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It is a small way to investigate, if miss Qi people Zhi, have to start to grasp from the doll, this be big way moral path."

"The moral path also has."He surname man the wine Han Be tiny to inebriate, clap thigh to immediately say:"I say two elder brothers, you really should go out to walk, that Lee's young master starts promoting at present a kind of call stage education method, study to is divided into No. 3 quality, be like I wait point of receive to learn, the high school is similar to the university, hear is building schoolhouse everywhere at the moment, is finishing once preparing year after spreads to open, and I also hear, that Lee's young master still prepares to be in use prize and punishment system, but each every and each have a proper age kid, if not send go into lately learn, will place hard labor, or penal sum"

"Hard labor?Fine money"

"Do not send a kid to go to for a day yes, that punishes for a day, hard labor, or pay one money silver, push according to this kind, if you don't send for a year to, so northeast the earth you will always don't have a foothold of ground"

"The hard labor fines money"

The "commit tomfoolery, is really a monkey business" huge elder brother hears here, is immediately and greatly angry, the Nu scolds a way:"I wait all is study of person, attend school of the way is expensive at voluntarily, if force origin can not, and not learn to still want a hard labor, pay penal sum, this was too really a violent in action, those bitterness the somebody else's kid, again where can pay school fees, does the important person house sell son to sell a female, or keep off home town??"

"Huge elder brother,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com, huge elder brother slightly Anne isn't irritable, and listen to I finish saying."See huge elder brother such concussion, the words hurriedly make people put a not last mouth, the He surname man's wry smile is 1, wait he to finish saying to just continue a way:"The somebody else receives to learn and the high schools are all free, student as long as from take a lunch, only the university is to need to be paid, however is also reduce half to take, if the poor family can lead to receive to learn and two passes in the high school, can also all don't need school fees"


This under don't say Pi greatly huge elder brother, even Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen can not help staring as well big eyes, all don't need school fees?This needs how much

Northeast although it is said three wide persons from ground in province are sparse, but flowed out from the grounds like Shanxi, Shandong,etc for these two years come not descend several 1,000,000 people, even if don't spread all over the coolie of three provinces on the whole, the population also wants to be near must, this among them the student of proper age about 78100,000, so that huge cardinal number, even if just receive to learn with high school, even if those teach a Sir not to accept money and add at least would not° until silver must enough go toward as well annually in fill

Saided again from receiving to learn a high school,dr dre cheap, at least want 78 years, that be up the depletion of 1000000002 silvers, how difficult to handle is the that Lee big young master money?And does he whence recruit to so teach Sir more,beats by dre australia?

He surname man's seeming language isn't astonishing dead to start to carry wine cup and say endlessly:"You don't also not believe, one of my origin my elder brother younger brother, originally is a clerk in the Ya door pen case, at present be in the new governmental affairs office of Mukden bad, he is to have already seen with own eyes that official letter, and he he says, the schoolhouses all have already built about at present, road far of the student can also live school, and the big young master of that Lee of somebody else still especially the south of the idea please come thousand teach the Sir to the number, it is said that was a lot of to all once drink ocean ink

Still have, listen to my that brothers say, the that Lee young master paid from, in the gold state, Mukden, long spring and Heilongjiang set up four foreigners that kind of university, the schoolhouses all had been already begun to work and also prepared to exclusively invite foreigner to have a lecture and heard having already been spending ensign country and Britain country to start recruiting a person at present currently"

Subsidize annually must strong line of make proper age student up receive to learn, study at a high school, return oneself pay to set up western university and ask foreigner to teach, the handwriting of that Lee's young master is really remarkable

Proper 3 people drive this a chain of news earthquake sob silent, the hospital outside and suddenly rings out a burst of clear and crisply knock on door a voice, not etc.3 people start, the old family have already urgently and in a hurry run to Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen's in front, and the complexion strain is in a great hurry:"Sir, outside ……, outside have soldier Ye to seek."

Soldier Ye

Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen's facial expression is abrupt however on changing, after that Lee's young master had northeast three provinces, he had been teaching a person at family training's book and basically had never interfered with outside of matter, how can recruited to soldier Ye?

Connect the He that some Hans inebriate surname the man be also frightenned awake wine, don't know exactly what matter, luckily Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen is well-knownly to teach a Sir inside the sea city, the idea is cool-headed, hurriedly comforted old family and then greet in person, two good friends fears him to have an accident, also in a great hurry heel go up.

3 people just got out of the hospital door, see front yard the center stand one wore thick and blue uniform, the body Zi pen stood, the tidy neat young man was still smiling to conjecture on all sides, after death following a waist inside Ku two chase the warrior of short gun, Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen hurriedly the arch hand said hello:"This soldier Ye don't know you ……."

"Teacher, you are incognizant I?"


3 people immediately one earthquake, particularly Yang Jing Zi You Xi Zhen, is also two eyes stare consumedly of, hope youth big fellow, although also feel some noodles familiar, the other party should belong to an in soldier on seeing Gao Related articles:

