
google 异时空之狗头军师_319

Method, heel count the enemy perished together together ……~!"
This book head delivers.
Your message which afraid just a (*__*), will become the power that the author creates, the pleasing is hard more power to you for author!

The text chapter 215 English mold public lecturer(is medium)(big chapter~!)
Renew time:2008-11-2919:52:59 chapter word numbers:4786

"Many absolute being felt his bravery and responded to his claim.
The adult put together to the utmost to launch to dare to die with those bloodthirsty enemies with all strength of fight to kill, but end be still because of the few can not fight the many ……, he exerts in the dint of time ……
He uses satisfied contain the double of deep feeling of eye,google, finally saw one eye, he loved deeply of the blue sky,Facebook, the earth of empire.He hallooes a 'the empire is long live.'The enemy who in a determined manner faces those Fengs to flow out since then hurtled in the past, he displayed an evil disintegration big method in sky and perished together together with those bloodthirsty enemies ……~!"
The that Hong bright voice resounds in the utter silence coliseum.
Listenned to that deeply touching red-blooded elegy, present owners all drive touched contain shining drop of tear in the eye, sobbed a voice often to spread from those feelings enrich of the crowd.
Europe pulled to in astonishment open widely mouth and became overdo come to flank of stranger AN ask a way:"Who is on the stage that person saying?I how don't know an empire the hero of such a cow fork?"
"This don't you know?"Stranger AN is originally some despises, but returns overdo, discover to originally ask just an own child, some ashamedly smiled for a while.
He took out handkerchief, emphatically Xing a nasal discharge, a face respects adore tunnel:"That hero is a southwest army corps 100th man long benefit tile Er adult, his record of events has already got about the earth everywhere.Although this public lecturer I have already listenned to more than ten times, still 100 listen to not to be disgusted with."
"~!"Europe pulled to think of that person to die under the leaf's breeze knife of, is like similar pig fatty's deserter.The mouth of opening widely didn't also gather together any further.
Along while after, this kid just responds to come over, he looking at on the stage that still just**four overflow ground to loudly make a speech of guy, not from Ba Za Ba Za's mouth, the low voice scolds a way:"This Ya of true can blow~!"
Leaf's breeze not from sneered at 1, see to an empire publicity department of that helps a person the residue level is still not enough overall, weave still wholely not enough.
Europe pulls to see he is in the face the air of the despise, soft-voiced way:"What's the matter with you?I listen to their plait stand cow fork of."
Leaf's breeze'Pei' a , way:"That helps idiocy~~!Should let him pull the hand of war ally in that time of in the article of death goods, the one more comes to sentence'have not my temple of the gods' making a contribution a fee handed over~!'"
When Europe pulled to sign in brain'coax~!'Ground one is deep-fried ring.
He respects adore ground to looking at leaf's breeze, eyes inside the Shan wear numerous sparkling little starses, mumbling tunnel:"Gao~!Really is Gao~!"
At this time, the person of on the stage has already used one loud and clear but**four the row overflowing compare an exclamation sentence to end speech, the audiences start in succession and report toward that lecture with the applause of roll of thunder sort.
That warmly of the applause rang to fully have long ten minutes.
"Who is my seeing that to brag a big king ?"Europe pulls Be saying and climbing.
He stands at chair the top up see go to the satge, not from surprisingly'Yi' a , way:"I see does that grandson seem to be a bit familiar looking?"
Listen to his speak not lousy, the person of flank becomes overdo and indignantly sees pull to Europe.
The consigned numerous people of hope and love and esteem, represented west Ni second matchless shining glory of future and continuously victorious prospect, the Si household of You Li Wu develops of hope, brave fearless, intelligent wise and farsighted two a life time Zus will fear them, he have no does the matter still want to cause trouble.
Europe returned to stare while pulling to sign past, flick a weak and nerveless small fist of oneself, the Nu voice drank a way:"See what see~!Have never seen my so handsome handsome boy~!"
There is the kid whom a guy that doesn't know mutually just wanted to come forward education to educate this extremely conceited, flank someone quickly pulled he.Open what fun, in the promise Man city in nowadays, even if is that someone is incognizant that declares second small Mr. Ye of the windstorm shooter's western Ni, but see the Royal on his clothes black eagle, should also know that the big Ye of this not to be taunted pours bottom is who.
That person listenned to flank friend's reminding and in astonishment became overdo and went up and downed ground to conjecture Europe to pull several eyes and carelessly asked a way:"You is to fly a Shi earthquake pirate, only guard a ducal mansion and connect Nu to sweep black help, the long street shoots male lion.On riding to rush to connect a camp, the single Duo fights ensign, He He the well-known western Ni is second small Mr. Ye?"
Europe pulls heart in is greatly satisfied, he glimpses leaf's breeze and smile eyes almost the Mi ascended.Is small male Ye big hand ……E ……on flicking, small hand's way:"Is low-key, low-key.The small affairs in past, I have never liked to speak indiscriminately with others everywhere."
See this small male Ye such condescension, public all praise highly, the small age maneuvers for the genius, but still such condescension, really not the Kui is Athena's fairy to choose in person of the star of promise Man, future beam of hope.
One put on 1 F thick powder and had already canned not told original facial expression at this time, body blouse wear but unusually economize of the fat woman twisted own big bottom to walk to appear on stage to go.
The soprano way that listens to her using special penetrability:The hero of "admiring noodles to please to listen to excrement bright is loose-《 sum people, benefit tile happy~!》"
Europe pulls not from a surprised, the along while just understands that fat what woman said after BE-poem Lang praise, 《our hero, benefit tile Er~!》
He gives to have to drop to the ground quickly of chin, surprised tunnel:"This ……this is who?Growing is ugly although being not wrong,grow is incredibly so ugly, still come out now, this too not to?"
Flank one person saw one eye to the satge, then smiled apologetically and flattered tunnel:"Small male Ye, you haven't to know.It is a very beautiful beauty to originally manage, pronounced also very standard.But afterwards according to hear, because she would not like to accompany a certain have a liking for her big guy carries on a certain concerning what what ……philosophic discussion."
Europe pulled to disregard ground to see that person's one eye and reminded a way:"Is an empress multiplying greatly of modern behavior doctrine and mankind originality method of existence of inevitability with the cause and effect of contingency relate to it the thorough study and research of fourth stage, right?"
When stranger B signed a foolish, repeatedly nod,cnn, praise highly a way:"~!You were really too severe.Is so long, this is long to have the problem of philosophy depth, what you knew is clear.Be really unexpectedly~!Small male Ye small age, scholarship thus encyclopedic.At under to your respect and admire of the feeling is like the big wave big wave river's water ……"
Already big eyes that Europe pulls Mi must see not to arrive.His hands stand with arms akimbo and roar with laughter and still flick a small hand, way:"Is low-key, low key ……"
Is a bodyguard sees that person incredibly should be clapped by he or she of Ma Pi to rend away, cannoted help but putting a speech way:"You still say proper business~!"
Stranger B is one Zhi, he embarrassedly and lightly coughed two, immediately after say again:"So, afterwards the general assembly give°s that beauty for next go, let this and temple of the gods a certain fiesta take charge of a relational woman of adult to be ascended to manage ……"
See the swollen shape of that woman, Europe pulls not from must repeatedly shake head.
He sighs a way:"Do not know as well is which unlucky egg, taste incredibly so bad~!It is really wretchedness."
The × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
The leaf sees the on the stage, that spokesman to the breeze and walks toward bottom in the set to, hesitated for a while, stand.
He looking at Europe to pull a quilt those lickspittles round betwixt, a left, a right ground of wildly flatter.
See that pure kid be clapped by those people muddle-headed change direction, smile the mouths almost split ear in the side, not from must shake head wry smile, way:"Europe pulls, we still occupy, and it's time to walk."
"Know~!"Europe pulled to promise a , some don't give up the ground pushed out from the crowd, urgently and in a hurry heel in leaf's breeze of after death.
"Etc. I~!"He sees leaf's breeze take he backward the set walk to, not from strange way:"Leaf's breeze, you this wants to go where?"
Leaf the breeze foot is slightly slow Related articles:

