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Fill, almost chew and didn't chew for the downwards swallowing of the no time for waiting, see of sell the becoming speechless of all a strength of the owners of breakfast, originally is said to buy a , camed to hand top and then filled bellied as a result, this walked over there all the way, at the first breakfast for buying, till the second time finish eating, the third times the second finish eating, pour is that need not lifted on the hand.
Numb once the Fan see don't become like this, simultaneously try very hard to into the mouth fills breakfast, part with sell breakfast of owner's way:"That what … Ji Ji!Give me … Ji Ji!Come to ten cage small steamed buns, 20 fried dumplings, 50 fresh meat big steamed stuffed bun …"crazy point a spirit after, pointed to point the stand of selling the hot stem noodles:"Send to go there for me."
The Chou wore the boss's wives that he buys to eat all the way all the way to all see silly, when he return to a noodles stand, severals lifting on the hand also all filled into belly earlier, a sit down to come and then start to copy chopsticks to shout shout go toward to fill to descend in mouth two bowls of good hot stem noodles, take time to still ask:"Boss's wife also has?"
"E …E, right away very good right away!"The owner whom the along while can not return to the boss's wife of absolute being to hurriedly hurtle to stare at with awe beckons with the hand, once the owner see, what a guy, this is to really edible, no wonder that for a while call so many, however see him so thin, it is Tatu to also be different from man?Also had no before seldom seen he came to eat breakfast, could don't also be like to edible so today.
However not afraid Tatu man, who set up shop, the owner also comes to strength head and want and see actually this nickname trouble elder brother's boy edibled more, straight-tempered was the big basin that directly uses that noodles served with soy sauce, sesame butter to descend to him 1, mix blend good send for him to, and by this time numb those steamed stuffed bun fried dumplings with just- ordered Fan also delivered, originally thought that he was to have the owners that a group of friends ate together to dense as a blockly round by table, looking at him or so opened bow, hands quick of go toward filled thing in mouth, and speed still more and more quick, surroundings of the persons all frightenned silly, involuntarily came to a stop silly silly looking at him to ate.
We of bother an elder brother at present there still attend to up be rounded a view, his digest speed already drive extremely evil secretary to promote to 2000%, and still and just and continuously promote in the middle, is also say, if he at ordinary times is full to probably need 6 around hours would again feel hungry, so he probably will feel hungry for more than 10 minutes now!
And because the speed problem for taking a meal, he fills into the food in the mouth, almost is to in a twinkling be digested on being fallen into stomach bag and cause how to eat to all eat not satisfied, can continuously go toward to fill thing in belly.
The crowds being almost stagnant, looking at us of bother an elder brother classmate with extremely sudden and swift of certainly once the food that the owners deliver sweep but get empty, simultaneously shout shout go toward fill noodles in mouth, part still free to station the owners way by the side of the table:"Come to 20 cage small steamed buns for me again, 100 snow vegetableses greatly wrap, ten bowls of semi-congealed bean curds ……" he learns now cleverness, no longer order those difficult chew of, and again hot of thing, target soft good import of order.
Surroundings process of the crowd also discovered breakfast stand neighborhood of not normal, start rounding a view to get up gradually, even have small youth seeing this wonderful view, take out cellular phone to take, can not estimate how long, on the network will appear a video frequency invitation card that is named 《river's city is surprised now terrible big stomach king 》 .
The numb Fan is to have a bitterness could not say, the behavior of such cow fork can not agree with match him consistent low-key style, and quickly take a meal, not only didn't fill with his stomach, but also cause the chin of quick mastication's starting to be aching, he is a full face pain and sufferings of fix attention on tears bottom to swallow.
The crowd that rounds a view is curious from the first, arrive unimaginable, again arrive consternation, end arrive frightened, because numb Fan at very short in less than an hour in eat of food, the heap together and almost can be similar to his weight to weigh, that will never be a mankind's stomach bag to pack nextly go to of.
The owner and boss's wife been frightenned by him didn't dare to upwards carried hot stem noodles for him again, if this eats a somehow, they this is hot stem noodles stand even if Be getting more famous in river's city, the head eats the case of hot stem noodles suicide and discovers a field and also have flank of old grandmothers all nervously advise him:"Young man, have what want don't open of matter, say well,Beats By Dre Justbeats, don't vent anger upon own body!?
End trouble elder brother almost is simultaneously swallow to lift in hand of a bag of son big steamed stuffed bun, part Duo road and escape, pour not is that he cans not stand a quilt when the monster rounds the look in the eyes of view, also not is BE full cannot swallow, but kept on eating a heap of thing, although have digestive system acceleration, digest of very and well, but still avoid to can not help of have a great deal of deposition thing to arrive a large intestine storage down through a stomach bag, small intestines ……
Are almost tears to rush to hurtle into east the numb Fan of utility room in the sky, neglect large numbers of jobs to play with the look in the eyes of logistic younger sister surprised Cha, very not easy so for a long time build up the cold superior getting up image deformation of cleaned out, madness of running about wildly and once wearing hall, go straight to a toilet and go, also ignore inside someone's nobody, started to fly a feet Chuai to open a , quickly hold tight top of trousers to put out strength downwards one Lu, double feet separate slightly the breadth is at the shoulder and adopt half to squat down carriage, light Mao tiny empress Jue, hands steady hand a knee, posture like ride a horse generally, just a little hatch after a second, suddenly title, double eyes such as electricity of letting out and opening voice:"Hey!!!"
"Split an inside Pa!Xi mile Hua!Drop Li Wa Ji!Mao Mao!!!"
【Is troublesome:Be lain to have the brothers suspicion the leading role mental derangement, urinate to release for a while, that what, fixed position my individual of this book is to intend into "the part is tiny to make" development, so establish some more silly of dog blood details, if the suspicion kusoes too much, that behind the An will notice to a little bit order as usual and thank to put forward the brothers of opinion,beats by dre!^_^
Moreover, and then have the brothers dislikes old tingle a 2 K of party, lie, originally is not plan so dry, however because old hemp have no position, blunt placard difficulties, so for hurtling the placard click for much several periods, this just specially dismantles into the 2 K2 Ks hair and tell the truth details to make of a little bit break continuously and continuously, the An also knows to isn't very good like this and wait in case of lucky make a contract of words, steady settle down,beats by dre australia, there is authorities recommendation, the An resumes into a 3 Ks or 4 Ks, 5 Ks what of, the words in nowadays, hope that everyone forgives bottom, the An increases into 3 chapters of a day 2 chapters good.
End, concerning is felt details by the brothers slow-moving, once in a very long while don't get into the problem of positive, also a little bit explain bottom, probably"farmer" in the book title 《platinum farmer bother elder brother 》 is two words, give everyone some mislead, may think to is farming of"portable farmland" text, in fact be not, although with farm to have a little a relation, however be not along with flow, everyone sees the classification should see of come out, this is this"game difference boundary", the not- purely virtual net visits, the getting stripe of leading role system has been already started, of so everyone will feel slowly...-_-|||, That may because the An binds feet cloth the capability increase again, the An strength quantity changes.
Have no real strenght have no the position nobody power drop the trouble do obeisance up!Hope everyone for leisured time still support for a while, hard run a feet to throw a recommendation ticket for hurl!】

Chapter 8012 heroic
Lift the numb Fan of pants to stagnantly looking at grain transmigration of soul of inside of that"Tuo" grand view of pyramid type object, deeply of be shocked, he thinks ex- a certain filth male of some year nets dedicates a treasure own one Tuo the super large number gold takes photo to upload and enounce to apply for world record in Ji Nice to is already mankind of highest point, have never thought oneself broke the mankind's extreme limit in this a moment and created the astonishing record that can not be outstripped!
Lo that perfect spiral type shape, match the size that the gold partitions a proportion, the color and luster of colorful desire drop and have no the flavor that can act for, whichever personally the persons seen can affirm, this absolutely is that the sky that completes in one breath as the easy style of writing makes of thing, in no way PS possible existence!
Take penny scare, two cent marvel, shock three cents, four cent don't give up of press water valve, bother an elder brother to lift pants unique however of shed tears but go to, because just secretary comrade notified him, passed this kind of to absorb naturally to carry a body of enhancing and having really fine effect, according to the absolute priority of initial task, any to speed to repair matrix Related articles:

