
cnn tters from the white

 "Admire Er Sir especially, at?"
"Shut up!Didn't kill a person again, the ghost calls what!"
Admire especially bad after mercilessly shouting to make a noise, just suddenly realize-shout his person, seem the tile rice Er count that comes from a section dynasty.
"Does this guy seek me to have what matter?"
This mind at admire one Shan in the brain especially but lead, cause to admire especially of voice, immediately change of gentleness many:"The count adult doesn't want to misunderstand, just,cnn, my companion is making spring dream, the talk in a dream in the mouth that calls one bitchy, ha ha!Not is say you!"
Hear admire sink himself/herself in the Wu especially, punish long mercilessly stare to come over, but admire especially the double eye roll a circle and stared to return to more ferociously.

Chapter 43 Suo is thin second

The person in the opposite prison building hears admire especially of explanation, have no immediately answer, voice on the contrary low sink all of a sudden.
Admire ambiguously can hear especially, the tile rice Er count seems to be just who argue what with.Very obviously, someone doesn't agree with him to talk with himself.
To the guy of these mysterious Xis Xi, admire especially or have some interest.But the excrescent reaction of the other party, more let his curiosity greatly rise, hence admire to lead off to ask a way especially:
"The tile rice Er count has what matter?"
"This ……Be free!"There are some hoarse orotund answer ways in one.
Admire to recognize from the voice especially, what to talk is nearby the tile rice Er count the middle age of looks commonness, count says, that is his servant.
In the nobility, will employ a servant that keeps high vigilance heart at any time?
The answer is obvious.
Admire don't believe the explanation of count especially.
Is open of say, he interest in that middle age, on the contrary more more heavy than the tile rice Er count.
"Really Be free?"Admire especially of the voice intentionally drag along very longly, the with intention to is snaring a tile rice Er to take the bait,Facebook.
A few very short confabulations, he knows, the count isn't a scheming very deep person.
The tile rice Er count indeed as expected presses the Nai not to live:"Admire Er the Sir listen to a Di benefit say especially especially, were you summoned by the spirit queen in times before?"
The Di within count benefit is that especially how see also be as run in opposite directions as spirit personality, consumedly of watch.
Admire especially tiny some surprise, the count adult didn't come to several days, unexpectedly and watch to mix so familiarly.
"What person grew is delicate, also really take advantage of!"
Admire the Yu Yu thinking of gravamen especially, although he doesn't want to admit very much,the tile rice Er count is really a beautiful man.That kind of the melancholy look in the eyes go together with his handsome and talented facial features, young girl ripple to the spring heart, absolutely is super to strongly kill to harm dint.
Exactly the spirit is a Chong to initiate romantic race, whole clans 10-78, is all girl who stays to marry in the Gui again.
After the brief hesitation, the count says:"Do not know have to mention when the queen his majesty summons a Sir, when put us!"
Admire don't think that the tile rice Er count is to worry this especially, really too obvious-if the count in the mind mean to say, the count in the mind was obstructed by his servant.
"This guy wants to know what?"Admired to want to think especially, but had no threads.Hence he is in brief concise of summon thin Ni Nuo his own process, described 1 time, place not agreed with with his medicine material businessman among them, be concealed by him to distort.
At this time.
Punishing long voice is admiring an ear to ring out especially:"Those guys are doubting our identities!This so-called tile rice Er count perhaps had got not small trouble.He must from talkative of watch there, heard our businesses.They are to is frightened that we are hurtling count, so just speak to sound out."
"However!"Punish long made reference to my for a while:"That servant is remarkable!Not only the scheming is very deep, and have patience very much.Most important of BE, he is very careful."
Admired a characteristics to nod, punish long say quite rightly.
Just he rises a title but suddenly discover, punish long that hazily face, don't to 1 Chinese foot be apart from oneself.
Admire especially hurriedly will punish long push away:"Your face doesn't want to leave me so near!Is disgusted to die!"
"The good heart didn't like a report!Later what don't ask me!"Punish to grow cold humed 1, returned to own bed, use back part of skull to admire especially in protest,google.
Admire special features tone, have no beginning of pledge conduct and actions biggest of depend on with, each time punish long close to, all let his heart palpitates speed.To the guy of this non- enemy non- friend, his mood is very self-contradict.
Although admire to believe especially, lately punished long words said have no deceitful.Can his in the mind still some pimples Be hard to untie.Once was the behaviour style that personally once saw punish long to stop at nothing for reaching purpose, admired to really worry especially, oneself would can't be a pawn that punishes to grow exploitation.
When this pawn loses to make use of value, punish long meeting how let reaction, really let admire especially worried.
He very clear, if not is to overestimate own real strenght, punished long in no case will be like now so honesty.
Admire a dark way in heart especially:"Wait jail, snow Wei that bond maid must be optimistic about!As long as chase snow Wei Zuan in the hand, punish long necessarily throw rat to hate a machine, don't dare to hastily act."
At admire especially left think right think of time, decorous front door in the jail suddenly opened.
A string of the step voice that has much of rhythm, the path keeps a dynasty admire especially of prison building since then, that kind of the voice is a bit peculiar, clear and crisply Be different from is mankind or the step of spirit.
Admire to hurriedly climb from the bed especially, he ambiguously has already not and welled grow to prepare feeling.
His prepare feeling, always very quasi-.
"Is him!Escort out him!"Is pleasing, but again gnash teeth in hatred of the voice stream into admire especially of in the ear, admire particular Jing one lo, see a pair of eye being staring oneself.
That eyes are very charming, just, the eyes host's power is very anxious to to give birth to they to swallow to live to shell.
"Who is this little girl ?"
Admire be especially stared by that look in the eyes the at heart be afraid, the host of look in the eyes are the white dress women that shape picks Gao, and the fine facial appearance even isn't under the moxa method.Just that elegant and incomparable Qiao face up, at the moment but is full of bellicosity, seem to be with oneself to have great enmity.
Have never waited to admire to respond to come over especially, the guard has already opened a prison door, that white dress woman pushes away guard and hurtle to come in to toward him is a big mouth.
The ear Weng Weng makes to ring, the innocence got a palm of admire especially, the wrath is flaming but rise.However admire especially of face top pack one is bellyful of grievances, the person rears harmless shape.
Before doing not clear up the identity of the white dress woman, admire don't want to careless act especially, few month-old situation, don't account the impulse of result in his personality early be whetted even.
"Take him!"
The white dress woman stared to admire again one eye turned round to come out prison building especially.
"It is said that he still has how many women, where?"
The orotund Duo Duo of woman is pressing, watch a Di the benefit also lost the smiling face in the past days especially, truly Huang truly and perhaps of answer way:"They are in the upstairs!"
"Hum!All escort for me to walk!"
Finish saying, white dress the woman is "tick-tock" and"tick-tock" of leave, seem and admire breathe the air of the same place especially, all unbearable.
"Who?Is so overbearing?"
Admire malicious gnash teeth in hatred especially, isn't a body have already picked in the other people's site, with his personality white the pants of the dress woman, malicious beat her bottom.
The woman flutters from the white dress of the body Zi up admire to judge especially, bottom affirmation of that little girl slips away a circle to slip away a circle, flexibility more right and wrong the same sort.
"Hiss!The small voice orders!"
At the time of admiring to have improper thoughts especially, Di benefit especially hurtle to come up Wu live admire especially mouth, took a look or so, detection white the dress woman have been already left, this just grow to loosen tone.
"You seek dead!That is the Suo thin second his highness!Only the daughter of Cape monster leader!"
Specially Di benefit seem not low, several just thinking transfer under guard to admire especially of spirit guard, don't obstruct.
" …………………… Related articles:

