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Get to there are no various wounds on that body?Soldier in wound to have no medicine a medical treatment of person is also count extremely number.But want to say wound of the most serious.Still keep wanting to count to break Yang Chen Huan of the left arm bone.Because of lacking a medicine subsequence treatment.Have never set broken bones card shark to correct again.The left arm of this boy contains life long disable and sick danger.However this boy is to maliciously be hard to believe----For keeping arm bone from wrong to heal can not resume original kind behind.This boy unexpectedly has already hit to break once again in the completely recovered arm bone he or she by himself/herself.Reserved the hope for re- curing.Can in this way.His condition of the injury also became to weigh most in troops of a.
Breaking iron pot inside is the wild vegetable soup that purely can see see person.Connect a foods all have no.The only advantage is very hot can warm body;South Sung rich and populous troops' good remuneration.Change in the peacetime.Is so bitter and astringent difficult the wild vegetable soup swallowing don't want to say Cao a life time male the high class like this will get.Even the most common private soldier also disdains to see one eye.The Cao a life time persons, such as male and Gao Ming...etc. didn't say one more words today.By turn use unique a start to ladle up the wild vegetable soup to the spoon silent drink bottom.Can not say, either to completely have no food.A little bit more only wheat noodles stirs of the wild vegetable noodles paste is the member for severely wounded to drink.But include Yang Chen Huan severely wounded like this would get don't go and the member of severely wounded share.Just silently drink bitter and astringent wild vegetable soup.
Everybody several big Shao wild vegetable the belly in soup.Very hot soup water slowly turns to open in the stomach.The body is also gradual warm to get up.Cao a life time male this is just satisfied with of beat satisfied Ge to say:"Wei the handicraft of the old ghost is more and more good.Is next still you cook a meal how?"Thin similar to the dry skeleton Wei the Chang stick out a middle finger to the Cao a life time male.Hum a way:"Dream!Is next it's your turn to cook a meal.Don't want to push to me."
The Cao a life time male smiles.BE just wanting to say point again what to encourage morale.The distance suddenly spreads a clop.And someone calls a way:"Cao general.Ambition sand the general came back."The Cao a life time male waits a person favour uprising.The accolade is responsible for find out an enemy soldier trend of the ambition sand return.After a short moment.Bind bandage on the head of the ambition sand get a group of Sungses soldier to ride a soldier to hurtle to the camp.The ambition sand after rolling saddle dismount directly hurtle to the Cao a life time male in front.Shout loudly a way:"Is there something to eat?It is quickly famished."
The wild vegetable soup that the Cao a life time male will leave in person breaks ambition sand in front.Ambition sand also need not ladle.Directly start to carry cooking pot fierce infuse one spirit.Wait until the ambition sand fully satisfiedly let go of iron pot empress.Cao a life time male this just the no time for waiting ask a way:"How?Ask around useful thing?" The ambition sand shake.Is depressed of answer a way:"Ran a square circle 100 inside.Connect a ghost shadows don't see.Two villages of finding outs are also burned by the Da son ruins.Can not seek a medicine to seek a food."
"What about Chen Zhou of that south?City outside total someone cultivates?"The Cao a life time male cross-examines a way.The ambition sand wear a woebegone expression of answer a way:"The outside of Chen Zhou Cheng also nothing important person.The Da son would rather give up this year's winter Geng.Also forbid common people the city grow wheat.Don't pass the opportunity that the common people obtain medicine and food for us.Have of the Da son of just big brigade ride a soldier and closely of the Shao blockade the toll-gate.If isn't the dark Shao that a soldier's sharp-eyed discovered Da son.We probably the meeting was discovered by the Da son."Say,Beats By Dre Diamond.The ambition sand take out a diagram from the bosom."This is Chen Zhou neighborhood of of diagram.The Shao card of Da son can all of me probing marked a top.However dark Shao can't."
"The price that the Da son really gives up.For dealing with our these 3,000 people.Incredibly connecting winter Gengses can give up.Next year have while crying a nose they,beats by dre."The Cao a life time male smiled to answer of diagram.Idea very yes oneself's this Gu soldier to Mongolia the rear of the soldier result in of destructive power.Although the words are such.Cao a life time the ambition feeling but abnormality is heavy.5,000 people setting out already the remaining more than 3,000 persons.And return quilt Mongolia the troops heavily surround,beats by dre australia.These 3,000 people can escape to return to still an unknown.By this time.Blare Gao to say to the Cao a life time male:"Cao general.Time can not delay any more.The sky is colder and colder.Don't say that we don't have the dress in winter first.Come to a heavy snow we the hays of Lien Chan's horse all have no of the square seek.The last footprint of snow is obvious.We can't once deceived tracking of Da sub- patrol again.Of think a way to immediately break through siege to return to south."
The Cao a life time male doesn't answer.Only opened the ambition sand hand over come to that already some diagrams that raggedly march.Of the south of diagram arrive Chen Zhou from the Tai Kang then to suppress city.Whole is closely a little bit red mark Mongolia the Shao of soldier, toll-gate and troops.Suppress city west the noodles arrive the Qi county of northern side equally such.Whole Shaos that is Mongolia a soldier are the toll-gate.With the area of activity that the hemicycle surrounds Sung soldier to ride a soldier.Sung soldier rides a soldier once the area that closes to these is necessarily disheveled hair now.Then large numbers ofly and Mongolia ride a soldier and then will spread to cover for a sky of of inherit.Sung soldier has already canned not find a route that can withdraw south Sung.
Along with the snowflake is more and more big.Surface easily physically anxious Cao a life time the male finally settle vision space to the company of the Chen Zhou southwest side water city.Here of Mongolia troops Shao opposite less.If break through siege toward the south from this position.Cai Zhou's village of the south is opposite more intensive.Sung soldier rides soldier at this of the square can pass to rob to get of need of urgently food and medicine.And Cai Zhou and south Sung borders.Sung soldier rides the soldier support of Liu Shi Yong of letter sun that the soldier can get.About is that Sung soldier is current the best to choose to withdraw route----But problem BE.There is water in company water northern side measure rather big sand river.Does big Sung that lacks a boats and ships ride a soldier to pass through this river to flow?
"Gao Ming's general.You take a person to company's water in person.See the sand there river river water now how."The Cao a life time male order way:"Rain is little in winter.Probably the water quantity of the sand river reduces.We can drip water to lead river.The bright front must come back tomorrow sky.Leaving Chen Zhou here is too near.We not the ability is foolishly too long."
"Sung person if want to break through siege.Most probably of the position is here----Company's water!"Chen Zhou Cheng meanwhile in.Mongolia the famous general Guo Kan's hand equally pointed company's water level of sand dish to place.Sneer at to just from suppressed history Ze in the sky that the city arrived to Chen Zhou to introduce currently circumstance to combine to analyze Sung soldier trend."The sand river of company water northern side because of winter water the quantity reduce.The person horse didn't need a ferry and then can drip water to lead river.If Cao a life time male smart saying.Can't not choose to walk a this road breaks through siege."
"Probably.It is the biggest to walk the possibility of this road."The condition of the injury just had some instauration heavy came forward linear history Ze in the sky to nod approval.And then the Mi wear an only the eye doubt ask a way:"Now that you guess that the person of Sung will walk this road to break through siege.That you why still the troops in company water minimal city arrangement?Even Shao all arrange with toll - gates so little?Do you want to intentionally lead the person of Sung to that road?But Sung person as long as leading the sand river be one horse the plain of the even Chuan.Can easily sneak in Cai Zhou Be getting more inshore."
Guo Kan's smile doesn't answer.A facial expression for hasing plan well drawn up.Guo Kan once was the house of the history Ze household in the sky will.The history Ze in the sky to him understand very and deeply.Know he works always profound Mo Ze but again drop water is gastight.Do so impossible have no other purposes.But the history Ze in the sky stares at sand dish to deliberate a long time.But always don't see a brilliant strategy place of Guo Kan's this undertaking----Company's water is apart from Chen Zhou's straight line distance at 40 in above.If Sung soldier breaks through siege to company's water.Mongolia soldier from receive news to do to respond to arrive battlefield.Also want time of two hours most quickly.But Sung soldier have at this time to have already crossed river to once round a company water city.The end still Guo Kan cant not bear to make the old superior engage in mental drudgery.Smile an explanation way:"Has the history general been already noticed?The power of the upper stream of company water sand river is higher.The water current Chuan is hasty ……."
"Did you build dam in the upper stream?"The history Ze in the sky at 1:00.Understand to come over right away.Surprise way:"You from the first intentionally peep out the flaw of company's water.Then built dam in the sand river upper stream.Wait until Sung person strong line of time for crossing river .You dam a dig.The force of the current that suddenly enlarges can is crossing river of the Sung person ride a soldier blunt across!Can also block up remenant Sung person shore at the north.It is easy to us and surround the annihilation to them."
"It isn't only such."Guo Kan craftily says with smile:"The Sung person rides a soldier to have several thousand of many.Even if can surround them an ability also not necessarily whole Jians.Can if cut them into two words with the sand river.Didn't we have confidence much?"
"Is strange not of your arranging large force is two wings at company's water.Still use a ring of encirclement Related articles:

