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Chapter 843 struggles hard Ma Chao
"Squared!"See Ma Chao make track for come, Luo positive two words don't say and directly would is to turn Ma Tou, the officers and men taking nearby together lefts for to squared Ma Chao.(_)At this time Ma Chao for catching up Luo is waiting a person, is already own of the close soldiers' far and far throwing be after death facing Gu body one person's Ma Chao, is seeing, arrive it could be one war at Luo!
But received to see with Zhang Hu of the wagon, not from get one way of being surprised, as one man shouting:"Three childes(positive son)!Can not excite!"Just they this throat but is night, Luo is having already taken a person to kill Ma Chao's in front to go!See this kind of situation, Lyu Meng also can be taking person, Ma Gen, up, connect at Zhang Hu on the wagon is also heel Guo Yi the ji ā o generation 1, would be direct from wagon ascend on jumping, at the right moment jump to a war of no man right away, lifted long-handled sword to kill up.
But Ma Chao looking at formerly the noodles is blunt to come over of public, on the face but is don't the slightest be afraid of s è!Just on the city head, he could deal with positive 3 people of Luo to plus to slowly sway of lay siege to, there is no Xu Huang, this top-class superior now, plus Zhang Hu and is a body to suffer from severely wounded, how would he fear?On the contrary a pair of red and red doubles of eyes tightly stare public in the middle of Luo is positive, the murderous look on the body is heavy to absolutely can see get!
At the sight of Ma Chao's shape, receives and all of Zhang Hu is in the heart a tight, is also inwardly rejoice just on the city head of resolute made Luo be backing to walk!Otherwise, with Ma Chao thus of persist, even if is to guard a city head, also definitely can not guarantee Luo of positive ng life of x ì!Can now Luo real person side can there are no so many officers and mens blocking for him and connect down how to resist a horse to superly kill an idea, receives to have no with Zhang Hu all idea.For all that, receives and Zhang Hu but is don't be afraid not ex-, contrary, they sped to sit and ride at the same time of speed, afterwards reside up, on the contrary cross Luo positive, jump the gun toward Ma Chao launch attack!
"Hum!"The Ma Chao full face disdainfully looking at 2 people offend to come over toward himself or herself, tiger head once the gun lift and directly would was to turn to make numerous gun shadows to give° 2 people to cover wit!Listen to 2 bellow to ring out, received to would be to pour to fly to go out with Zhang Hu Liang people directly and all spewed out a blood in 2 people's and saw the appearance is a wound of not light!
But pour to fly to go out at Lyu Meng of that for an instant, in the eye that sees receiving flash across a j ī ng light, once the wrist turn over, but is threw the broad sword in the hand to pass by toward Ma Chao!Is accurate the come to say, should been the war that sits downed toward Ma Chao horse threw pass by!Ma Chao just made moves beat off receive and Zhang Hu Liang people, but is unexpectedly Lyu Meng unexpectedly still can make this waited backstroke, basically didn't take precautions against, that broad sword directly fight the ex- leg of horse to cut down!Listen to the war horse sent out a hoarse to blare, close behind be pour at ground up!
"General piece!Begin!"Lyu Meng who heavily dashes to the ground also cans not consider of the blood Zi of wiping oneself's corner of mouth and hurtle a flank is also Zhang Hu who falls to the ground at the same time be loudly shouted.And flank of Zhang Hu also early understand, the long-handled sword in the hand first is during last 1:00 of ground, steady downfall behind, an arrows step woulds be toward front hurtle in the past, hand rise the knife fell, but is continue two knives to all chop down to receive in the him and of sitting and riding body up, directly give°ed two best war horses to chop down to turn over!And after seeing Zhang Hu successful, Lyu Meng is to loudly drink a way:"West Qin Jun listens to make!Kill a horse!"
Once the words sound that receives fall, those west officers and men Qin have no hesitant, jump up to dismount, the anti- hand woulds be ownly sit to ride to chop down to kill one by one!And meanwhile, Zhang Hu is to twist overdo, toward Luo is drinking a way:"Positive son!Run!Run quickly!"
From just 2 people dropped overdo of time, receives to settle with Zhang Hu already descend this planned, although 2 people didn't flow with the speech ji ā o, but was a tacit understanding ground to reach very much consistent.Ma Chao of so the meeting catch up so quickly, surely is because his ride Shu brilliant, but Ma Chao's sitting to ride extraordinarily brave is also on the other hand of reason!So receives and Zhang Hu come to a decision, on meeting, be sit a horse to superly ride to killed, and cut the war horse of killing oneself and west Qin Jun's officers and men, that because west Qin Jun's these wars horses that unify an equipment, that can be the all best good Ju, who don't dare to promise as well, these good Jus falls Ma Chao Shou, will can't make the horse superly make track for shot similar quick!
Luo isn't a fool either, receives in times before and Zhang Hu's action is really to make him some to can not understand brains, but after hearing the voice of bawling at of Zhang Hu, Luo is signing a horse is also understood to receive and Zhang Hu's intention.Obviously receives and Zhang Hu's this ng life of x ì that wants to sacrifice oneself, cover Luo positive and the person of wagon escapes!However, let receive and what Zhang Hu didn't thought of BE, after wanting and understanding the intention of their 2 people, Luo is positive is to have never dropped to turn Ma Tou, and the wagon a cake of escape, but with those west officers and men Qin is similar, turn over a body to dismount, would be with hand one gun firm at they sit to ride of vital part, resolutely concluded the ng life of x ì of this war horse!
"Three childes!You, you are careless!"Seeing Luo positive action from Lyu Meng who climbs of ground is one Leng first, immediately then a face angered idea ground to shout, the toe is on the ground on picking, but is, in western officers and men Qin's long gun that will die under Ma Chao Qiang in times before that picked a hand.Although Lyu Meng is all to habitually use broad sword at ordinary times, long gun to him, also not is can not use and only want than a little bit not well acquainted with broad sword just.
Luo is positive but is that once the Hey Hey smile, several steps run up to come, although the face up still hangs blood stains,the smiling face on the face is still so brilliant, Luo positive Song shrug shoulders Bang, receive to with Zhang Hu to say:"Past of daddy but once taught me, he-man gentleman, can make everything, be don't can make a deserter!If I throw down you to flee for life alone, only afraid after returning to, must drive daddy spanking can not!"
Luo is positive of the fun just change to come to receive and Zhang Hu of helpless, can the wood have already become boat now, their war horses are all killed light, Luo is wanting to run to can not also run now.Zhang Hu's wry smile a , however soon is again a face s è a positive, the double eyes gleam j ī ng light, bring up the long-handled sword within hand direction front, sink voice is drinking a way to Luo:"Positive son!Now that you did this choice, so, today, we shoulder to shoulder a war!"
Zhang Hu although theory official ranks post have no Lyu Meng Gao, talk about artistic skill also have no Luo is just strong, can he this words speak, is Luo who lets nearby just is all cool-headed with Lyu Meng in the heart to get up, Luo just is also lay up face up of smile an idea, made an effort to order to nod, 3 people shoulder to shoulder but sign, respectively bring up weapon, toward front.And in their front, Ma Chao slowly stood from the ground, is also to taint with many blood Zis on the body, all of these bloods are what he sits down to fight a horses, lower the head to looking at oneself that have no living a sitting of interest to ride, the Nu idea on Ma Chao Lian that was more and more thick, raised head to hope to Luo positive 3 people, sink a voice to drink a way:"I settle to wait Er five horses cent corpse can not!"
3 people felt at present one flower right after words sound fell, Ma Chao's figure signed a horse be disappear have no Zong, but bottom a moment, a golden light woulded be appear at 3 people's in front, straightly toward the Luo positive noodles m the é n top stabbed come over!
Although before there is preparation, can Luo is still burst upon by this of golden light to get a fright, flurried go toward body flank one side, however the speed of this golden light was really too quick, Luo just and basically can not completely avoid being seen to open.Feel arm ascend a burst of piercing, that golden light wiped on the Luo's positive arm past, signing the horse is to take one the big piece blood r ò u, painful get Luo is cannot helping but bellowing!
"Positive son!"See Luo is getting hurt, Zhang Hu's signing a horse is surprised to shout, lifted long-handled sword to would be toward chopping down to that golden light, and Lyu Meng of the another part is to tremble a gun but up, directly sting to have already appeared in Ma Chao's figure of in front!
Face Lyu Meng Xie's sting comes over of long gun, but Ma Chao is to don't hide Shan not, theory marksmanship, Ma Chao has been able to calculate up is a contemporary everyone!The gun Shu of Lyu Meng this half bucket water is really the in front that didn't entitle to at Ma Chao to show, Ma Chao just by hand once the elbow be partial to and would be exact center a gun pole of growing the gun up, sign a horse to would be to give° the attack that receive to dissolve!Is close behind, Ma Chao's wrist is again to follow a to jilt, the golden light being just stacked firmly by Zhang Hu signed a horse to would be to give° Zhang Hu's long-handled swor to free from tangl, again was stabbing to pass by toward Luo!
Face this terrible golden light, Luo just this time but ten thousand ten thousand don't dare the gist, acute pain endure to spread from the arm, the list hand is between each waist on putting on, would be by leap and bound an of sh è 56 fly knife, go straight to Ma Chao but go!This flies a knife incomparable skill to also be regarded as Luo positive inherited in the family technical skill, although Luo is hasing never been like eldest brother Luo Gan so the bitterness does skill in martial arts, this hand must the technical skill teaching in person from Luo's sun still keep doing very goodly!Those 56 fly knife quickly and quasi-, if change to be ordinary people, absolutely unable to dodge!
However this horse is super to isn't what ordinary people can compare, although Luo is flying knife severe, Ma Chao that is the big personal enemy of Luo's sun, for this recruits Luo's sun of extremely recruit, will not defend again?The ch ō u returns to tiger head gun, that golden light's seeming is generally partitioned to open, turning the eye is to split into 56 golden light and faced those to fly knife be rushed toward to pass by.Listen to jingle a burst of sound, those flying a knife whole amount is descended for shot by the golden light and played to from afar go to!
Although this recruits don't harm Ma Chao, Luo is also the attack that dissolved Ma Chao at least, close behind, Luo was woulding be to together offend to pass by toward Ma Chao along with Lyu Meng, Zhang Hu.However, Ma Chao at the moment good still enough dint,beats dr dre, cold cold on huming, those 56 golden light are again fusions at together, with the quickest speed at Luo positive 3 people's weapon last 1:00, moment give°ed 3 people's attack to dissolve, close behind, the ray of light of golden light is suddenly big prosperous, go straight to be apart from recent Zhang Hu to rush!
Zhang Hu's long-handled sword makes Zhang Hu Zheng's individual is also one Yang hereafter, basically can not do to serve as at the moment what defensive power.But the speed of the golden light is the quickest, Luo just basically and too late comes forward a salvage with Lyu Meng, can be the belly that helplessly looking at that golden lighted to submerge Zhang Hu and take to have one blood fog!And Zhang Hu after being shot by this golden light, the whole individual signs a horse be curve, the facial expression on the face also becomes to distort because of this violent pain-suffering!
"Open widely an elder brother!"Looking at Zhang Hu to recruit in the vital part, the Luo positive double of eyes stare old circle, eyes seem to to stare out, become overdo, a shape that bites a person, roars way:"Lao Tze wants your life!"
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