this for a while fully burned 1,000,000,000,000,000 Dan medicines, immediately of, outside split second, the ground of the wishes inside passed by for 1,000 years, many superiors all acquainted with the operation of strategies and robbed in the absolute being of water of the timely rain decline to drop down and also have a sky, dollar absolute being sign, start the absorption of the sign of dragon, don't know how much person fix gold Dan, how much person achieve long living.
A big, abrupt however condense to take shape.
Numerous Xia lights is falsely blunt sky of but rise, constituted for 33 days a shadow, outwardly wrung to kill, robbed in those absolute being of in water, also have numerous of evil head, even has some an absolute being clan the Huan keeps of evil absolute being, deathless body, ten thousand life territories, hole sky, Zhou light ……., All drive these 33 days falsely the shadow cover with therein and wring in succession ground, vitality all absorbability.
"The square is cold, we kill these days of evil, the chain turns the absolute being robs of water, although have some small compensate, compensate not much, still must look for a treasure-house.Seize a treasure-house each time, our real strenght all will a hundredfold increment, hereafter get into for a sky, the field is all one square strong Hao, can't watch another's expression."
At 33 day world in, the Mi treasure swallows to vomit in, the cent treasure rock sent out ten thousand Zhang ray of lights and also converted gradually a machine for the sake of the half fairy, among them, many ancient bigs be all repairing.
The square was cold to cut to kill a lot of fairies of superior, among them fairy way rule, there are some rocks that also hurtled in to divide a treasure in, repair a big for Mi treasure.
However the cent wraps a rock, change into a real fairy machine, also need an endless process, not is cut to kill a head of fairy and then can transmute become, want to kill several fairies most at least, so as to have enough strength, know this time immemorial magic weapon, and can't be a common kinds of goods, the strength of demand is huge astonishing.
"Is quite good, we want to seize to a few treasure-houses and use to conduct and actions to fly to rise into

