
Beats by Dre BMW 异界之科技大时代_197

Get up, everybody who think to this world sees the first mind of glass mirror being also such.
Although the glass creates a craft not to calculate complications, but is also have much of an elephant certificate the meaning, at on the earth, almost have no place not at of ascent Li world, Li Heng lately believes, in the near future, the ascent Li will also make widely available the whole mainland.
"How, like to be not?"Li Heng lately dauts the shell Lei hopes of hair, in a soft voice ask a way at the shell Lei rare ear.
Shell Lei the rare Wu wear a mouth, don't let as far as possible oneself because of too concussion cry out:"Boon boon ……like!Thank you, Lee ……"
"Are you about to become my wife, also need to say a thanks?"Li Heng lately smiled.
"Host."Unauthorized biography in the door comes to the voice in the Wei Ai.
"Come in, what matter?"Li Heng Xin.
The Wei Ai inside politely walks to come in:"Front the Father Heaven order make me seek a large workshop, the mean person has been already found out, however the host of workshop aren't willing to directly alienate to you, after saying to meet to agree after negotiation with you directly affair of discussing it later the alienation, you see ……"
"Talk what?Do we give the price of his dissatisfaction?"Li Heng is lately- done not understand to hope Wei Ai of inside, Li Heng Xin although the wealth atmosphere is thick, power hat emperor all, but have never done to press a person by power, the deceit goes the affair of Ba City, think come all is do just proper be of business.
"Be not, I have already opened 800,000 gold coins and have already compared actual price Gao Chu's 30% in that your work shop, but the host of that workshop are to be not willing to sell, he says as long as you see him one side, it is a low-priced him be willing to also sell."The Wei Ai inside helplessly says:"If the host need, I then seeking is a , however the emperors all match host to request of afraid is not much, it is can hardly for in a short time to find out,Beats by Dre BMW."
"Boon, his where, I see him."Li Heng lately asks a way, this your work shop is what he prepares to use to produce glass to use, equipments and raw material all have already prepared as well appropriate, wait productively.
"Your etc., I invite him to come out with the communication machine."
Led half to engrave, the Wei Ai inside was communication to complete on the whole:"Host, the host of that workshop invite you to meet in the XXX wine shop."
"Know, you descended to prepare for a while, we set out right away."Li Heng lately flicked to wave hand.
"Lee, do you want workshop to produce this mirror?"The shell Lei rare sharp business intuition has already realized Li Heng Xin's action, and she also realizes this very small mirror in the business value for containing.
"Hey Hey ……the shell Lei is rare, I discover that what affairs I in spite of do to all deceive however you."Li Heng lately kneaded to knead shell Lei rare face:"The mirror noodles of this mirror is called glass, while the use of glass is very extensive, I missed our house to re- repair."
"Glass?Is the manufacturing craft of this glass very complex?How much is the cost price ?Be applicable to what situation?"
"Come back to explain with you again."Li Heng lately says with smile:"Anyway when the time comes affirm again is greatly earn a , I think the money income this time compared to all want to all much have to be big before, can have you favour of."
Glass although the not equal to communication machine set like this the Chi article is expensive, but the use is very extensive, small arrive dining table tools and implements, greatly arrive a building to establish for use by the military facilities, all can not get away from a glass product.
Chapter 144 profits assigns
The host of workshop are a middle age, see Li Heng lately and immediately stand, after a seat, he didn't also thought of that Li Heng lately will promise to see his/her own one side, the whole emperorses all beg to see the big nobility of big seller of one noodles of Li Heng Xin much like ox hair alone at present.
"Big ducal adult, very the honor sees you, I am that the fee is much more difficult, also an owning of much more difficult fee your work shop, please accept me to your deeply esteem."
Li Heng lately draws back seat:"Fee much more difficult Sir, I at the request of you, see you, if you were the problem of price, I would think Wei Ai inside can decide, want ~only still the deviation is 200% above prices, I can accept, as long as you are willing to offer for sale your workshop."
"Ducal adult can make me chat alone with you?"Li Heng whom the fee was much more difficult to hope an eye lately and nearby of Wei Ai inside.
Li Heng lately flicked to wave hand and signaled hint to back in Wei Ai bottom:"Fee much more difficult Sir, have what rubbish you to still hinder to keep speech."
"Ducal adult, in fact I am to want to send the your work shop to your , hope that you can accept."The fee much more difficult city Ken hopes Li Heng Xin:"This is the title deed for land and title deed of your work shop, there is also the contract of selling the body of worker's contract and slave of inside, please look over."
Li Heng lately swept the contractual book on the eye table, didn't immediately accept, for thus of dark present, Li Heng lately doesn't want to accept, if can, he more would like to the business of true gold silver, the common saying says that taking hand is soft, the cannibalism mouth is soft, if oneself accepts these donations, so certanly will be long one personal feeling.
"Fee much more difficult Sir, I think that we are still regular to go by way of a ground of business.I not want to have your cheapness, I also not need these cheapness."Li Heng lately and tactfully returns to unique fee much more difficult present.
The fee is much more difficult to have no because Li Heng lately refuses his/her own good intentions but the noodles expose a difficult color, still noodles such as often color, smile hope Li Heng Xin.
"Ducal adult please still want a strong meeting.I completely come from sincerely and want to send ground to you."
"Fee much more difficult Sir, appreciate your good intentions, also me to not and habitually accept the other people's donation.Still invite you to take back these things, if you need to still keep directly speaking what, all things all a ground of company measure."Li Heng lately and lightly says.
"That I didn't turn a corner to touch Cape as well.I presumptuously want to ask does the ducal adult make my this workshop be used for doing what ground this time?"The fee is also much more difficult to obviously know that oneself asked too rashly, originally he still prepared asked again after lately accepting the workshop at Li Heng of, but saw Li Heng lately don't accept.Also can speak.
"Boon ……" Li Heng lately hesitated for a while:"BE do my ground a new trifle, currently on the market didn't°yet of."
"Excuse me, can the mean person work for you and divide some small benefits?"The fee much more difficult side exposes an asking of difficult color way, in fact he seeks in the Wei Ai he talks that the your work shop alienates the time of affair, by dint of his sharp business intuition has already smelt business opportunities, the Wei Ai inside is the big servant of big ducal mansion.The persons being whole emperorses all all know a ground of affair.
And come out to look for a company to spread or is the type of factory, workshop in Wei Ai each time of,Beats by Dre Electroplating, certanly will be Li Heng to lately want to extend the scale of some products, or want to throw in production fresh trifle, but seek oneself this time, the fee is again much more difficult to affirm that Li Heng lately has to have the new product published, and with lend former Li Heng lately and publish each time bring of shocking and huge business opportunities.
The fee is much more difficult to feel that his/her own opportunity came, former lately once had with Li Heng just some little cooperation ground name of shop at present all already the benefit turned over benefit, he is see of keep drooling, be seek still arrive become intimate with Li Heng lately opportunity.He is to sell patrimony this time, completely be go for broke.Don't succeed and then become Ren.
"Do you want to join from partnership?"Li Heng Xin this is just seeing much more difficult toward the fee.
"If receive ducal adult don't abandon of words, mean person would like to the Qing house join from partnership and also hope ducal adult to help."The fee is much more difficult to expect of hope matter Heng new.
"You connect me to don't to know anything, how do you dare to thus and light-mindedly join from partnership?"Li Heng is lately surprised to hope a fee much more difficult.
The fee is much more difficult of immediately come to brilliance in eye:"The ducal adult probably still doesn't know that oneself is in the emperorses all
Prestige of the commercial circles,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, the don't say that ducal adult always still does to lose money in business business, even if is to put to suffer a deficit business clearly, perhaps be also big of the person rob to cooperate with you, I this also at last had some first timings, can meet with ducal adult."
Li Heng lately hopes a fee much more difficult:"You so affirmative?I thought this contract to perhaps have your greater half property?If send him to me, you are afraid is can not also remain what things?"
A person's qualities can see be from, the fee is much more difficult of the qualities compare with left Danny come bad of far, left Related articles:

