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People go to greet the wolf when the bolt .BOT commands also timely to shield in front of each person ear: they were wolves caught ,this is the opportunity for all people ;the fastest speed ;shock in ,with three five fight fight !Fast ! , relationresultThe order thatthe soldiers came great cheers ,circular array suddenly collapse .
They roared into has been pounded enemy wolf !relationresultCompletethe game big reversal BOT this exciting ,he can almost be said to be in howl :subject ,you think you can beat me ;with a little trick .
And that you be opinionated smart ?How dare you pushed me in a shield ,you :I will once again will you overturn in underground .Put your helmet to throw in the mud .relationresultYou dirtyguy ,even using tactics that are so unbearable !I want you to pay the price ,beats dr dre! , relationresultBotthat can be called an insanity cries ,make the comrade-in-arms very satisfied .
He agreed ;relationresultThe subject ,let BOT so angry .Your life will be because this becomes even more tragic ! , relationresultpushed me like a tortoise and hiding in a shield ,I will beat you ! , relationresultnoble boy !Ha-ha , relationresultDamn it ,do you think that long time holding the shield Time Leisurely thing ?I will beat you flat ! , relationresultInevery kind of covert cheering ,first came to the subject of bot .
He is stout left punch to the young orcs chest .relationresultHewas on the road to success when Sergeant ;suddenly felt something to his cheek sharp spines .Experienced battlefield bloodshed warrior reason back left ,and certainly a place outside ;flew across the javelin .
relationresultStep backand look to the BOT just against his people ,heart big Jing :college female students ?How he never seen !relationresultIn front of ablack a craze of the woman warrior, his hands holding a short javelin .
Flexible dancing ;only BOT her this time ;two the sergeant to attack after the subject of ORC warrior .She was easy and relaxed and agile in !relationresultThen;a fairly good female orc ,slightly bent like a beast of prey generally look to the bot !relationresultThis pureOrc type provocation .
Immediately brought Sergeant interest ,he quickly to the right hand ;for his comrades back .Then the right hand axe beautiful rotates one circle .Slowly towards the waiting for her female warrior !relationresultAllstudents stopped things around them :have no need to fight, the battle apparently is bot wins, even those who are on the top of the mountain wolf wolf cavalry whistle or horn bone flute ,a class of things under control .
They are now mostly prostrate on the ground ,the boring head down .relationresultAndthe soldiers ,is of course the attention focused on the BOT and female warriors battle .relationresultBlack orcsshook his head and neck for activities ,and then to his opponent and asked : what department are you in? I have never heard of the college female students ! , relationresultBOTwords did not get any answer, you know, according to the tradition of orcs ;no ill will on both sides, in a fight before: is to exchange the names ,as a polite .
relationresultSo thewoman warrior behavior can be understood as a kind of contempt !relationresultThe sergeantto some extent ;is a want to be easily offended .He is most unacceptable insult and contempt ,especially from women .
relationresultBlack orcs ruthless crime : you don polite ? , relationresultStillno response .relationresultBOTcompletely mad ,he hated the proud, especially proud to even the basic manners do not keep people .
He replied : well !Since you don talk, then we will start directly !But after that conversation ;you may be a good long time to say a word ! Then,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, Sergeant took the initiative to start the attack !He likens the leopard pounce on rival general .
relationresult. relationresultThe two volume of the thirty-three chapter ,beats by dre uk, relationresultFacing the rapidattack ,female Orc has shown to be sensitive ;her jump ,with a few beautiful backflip survived the attack .
The landing moment ;left short javelin has mad throw out .relationresultTwo peopleat this point the distance is not too long ,so the javelin is simply with the sound of thunder and stabs the BOT fly .
relationresultOpponentexceeding one attacks and direct the danger before ,let the black orcs chose to retreat, he left a stomp your body straight right vacated shifting ,no sharp short javelins from the cheeks risk flew .
relationresultIs almost theBOT had just gained at the same time ;and a javelin again to him .This compact attack the sergeant could make perfect reaction ,he had to put up his right arm in a gun .
relationresultNot sharpdart barbs not wearing his armor ,so of course did not receive any injury bot .But this defeat or for the crowd with shouting ;some of them in praise of daughter soldier Wu Yi exquisite ,others in the sergeant to cheer .
relationresultA temporary inconvenienceand did not let the retreat ,he stopped himself away on the right hand of weapons ,said : you hit me ,from now on ;my right hand never again ,but you can take out using weapons .
We continue play !How , relationresultYou were very fair ! Female warrior quick answer, right from the waist pull out the sword, left hand from behind and took the handle short javelin !relationresultThenshe quickly rushed in .
relationresultThiscan be called the reckless behavior ,make the surrounding crowd of students is there a ;do not know is sympathy or take pleasure in other people .relationresultForcomrades reaction ,black orcs can no way too much attention; because the woman warrior sword is essential .
relationresultThe sergeantleaned back ,from slashing ,then left to seize the opponent short javelin etc .relationresultWeapons arebound to !This lets the female warrior rashly .He shouted : have a death wish ! With single hand sword will go by like the wind to cut back .
relationresultFor thisattack .BOT has not made any response .Let the sword to cut .He is in this fight has not used the right arm .relationresultNot sharp,blade and arm a ringing to crash .
At the same time ;the black orcs left wrist force .Banged the short javelin to the firstborn students break down gun .The next second ;three corrugated landmark gun blade in the female soldiers to neck .
relationresultYou this is cheating ! , relationresultOpponenthate polar language .Jeanbot : cheating .If it is really battle; just to move is the most correct choice .relationresultMyright arm was you stab .
I take a break .This is the only choice .Use it to block your sword to slash ;not only solves your attack .Also I won the chance be resort . , relationresult!If this is the real battle .
Your right arm is cut off .relationresultMight be cut off ,but were cut off, do not delay my broken javelin head thorn in your throat !I maimed ,and you are dead .Still I won ! , relationresultSergeantexplanations have not been rivals response ,first gained recognition around his comrades .
Large amounts of applause and cheers rang .relationresultLeon also could not help butto all paint Tan multiple opening: bot can learn tactics mad ,even fighting was his tactics thought to induce !It is brilliant ! , relationresultHiswords don let be more to understand, he said : what are you talking about? What tactics ?What induced ?You are to go to school, stupid ?BOT is very clever ,he has a demon head !Ha ha ha . Related articles:

