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But none of scales of war is big, and gains an advantage, so halt a soldier to have to be slacken, garrison an army corps outside the powerful supporter city, and ride the soldier wants to deal with of is exactly also this army corps.
BE riding the soldier's behind, what to follow behind is an infantry 8, 9th army corpses and short person the clan war ax regiment, offending of two big brigadeses city camp is led in person by Wen Jia.Enter for the sake of the east, develop for southwest county these several years strong, plus close to short person's clan, weapon material good have never got to say, the saint king more and early has preparation and left for the blue Ling many materials that offend city, be for recover south Central plains use, is regardless a Wen Jia Bu and blue Ling this time this, the plain large units all took.
Wen Jia leads the horse of 150,000 people after riding soldier's army corps and quickly surrounded powerful supporter city, 200 offends a city car south, west for cent, north three face office attack, along while of time, all good enough, Wen Jia mounts astride horses to arrive at before and see the powerful supporter city guard although the soldier is flurried,have already worked well defense preparation, he sees one eye or so, cold of in vision have no a the slightest of feelings, then coldly say:"Attackstone!"
The huge piece of stone takes to roar and shout the voice falls to go to the city head and chases the city wall Duo expurgation half side, the soldier is hit the flesh and blood Be horizontal to fly, immediately greatly disorderly.South Yi the person is invincible in the wilderness bush, but elephant's so offending to defend city city after all isn't a strong point, besides they have no what offend a city material, south Yi the person battle with of is braveness and strength, one kills a strength, three flying rock attack, have already been scared out of wits, majority of soldiers ran a city wall to hide, at four-wheeler attack before, three myriad people brigades of eighth army corps prepare already is ready, at roar and shout a voice in, follow behind to offend a city car to depend up, the city bottom, 300 Nu cars and Nu hand explore successful in career the whole targets to shoot to wear in the city head.
What soldier had followed to offend city steps to climb up, many people from offend city car up come out, directly fall on the city head, launched to fight, by this time, throw stone a car beginning to extend, to city inside bombard, exterminate the person whom bottom in the city wall avoid being seen, frighten the southern Yi soldier flurried escape a string, along while of time, Wen Jia has already got into powerful supporter city.
Setting sun west bottom, in piecemeal fashionly kill a voice suddenly concealed suddenly now, Wen Jia didn't take care of these and orderanied soldier to hold firmly time to take a rest and resumed physical strength and stayed the troops guarding to be responsible for dealing with these remnants remaining enemy, clear an unsteady factor, restore peace to people to organize a defence.
On the second day, with ninth army corps for forepart, the battalion continues forward attack headway.Short person's clan little clan the long card Lai stand at Wen Jia nearby, energetic and daring, will to fight proud Yang, battled a day ago, short person's clan had never taken part in to offend city combat and still kept complete.
The blue bird 6, 7th army corpses keep strong attack power head, all the way once cut saint rather all regions in Henan, then again and again pure pay, cut off intercity contact, offend city to create a condition for infantry.Wen Jia leads infantry to connect a gram near water, receive after city's two cities a soldier to divide three roads, with eighth army corps, ninth army corps and short person clan war ax regiment for unit, divide three aspect attacks, the battalion acts quickly resolute, recover saint in January whole territorieses in Henan rather, then, with ride a soldier for unit, garrison in the most southern part of depend Yi city, surveillance south Yi local action, clear for action at any time, beat off an increasing of enemy to aid troops.
The blue Ling commander-in-chief Wei Ge every moment keeps and the saint king's contact, after Wen Jia sets out the fourth day, receive the order of attacking of saint king, on June 4, take blue feather as forward, the plain large unit follows, the new moon is a central part, blue Ling 5, 10th army corpses and 2 prepare the brigade as empress department, rather the river city attackstone headway to the east, 760,000 battalions take turns an attack, day and night don't stop,cheap beats by dre.
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Chapter 24 advertises for a war southwest

The blue feather main task is clearance south the city in the county,beats by dre cheap, southeast county region outer circle, ride a soldier and take myriad people brigade as unit, every where attack, all the way east enter, the commander-in-chief thunder space leads blue feather Wei 15,000 artificial forefront, the stuffy head walks faster, the chief of staff second text manages medium soldier, the contact match of moderate each army corps, empress department, the plain large unit didn't tee off signal, the main purpose is also to walk faster, because of plain large unit is infantry, and take a great deal of supplies and offend city material, activity slow-moving,Beats by Dre BMW, and have no warfare task, drive new moon the large unit rushed through in the past, Wu sand Er the main task of the large unit is to follow behind in the blue feather after death, started offending city to cover on the biggest distance, the department was rather unimpeded, stabilized saint after keeping for the blue feather the east of Hebei region safety, created a logistic base for blue feather, support at any time, so, after arriving eastern sun city region, turn into defense.
But the Wei Ge lead the task of the horse of 200,000 people heavy many, he on the other hand wants to capture a city and makes stronger defense line and resist Yi cloud to loosen once at any time soldier, and want to provide a logistic replenishment for the forepart troops at the same time.At 800 in of front up, also really not do, 200,000 troopses are limited, the affair doing cans not reckon how many, the Wei Ge is burned, anxious in the heart thousand times.He at the beginning knows to send army to original difficulty in Nan-ping, but doesn't thought of to is so difficult, under charge soldier all one person crest 2 people use, an affair is still a favour isn't over.
But the southwest county is after all a blue bird dynasty one of the region of house, abundance in the region, the personnel is the most wide, the Teng is more used as the father, southwest county governor of province of Wei Ge experienced, compare a son not to know strong in this aspect how much doubly, for several decades, the Teng more says to really have never beaten as well what battle, the southwest has been stabilizing, his task be help father management region, experience foot, know a son this time Wei Ge rate the soldier recover south Central plains, early know difficult place, get ready many personnel's materials for the son Wei Ge, see a battalion activity smooth, personnel's supplies of southwest county starts starting.
First, at the personnel, the Teng more took out to adjust southwest each city of county of all household young personnel, and all of the officials of every nothing important affair follow behind to go on an expedition and promise to capture restructuring of area to manage and receive each city and help a placard to restore peace to people and preserve order.At the same time, the southwest county population is numerous very, people the regiment background is thick, the domestic affairs early starts to organize 500,000 green prime of life persons, for recover south Central plains use, after battalion everything is smoothly, people's regiment has already started setting out.
Secondly, southwest county at present can be treated as the whole a county with the most wealthy mainland, the food, supplies and weapon equips strong, for the sake of the son's ten thousand matters good name, Teng more willing to give up, want ~only demand, have everything, and the Teng more sit an even city in person, every need, each the household term listen to adjust to send and against an anti- and immediately seize entire family belongs, there is no that household daring defy an order, Teng more father and son is what person, what identity, be in the dynasty, the saint king also wants to the Teng more face, besides it is the period that recovers to lose ground and contribute backlog capital, otherwise from now on not mix, so each household actively matches with, for the business of little lord spare no effort with all strength.
Saint Wang Tian Lei at the beginning lets the Wei Ge garrison a southwest and surely has selfishness, but he after all experience shortage, ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of in other respect, southwest county for supporting son Wei Ge, effort of made is thus of huge, sacrifice the whole manpower material resourceses, not dint left over strength, be really greatly luckily of pole.
Is delight with unexpected good news when Wei Ge received a batch of hands, having never thoughted of the father was like this words nature that is brilliant, appreciate naturally, later on, the personnel, supplies is since then billowing, consumedly alleviated pressure, made he with troops spared a hand from the business of place, a heart manages troops and every moment prepares the anti- shot Yi cloud and loosens the time of department soldier attack.
Go to in June an end, the Wei Ge recovers saint rather big slice of land in Hebei, front 600 inside, attack and occupy more than 20s in the size city, the common people population is more than 800 myriad people.
The south Yi country lord Yi cloud dragon knows that the southwest county sends army saint rather the news of Henan, if the at heart pressed a piece big stone sort of heavy, see a that sends army this time power, he knew a big deal.Several in the last yearses, Yi cloud dragon sends army China and skates over thin ice, very careful, such as isn't six countries in the mainland and enter and make China at the same time, he really doesn't dare and touch saint the empire say and beat a while and then run him for day can also, elephant so the big area capture him and know to want to have an accident feeling sooner or later, isn't a saint Ma the person re- recovers and be captured by the another country, but he also wants and has one more day to is a day, the affair had been dragging along till now.
The establishment of blue bird dynasty, Yi cloud is loose to know that the crisis came, the other people were probably not quite to understand western Related articles:

