
Artist Series oWang Yong asks a

 "Ha ha, we calculate a somebody else, the somebody else must also calculate us, they are to feel that affirming in underground tunnel is too stuffy, wants to open a skylight for us at the top!"Wang Yong smiles to say.Looking at a member
The value that chapter 47 firmly stands by
On the underground tunnel of be replied a layer to contain or so three meterses, the enemy connects deep-fried take to plane can not use much for a long time and then will dig, Wang Yong immediately let the warriors use caisson fill up heap of soil at in the side carve into a together short wall, he is in the back have a stand machine gun.Along with the downfall of a burst of soil rain, the underground tunnel top appears the heavy hole of a per meter diameter, the sunlight is from the last side deeply come in, up dig the false soldier of hole to send out a burst of shout, flood in entrance to cave to in look about, 'Da Da ···'have not waited the scene that they see pure inside, a string of bullet flew to come over and laughed heartily a voice to immediately become to cry a dad to shout a bellowing of Niang voice, the blood tick-tockly and from above flows down, the entrance to cave threw down two corpses.
Wang Yong continuously of strafe to the entrance to cave, beat the surrounding dust float in the sky, the enemy breaks up in a hubbub, don't dare to come forward again, "back quickly, the enemy has to throw hand thunder!"Wang Yong hurriedly lets the warriors that after death remain on standby at him retreat.
'Mao ···Mao'Wang Yong Hua's sound didn't fall, a few hand thunders dropped down from the last side and hit short wall up roll an underground tunnel, a few huge play a slice loudly four shoot, was immediately full of nitric smoke in hole, adopted measure in time and avoided dead and injured at them so much.
"Work well to fight preparation, prevent°from enemy from here blunt come in,Artist Series!"Wang Yong directs the warriors to back turning of underground tunnel Cape, concealed in the dark place.
The enemy the Ji inside Mao Lang threw a burst of hand thunder and used to from above use a machine gun to sweep downward**a after, a few enemies jumped down, 'beat'is all smoke in hole, basically see a not pure person, hear action, Wang Yong issue the order of gunning, a few tommy guns sprayed to vomit to play rain to pour a few enemy Liaos, and the enemy of outside didn't dare to come in any further.
Divide in noon, two iron jars suddenly from'skylight'dropped to come in, everyone hasn't made to understand this is what things, iron jar sent out the explosion voice of two just rights and immediately came out very thick yellow smoke close behind flowed out to come into the hole, 'cough ···'the thick smoke send out the smell Qiang of sting nose the person keep a cough, eyes also could not opened and guarded in a warrior of entrance to cave immediately drive smoked dizzy, pour on the ground.
"Gas shell, everyone take an anti-virus mask quickly!"Wang Yong yells a way, but the hole come to only five masks, Wang Yong once connected a beam green mountain to pass to his mask and suppressed one breath blunt the warrior give°ing the mask swoon in the past puts on and started to grasp the gas shell stilling be emitting smoking to throw to go out from the entrance to cave.
"There is no hurriedly urinating of mask, wet to the towel on the mouth!"The money-mad once beats Japan, knew how deal with this thing, loudly shout a way, have no the person of mask to hurriedly solve pants to urinate, hole to have many urine Sao flavor.Led very smoke to gradually spread to go for a while, the warrior fainting also slowly and slowly came over, the enemy originally thinks to fume to come out a dozen the person, and the but again fell to get empty.
"Pei, mama of how wipe to also have a flavor!"Seven classes of Lin Jing Zi You Xi became to vomit a few salivas to scold a way.
"Old wood, your own urine stills abandon!"The beam green mountain says with a smile.
"Own urine is also a Sao of, really his mama of disgusted!"Lin Jing Zi You Xi becomes bitterness write the face say.
"Is contented and have never let the poisonous gas fume to die quite good, endure."Ma Zhong Ye Yu says.
"Endure?At that time I wanted rush out with enemy put together, killed a sufficient to cover cost, put to death two even if is earn, led so much be blocked up in the nest by them beat!"Lin Jing Zi You Xi becomes to say.
"Try very hard to, how many lives you have to put together?"Wang Yong heard and counter-questioned a way, " enemy's don't care wastes a few bullets, your life so worthless!"
"Pair company commander, we are all blocked up in the inside, also don't go, beat and could not beat and guard in this underground tunnel to have what use?"Lin Jing Zi You Xi becomes black the face defy spirit ground to say,Beats Solo HD.
"The function is getting bigger, our guarding has to divide a soldier to deal with us at my enemy, can not concentrate troops to start aggression, can also match with big troops to carry on backstroke and exterminate more enemies, more important we are to passively guard here, we can choose that the appropriate opportune moment attacks and consumes the enemy's real strenght!"Wang Yong says.
"The pair company commander says of to, we guard here can at any time to enemy back put one knife and disrupt their aggression deployment and lead long to make their troopses, they can not let go to take the offensive our main battlefields, and function your book, how is a nest to suffer indignities in the hole."The beam green mountain sees Lin Jing Zi You Xi to become to say.
"Hum, we can guard underground tunnel Be getting more quite good, also attack on one's own initiative, that be'the meat dumplings beat a dog and haven't returned', the backstroke is a main affair!"A warrior says.
"Week text you isn't a grass chicken, willing hide in the hole to suffer beating, depend on to depend on others to break siege for us, early know to like this should not stay you here!"Seven leader of class Li Jin get angry of roar a way.
"Everyone doesn't want to fight and tried very hard to of viewpoint not to, negative avoid a war also not to, the parents keep us so for several years, the troops pays so over-sensitive blood of to develop us again, we lightly talk life and death that is to motherland unfaithful to ruler, to parents not filial, time need we can roll land mine and pull explosive to wrap that is die it, is a martyr, is a hero, if just for the sake of in anger try very hard to that with enemy is a bumptious fellow, is an idiot."Wang Yong stopped their issues to say, " is negative to avoid to fight to passively defend, can make the enemy be getting more overbearing and carry on laying siege to to us more recklessly, we only on our own initiative attack just can beat the enemy's flame of anger, make stronger battlefield!"Wang Yong says very scathingly, if can be grown by these bad emotion, don't rectify, will influence the progress of combat.
Suddenly underground tunnel the gun voice that spread a burst of vehemence, money-mad and pottery Tashan smile happily of connect to roll to take to climb of drilled into underground tunnel, "money-mad, you again dry what go to?"Wang Yong asks a way.
"Ha ha, pair company commander,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, just we'become rich', polished off 78 enemies, they haven't discovered us and frightenned all to hide highland to there go to!"Do not wait money-mad to talk, pottery Tashan answered for him.
Everyone also the lane understood just from pottery Tashan relate later on a pair person does of good matter, just their two people guards in another underground tunnel, that opens on a ground fortress side, and the enemy hasn't been discovering.Money-mad this isn't an ability to live lonesome temperament, he drilled into ground the fortress outwardly observe and see the enemy is just preparing aggression, he starts helping a somebody else'roll call'.The first one chooses of is embracing the signal corps of step words machine, one gun exploded head dozen, the second choose of is a heavy machine gun pair shooter, somebody else just and frequently and frequently moving of Ken Ken caisson, to kill dugout in, is the third commanding officer that is a big voice vigorously inflating for a flock of food for powder drum that prepares to start aggression, he a gun past, serve as soldier of all ran, leave that military officer to take out over there.
The money-mad does this rich in experience, all choose when the shell explodes while shooting, so his rifle gunning the voice be covered up by the cannon voice, the conjunction polished off three people, the enemies didn't discover, also thought because carelessly expose be killed by the person on the highland.Pottery Tashan saw cheapness to have to also trail a to stand a machine gun to climb out, when the enemy again gather, suddenly gave that somebody else one shuttle son, puts all of a sudden to pour one, leave of person's frightenning all to hide an another part doesn't dare dew head, they say is kill 78, two guns of two people enemy of this takes the offensive again to stir!In all aspects climbs a dog mouth up!"The money-mad once beats Japan, knew how deal with this thing, loudly shout a way.
"Everyone saw our current functions, two guns of two people stir enemy not get quiet and peaceful, we insist fight and then can reduce lord the pressure of the battlefield, the better completion superior hands over to our tasks!"Unexpectedly the beam green mountain still has the Qian quality to guide a member and holds tight this opportunity to immediately carry on education to several persons who has negative thought.
A raid that the money-mad by accident launches, not only re- let the value that everyone knew that he or she firmly stands by in the underground tunnel, make them find out a way that deals with an enemy again.Time in one whole day, Related articles:

