
Artist Series ombat on the island

 The words that hear Smith, Ni rice with Si Pu Lu boon the Si shook to shake head at the same time.
"How do you see?"Ni rice the dynasty Si Pu Lu boon Si coming straight to the point asked 1.
"This intelligence report affirmation contains problem, or, this is the enemy to intentionally deploy a ground of enticing."Si Pu Lu boon Si long tone, after crumpling to crumple a temple.Say."No matter is a forerunner to offend Hawaiian islands, or first clean up a southwest Pacific Ocean.The initial tasks of clear empire navy all annihilate us and seize Pacific Ocean up of absolute maritime power, only have so, then their strategic aggressions can launch smoothly.Therefore, I feel to want to deal with first of still 11 fleets, not 12 fleets."
"But ……"
If the Ni rice pressed to press a hand, beat Smith and say:"I also think so,Beats Solo HD, if the purpose of opponent is to polish off 51 fleets, will think that what square tried lures us to fall into trap.Thus, originally should most strongly and 11 fleets is very likely to be the smallest and weak.Is contrary, have a liking for go to very small and weakly and 12 fleets then probably is the strongest."
"We have to must do a decision quickly and take homologous action."
After the dynasty Si Pu Lu boon Si ordered nod,Artist Series, Ni rice stand.
No matter for the sake of American navy, be still for the sake of the victory of Pacific War, Ni rice have to make extremely bold decision at this time!

Text the ninth lapidating's asking the way chapter 37 in an emergency should break( midnight)
Renew time:2009-7-511:26:06 chapter word numbers:3777

After received an American solider on the evening of the 25th 51 fleets leave Pearl Harbor of news, continuous three days, there is all no American solider- related news.
Time to the dawn of the 29th, wave Na's wearing the combat on the island has been already ended.
The marine only spent to attack and occupy wave for seven days Na to wear an island, and complete the work of building the temporary wharf.Supported a marine battle 13 fleets to wear an island to accept an ammunition replenishment in the wave Na first.According to the plan, have no and American solider before 51 fleets decisive battle, 13 fleets will continue to accompany with a marine activity.
According to the plan, land battle fifth soldier at carry on whole for resting of 5-10 dayses behind, military advance Wei gram island.
But, until at this time, still have no with American solider 51 fleets relevant of news.
Even if the white blesses Bin again not hasty, he has to consider Si Pu, either Lu boon the Si deal with one fleet, or again make a detour to go to a southwest Pacific Ocean of possibility,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.
"Go to a southwest Pacific Ocean of the possibility isn't very big."Xiao settle nation heavy return to battle fleet after, compare expressed formely more actively." American solider's 51 fleets on the 25th leave Pearl Harbor of, even if rush to leave for sea in the door of a Luo by quickest cruising speed, also demand at least 15 day.Is also say, American solider most quickly also can arrive sea in the door of a Luo on July 10.If in consideration of other factors, can arrive sea in the door of a Luo between July 15-20 have been very quite good.But at this time, land battle seventh soldier affirmation can acquire decisive victory on battlefield in the melon island, 51 fleets go to not big the meaning of Luo sea in the door.Moreover, we have already landed in the Wei gram island when the time comes, if American solider's 5 fleets arriving haven't appeared at this time, we can immediately rush to leave for sea in the door of a Luo.Thus, even if Si Pu Lu boon Si with admire Er the west is in conjunction with a battle, the American solider wants to face of is also two main fleets, can hardly turn round it at the lost game of Luo sea in the door.Synthesize these factors, we have enough reason to believe, Si Pu Lu boon the purpose of the Si should be to deal with us, or 11 fleets."
The white blesses Bin to finish listenning to the treatise that the Xiao settles a nation very patiently.Then tiny smiled for a while.
This is exactly also his viewpoint, only six little plentiful the battle ground there adding dint, canning make sure a melon island by mid- July wins a bureau, Si Pu Lu boon Si can't ten thousand in farawaily rush to leave for sea in the door of a Luo.
Problem BE, the Si Pu Lu boon Si choice of is 11 fleets, still 12 fleets?
Thought of this.The white blessed the vision of Bin to fall in the maritime map.
For ensuring that American solider's 51 fleets can't appear in the 12th side rear.The empire navy is in The Republic of the Marshall Islands and the uncle of Ji Er especially the islands waters deployed at least 35 raid warships with break to hand over a warship.Constituted 2 to probe defense line.Moreover still there are 12 raid warships with break and hand over a warship southern activity in the noodles waters at Republic of Nauru ground.
Because The Republic of the Marshall Islands and the uncle of Ji Er especially islands temporarily still just American solider's ground control under.So the American solider affirmed and discovered to appear ground to assault a warship and break to hand over a warship between the group of islands.It is another.The American solider also started out to in large quantity assault warship with break to hand over a warship performance to probe a task.Therefore the American solider was dynamically very likely to discover in the Republic of Nauru the south those battleship.
Thus.Si Pu Lu boon can't the Si meeting give up to deal with the 12th plan?
Suddenly.The white blessed Bin to realize 1:00.
See the commanding officer air chopping about.Staff officer military officer all dynasty he saw come over.
"We play this time have a little overdo."The white blesses the Bin is on the maritime map point for a while."Our neighborhood deployed to so much probe battleship.Be good enough to let American solider to find our ground military tactics to attempt."
The Xiao settled the eyebrows of nation to jump several bottoms and seemed to be a little bit to don't understand.
"According to the battle plan.Our eyes grounds are to let American solider 51 fleets to seek the trouble of one fleet, then 11 fleets outflank and attack from the side wing, completion to American solider 51 matching of fleetses round.At the same time, 31 fleets mount sudden attack to the east and block up an American solider 51 fleets to go to a channel."The white blessed Bin to quickly draw on the maritime map a few flight paths."Thus, as long as American solider's 51 fleets dare to seek our troubles, will encounter rounding of three main fleetses Jiao.Problem BE, we started out to so much probe battleship, even if Ni rice with Si Pu Lu boon the Si think 12 fleets to be easy to humiliate.Will also find this trap, thus choose to deal with 11 fleets."
"Your meaning is ……"
"If American solider 51 fleets aimed at a pike head 11 fleets, we have to fight for to two days."The white blesses Bin dynasty maritime map up pointed for a while, " Xiao settle nation, you immediately reset flight path and fought for to once wear The Republic of the Marshall Islands by tomorrow evening and arrived a Wei gram island south noodles waters."
"But, battle plan ……"
"Now beyond the power to care battle plan."
"Need to be made collective report toward navy's general staff and the war area commander's headquarters?"The huge Jin dollar beside asked 1.
A little bit hesitated for a while after, the white blessed Bin to shake to shake head.Say:"Temporarily need not, sea overlord should in the neighborhood of Bikini atoll activity?"
The huge Jin dollar just a little deliberated for a while, then ordered to nod.
"Send after arriving Bikini atoll a neighborhood a few light cruisers look for sea overlord, then use to assault the radio station on the warship to war the area commander's headquarters make collective report our movementses."
"We should let quickly 11 fleets know the circumstance in nowadays.If"the wood peace also opened mouth in this time, " American solider's 51 fleets killed in the past, 11 fleets should think that we take side as far as possible, for round Jian American solider 51 fleet opportunity to create."
The white blessed Bin to order to nod, but didn't open mouth.
The Xiao settles a nation to seem to be very excited.It is just wanting openings.Be pulled by the huge Jin dollar.
"Now so arrangement, run into our ground raid warship after.Let again to fight area commander's headquarters to contact 11 fleets, let the sneak attack of blue Ling Po careful American solider."
At this time, the "Wu Zong" fights a row warship up, blue Ling Po is also considering a same problem.
As a staff officer birth, before doing a decision, blue Ling Po's analysis compares white to bless Bin cautiously get many.Accurately say, is prepare to work to make it well many, but Be different from white to bless Bin so, usually put analysis in the brain, not write on the paper, or is a mark on the maritime map.
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