
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu ther's affair and do

Being same was all old age person to on the contrary become younger generation, the age was young of but is an elder.
Six kangs get mad, the atmosphere in the den is immediately stagnate, six merit don't dare to talk any further.
Very long behind, six merit slowly lift up head, stole to take aim one eye.
See six kangs fall calm, six merits continue to say:"Father, the Wan county peripheral bandit suffers from a cluster to living and how handle?"
Six kangs sink a track:"What bandit suffer from?This is six lousy fabricate rumor to cause trouble.Although the Lu river's county doesn't attain a night not to shut a situation for returning lost articles founding on the street,also the peace have no matter.The Wan county is a county to cure place, and the battalion stations, thief's bandit would not dare to causes trouble.I estimate that however is that severals walk sideways overbearing sons of Wan Mao to cause trouble, the shortage is a Lyu.Will send a Ya service to handle this matter for father, you need not worry.Study to do knowledge hard, this is the most important of, understand?"
Six merit heads repeatedly nod, saying of honesty:"BE, the child is understand."
Six kangs put a hand way:"Go to!"
Six merits not and slowly and not and slowly stand to start, Gong body dynasty six kangs salute and just turned round to leave den.
Six kangs see six merits leave, serious of the facial expression disappear, what to replace is a kindly and kind and genial smiling face.He stretches hand Le Han under of long beard, gleam satisfied air in the eye.
Six merits are under his guidance bearing in proper form, this is everyone's manner, six family traditions.
But six kangs thought of six lousy, facial expression again Kua come down.
Six lousy young, but don't calm down to do knowledge, whole day pay attention to the affair in the county, let to worry in six Kang hearts.If these aren't six kangs don't like six lousy contact politicses, just six kangs hope six lousy knowledge of working wells, wait to learn to have become again go into the official as officer, regrettable six lousy don't listen to six kangs, let six Kang hearts descend not happy.
Six merits leave from the den and grow comfortable tone, as if relieved of a heavy burden.
A youth appears outside the yard, dynasty six the merits recruited to beckon with the hand.
This youth shape Qi is long, the sword eyebrow Lang eyes, wear a white dress, Zhuo Er not cluster, but face top have one silk frivolous air.He is inclined to lean on the beam of hallway, a Wan Mao sons shape.
This person isn't other people, is exactly six lousy.
Six merit eyebrowses are greatly tiny wrinkly, but still tread a dynasty six lousy walk.
"Six lousy, seek me what is up?"
Six spin joyless say, he from small accept education of six kangs, have poise in proper form, the each and every move has to have everyone the manner of the sons, but six lousily send to obviously not agree with to match six standards of merits.
Six lousy ask a way:"Six merits let you notify from the grandfather's affair and do how?"
Six merits listen to six lousy keep shouting his name, the facial expression is serious, seriously say:"Six lousy, father said, you were my younger generation, respected elder, hereafter can not keep shouting my name."
Six merits put the carriage of an elder, let six lousy hearts in funny.
The kid is always a kid!
Six lousy lightly cough 1, continue to say:"Six merits, do you want to know the circumstance out of the mansion?Want not to want to see divertive thing, I know a lot, there are a lot of things in the hand, too."
That situation, clear is luring six merits.
Six merits smell speech, peep out difficult facial expression on the face and humed a voice, then quickly said:"Father said that all of thief's bandits of Wan county are what the sons of Wan Mao walks sideways village neighborhood to result ins, in really the Miu spreads, unworthy a lift.The father says that the Ya service whereabouts that send a district magistrate mansion manages this matter.H'm, the father says besides and lets you studies well, don't whole day having no a matter can do."
Six lousy sighed tone, and then smiled to say:"Six merits, perhaps have never said to let from the grandfather the affair that I study, is that you plus to go by yourself, intentionally deceive mine!"
Six merit faces a red, positive color way:"Who fool you?"
Six lousy Heys Hey say with smile:"From the grandfather early disappoint to me extremely, can't instruct me to study.Said again, the book of your home had been already deeply read and read again also useless."
Six merits say:"At enmity with you dispute, I returned to study."
After finishing saying, six merits turn round a dynasty to backyard go.
Just walked half, six the merits suddenly turned round and said:"Do not forget to promise my affair."Six merits vomit a tongue and did a grimace and away and disappear run no trace.
Six lousy smiled to smile, shook head to say:"Finally is a kid, regrettable from the opinion that the grandfather doesn't adopt me.This matter is usually different, there is perhaps also follow-up affair.H'm, I have to cautiously pay attention to and early intend."Six lousy didn't can let six kangs watch out for, but don't give up, turned round to leave district magistrate of mansion, continue the affair of paying attention to the Wan county.
Wan county southwest square, in a valley of expanse.
Here, hide 30,000 Shu soldiers.
At the beginning Wang Can leads 30,000 crack troopses set out from nine rivers and go in secret all the way, at the same time at halfway up send a soldier to rush through into a Wan county to check to explore geography, early and early made selection the location of hiding the battalion.
History urgently and in a hurry shuttle in the crowd, dynasty Wang Can runs.
Guo Jia sees a history walk, ask a way:"History, circumstance how?"
Once Wang Can's vision turn and also see toward the history.
Their arriving a Wan county has already had four, start trying to find solution to seize the Lu river's affair.The thief of the these several days Wan county multifarious occurrence the bandit affairs is Guo Jia to plan all alone.
Make thief's bandit, wanting to sound out the reaction of six kangs.
History embrace a boxing to say:"Report back lord male, according to military adviser Guo's plan, the Wan county neighborhood has already made a few affairs that thief's bandits rob in a row, the newses unfortunately getting from the district magistrate mansion say six kangs to think the matters sons of thief's bandit falsely naught, belong to the sons of Wan Mao BE.According to this reason, six kangs only send a few Ya service processing, have never sent a soldier to round Jiao."
Guo Jia says:"See, six kangs have much of self-confidence!"
Wang Can smiles to say:"Although six kangs didn't send a soldier, didn't can make us fulfill a wish,his curing the next Lu river is really the ground of a peace.Suddenly have the thief the bandit to appear and disappear now, six kangs don't believe to is also normal."
Guo Jia's eyes are one Mi, say:"Six kangs cure the next Lu a river the peace have no matter,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, this comes from our idea to anticipate.However, this doesn't influence planned implementation.History, send the news that the person is killed Sun Jian to spread to go, disturb a Wan county popular support, continue again to make the situation that thief's bandit revolts, must let six kangs lead troops in person."
History embrace a boxing should descend, quickly execute an order.
Wang Can smiles to ask a way:"Receive a filial piety, you have confidence so six kangs to visit relatives from lead troops to suppress bandits?"
Guo Jia is confident, have ready plans to meet a situation of say:"The Jia is cutting and polishing six kangs for these several days, discover six kangs hating clear, the reward and punishment contains preface, and hates thief's bandit very much.Light and three years(180 years), Lu**Huang Rang and river summer pretty the king revolt, six kangs lead troops suppression in person, means just fierce violent in action.Now again appeared thief's bandit, six kangs can't be sweeter than lonesome."
Wang Can ha ha on smiling, say:"Like, I wait and see."
Ps:Two of the midnights;

Volume 15 settles a river the east chapter 1160 six kangs suppress bandits in person
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-5-221:22:06 chapter word numbers:2968

On November 18, Wan county west the noodles have the thief the bandit to appear and disappear.
At the mid-night on that day, thief's bandit and being hard to count hurtles into Zhao Jia and recklessly robs.
Zhao Jia is a square of the Wan county west the Hao is strong, the household raised 800 private soldiers and walked sideways a square.However, while hurtling into Zhao Jia, thief's bandit 800 private soldiers are like the ants of ground, die on trampling, there is no resistibility.Thief's bandit that the background doesn't know killed Zhao Jia's person, and then robbed to walk all money, only a part of attendants and maidservant live bottom.
On November 20, Wan county south again have the thief the bandit to appear.
This time, the target of these thief's bandits is a Wan county fee house.The fee house is similar to Zhao Jia, all that the Wan county well-known Hao is strong, raised 600 private soldiers, the household of Wan county great reputation.The attack that faces thief's bandit, fee house easily of be destroyed, is also have one part of maidservants and attendant or, spread affair to come out.
On November 21, thief's bandit robs the beard house of the Wan county south noodles.
On November 24, thief's bandit robs Liu Jia of Wan county southwest side.
Every 1 the twoth, or is to separate for several days, will have a well-known big clan to rob to rob.
If careful analysis, can discover what good bird none of big households, such as Zhao Jia, fee house and beard's house and Liu Jia...etc. is, walking sideways overbearing household is whole

