
Cheap Beats By Dre and that dark star

Chapter 414 looks on coldly
Let line a life time Bu always has this afraid to die person.Whenever from the life of the time that Shen Chu Chen is cave .Will do a some hysterical affairs.
Very obviously, this, the guy would is that person.
When he listen to Lu for sky and kill the superior of alliance.The time distinctly invade realizes to leave the person whom house's resisting doesn't live.Rose another idea right away in the heart, for keeping intact own life, the other people can literally sacrifice to them.
The most lamentable BE, be like his this type of people, not just one twos.
That person after speaking so some kind of words suddenly spouts to project cold Lie intention to murder in the Ji vast sky heart, feels exhaustive exasperation to these people and suddenly feel to unite to deal with Lu in a sky and dead alliance with these people.Seem just a joke.
"Yes, the long eyebrows comes here, very obviously for the sake of the valley of Xuan Yuan is since then.As long as the person of the valley of Xuan Yuan left and thought to the long eyebrows then can't be getting more disadvantageous to the store."
"H'm, as long as the person of the valley of Xuan Yuan isn't in the aery island, the long eyebrows and those people should can't come to aery island just to, perhaps they will go another place to look for you and probably go five lines of mainlands."
Agree with big someone of his opinion at, this time, moreover several personal small voices whisper.
Nu idea in the Ji vast sky heart Yi sky, but suddenly silent come down.
He thinks these shameless of the guy exactly has how much person, want to see stores will play what kind a role, only see clear these people's looks, just can decide hereafter how do.
Is also good, early some real lookses that recognize pure these people.Is also that the good matter is a , if is discovering, fight to on the contrary will be larger while crossing swords.
Think so in the heart, the Ji vast sky suppresses the wrath in the heart and coldly looking at these people, a speech doesn't deliver.
Thou Bang, fierce hate a person, such as, a sky, and etc., an eyebrows deeply lock, peep out irksome facial expression on the face, obviously also to the equal disappointment of these people.
"Can not harm our owner because of your valley of Xuan Yuan, you say is be not?.
"BE ah, as long as you leave the valley of Xuan Yuan on your own initiative.I think that the long eyebrows is those people, affirm a meeting ignore aery insular.Old woman, do you say?"
The sudden, the view of owner, falls in the body of the old woman of the store a while.
She is current store host, in this turning point, her words can have a decisive function, on the aery island, at present also with the strength of the store most is strong, after all, here is their bedrocks.
In this time, her meaning is count for much, even can decide the going or staying of Ji vast sky a group of people!
"Grandmother".The company ice Jie coincidentally came back.Lose a voice to exclaim.
"Is useless, the Lu in the sky and dead alliance starts out together, obviously and not only list just for the sake of the valley of Xuan Yuan, even if is the person of the valley of Xuan Yuan to leave, the aery island is similar to avoid to can not help this matter."The wrinkly plait on the face of old woman lightly trembled for a while and wore a worried look, again way:"Lu in the sky, die alliance of the greed person all without exception know, their purposes not only the list is just a life of star, what they wanted is the absolute right of control of the whole sun star area".
Although only the benefit of old woman is a diagram, but is know a big body, know to is even if to kick out the person of the valley of Xuan Yuan at this time, the aery island is similar to avoid to can not help be distinctly invaded of destiny.
She is one hair words, previous those Rangs Rangs wear the astral guy of another life that wants to abandon the valley of Xuan Yuan.A .Lower the head in succession, maybe not agree with the old woman's opinion in some public, but the host delivered words, they then no longer said more what.
The Ji vast sky coldly looking at those people and secretly remembers their faces and soul appearance, heart way:While willing have already begged me you!
"Everyone likes preparation preparation.We although various ancient of aery island is enough tough and resilient,Lu in the sky and the superior of dead alliance arrives together.Can resist how long, I also have no bottom in the heart old woman lightly on sighing, soft-voiced and mumbling way:"This war can not avoid, we can do of, would be to go all out!"
Being public is silent in succession, stand at aery Long Feng in island's tallest sky together with the person of the store, far away looking at distance on Long Feng in sky.
The aery island passes by some kind of after the whole world upside downly and greatly becoming, the whole group of islands has already been getting more everything is completely changed, however.The old woman of the store arrives at for a sky, Long Feng after, just on waving hand, cover with in various seven colourful beautiful cloudses of aery island sky, then be put on go to, the outside of the aery island all presents in the public eye bottom right away.
Imitate Buddha's sky in the aery island, veil cover with, be given by the old woman with the hand to pull go to, the body is in the aery island of public, can clearly see the view of outside.
The sky of aery island outside, the dark cloud presses a crest.A person who gathers to force breathes heavily however the improbity strength come to annoy.Quickly approach under the rosy sunset.
Take Lu host in the sky of smiling face mask, such as ghost general of the leader of alliance of dead alliance , under the leading of long eyebrows, gradually appear in the distance Shan, the billowing dark cloud coagulates, that a group of people imitates a Buddha at the dark cloud on, drive to halt toward the dark cloud, will cover with Xia to only cover.
Very soon, this a group of people leads in the long eyebrows under, appear at the sky of aery island.Occupy vantage point of look down an aery island, is the long eyebrows of head, point at an aery island under, expression respectully to the Lu host and the dead alliance leader of alliance way in sky:"That monster in the aery island."
"We want ~only the person of dark star clan and also have the valley of Xuan Yuan of those are severals, send out they, at your store, fly a flower, gold net the mountain didn't do the disadvantageous affair is to us before, we can't deal with you and give you quarter time the host of the consideration Lu in the sky voice stiff, there is no a silk emotion motion, be like at under reach a certain judgment, allow of no other people answer criticism."BE?I know that the person of Lu, dead alliance in the sky comes over, purpose just just the valley of Xuan Yuan is as irrelevant as we!"Most the bore Kai instrument lets the person whom the valley of Xuan Yuan leaves.Fiercely excitement rise.Before agree with his some people, repeatedly nod, a store the old woman who urgently looking at.Press the old woman of the store with this way quicker decide.
All of these people come from the star of some strange small lives, the star of the life of their place not only the resources poverty of the self-discipline habit, the superior is also very limited.Even connecting five lines of mainlands is all not equal to.
These people, to the Lu in sky and dead alliance this kind of going to of the sun star area pre-eminent dint, have instinctive.
They are since then invited by stores, also for canning get the help of store to tide over difficult period, don't want to become for a sky, Lu, die the Kui Lei of alliance, however.Is truely at the last moment, truely see Lu for sky and kill after the superior of alliance condescend to come, but the mind that won a conflict of the fearing of their heart deep place.
"You are really wretchednesses."The Ji vast sky bursts out laughing and shook to shake head, the way of Ji Yi:" You are this kind of mindset, don't know as well is how fix nine of territory.""Cook of, they the average age was 500 years old, at their young of time" isn't so either what timidity be afraid of getting into trouble, more old they are more afraid.Lived so big age, don't also find out the Jing self-discipline of enough stars, really very sad, "the manganese steel stand on the after death talking quietly of the Ji vast sky.
Manganese steel before also be responsible for receive the star of these another lives up of superior, pass the whole data of store, he has some understanding to these people and knew these people to very early and before and then break nine of territory, that time of they, an is all young and impetuous, there is no terror in the heart, treats anythings to all have no be afraid.
However, arrive nine of territory after, they just discover the area is at the sun star and suit there is what scarcity in the place of their self-discipline, occasionally discover the star of 12 lives, also usually drive the sun star area eight big go to pre-eminent dint to strong have, many people at the sun star area gadabout time, also once suffered rounding of another influence to kill.
Gradually, the original sharp angle is outstanding sky of the generation of the fearlessly not afraid fearlessness, in the coon age road, because the continuously encounters safety hit shot and slowly changes depressedly, originally of the sharp angle be whetted Be getting more even, the heroism in the heart also not at, the whole world upside down variety happens to the whole individual's mindset also.
The "was 500 years old" Ji vast sky smiled to smile and slowly noded, way:"No wonder that, these people, would be the Jing of getting the stars come acupuncture points chain deeply, how again?They this lifetime, can also have already hoped to break ten a square the territory of the sky?Ha ha!"
Some kind of words of Ji vast sky, voice not Gao isn't low, Long Feng in the sky's owners can hear.
Those drive his several people of Ji Feng, the facial expression is in a short while green in a short while white, in the heart although is a bit ashamed.But use the exasperation on the face to cover up, a coldly stared Ji vast sky and seem is saying:Dying to happen to answer back is hard!
"Our enemy is them".The old woman of store finally got mad, staring those was severals.The guy of timidity, cold hum a way:"Do you really think that they will pass you?You as long as the behaviour style that considers a sky, Lu and dead alliance, will after understanding the person whom they killed the valley of Xuan Yuan, how does the meeting deal with you!"
The Ji vast sky is slightly surprised.Saw old woman's one eye, had to present new look to her impression.
Is quite good!She for the sake of the benefits of store really what affairs all do of come out, don't speak friendship, speaks a benefits!But"she divides at least pure general situation.Know at dangerous of time how do to the store, to she is the most beneficial by herself.
No wonder that she can become the host of store.Also no wonder that the store can become the sun star area eight big have her at store to one of the pre-eminent dints, store really can't big trouble.
The old woman taught those people some kind of empresses.Suddenly fly up unreal, and Lu in the sky and dead alliance of the people.Just across one the natural cover of the built-up invisible.Is cold to hum a way:"Being an aery island here is in spite of who.Want an aery island is disadvantageous, all play to pay for it to us!"
"We want ~only the valley of Xuan Yuan and that dark star clansmen!"Lu host in the sky repeated 1 time.
"Complete nonsense!Being little to come to is this set of".The old woman doesn't bear ground to bellow a , sneer way:"In wife's sub- in front, show off less your that set of small trick that pursues a shot to break, have kind and then kill to come in, otherwise roll out sea Lan to me mainland!"
Lu host in the sky are in a short while silent, that consumedly of under the smiling face mask of Yin cold improbity eyes, suddenly spout to project everlasting to endlessly kill an idea, ordered to nod, way:"Tear open defense, the chicken dog isn't and rather".
Die two eye tongs of alliance leader of alliance that will-o'-the-wisp sort.The You You is cold to is burning to come out, suddenly since the Lu host in sky separated, it is after death a few ghosts to take him.Arrived at another part of aery island.
Lu host in the sky not and tightly and not and slowly took out the different monster of a rat shape from the bosom, that difference monster whole body was black light flickering, there are three small eyes, three small eyes respectively is red, green, purple, difference the monster kept in mind from the Lu host in sky inside after coming out, small eyes of three red and green purple colors, fiercely bright red, green, purple of the shining glory come out.
That originally had the different monster of rat size, body slowly peristalsis, unexpectedly shrunk gradually just a short while, man, difference monster then only the finger greatly lie prone a while at the built-up defense natural cover of the aery island top.
Only the different monster of finger size, lie prone built-up defense natural cover over there on, open, bite at that natural cover on.
Suddenly, the aery island collects of heavy world vitality, the beginning quickly passes by the quickest speed.But that different monster of rat appearance that only has finger size, but is quickly strengthened.
So in a short while the effort, the different monster of that finger size, start becoming tiger generally big.
One in fine threads lightning, at it that in gleam, strong world vitality.Imitate a Buddha to be subjected to it the attraction of that big mouth, source
"Is not good!"Store of a nine temple private in the sky, surprised shout a way:"The defence capabilities of 12 F all lost propping up of world vitality and broke, , break!"
The old woman of the store facial expression Shu once the ground change and drink a way:"How may?"
Store of public, also have those come from the astral superior of another life, all facial expression hairs are white, helplessly looking at that different monster, like forty gobble up in the aery island of worlds vitality, defense knots of store thousand years boundary.Give to bite open one by one.
No one knows what this different monster calls.But afraid in heart, to the host of the Lu in sky, was full of more to fear to an idea.
"Swallow rat in a sky!"Force a gram hand in of after livinging soul dish to turn 1 turn, is also a strange light to spout to shoot in the eyes.
Is public on listenning to force a gram to say so, fall the vision to the body of Di gram in succession up, seem is hoping the Di gram to is an answer.
"Swallow for a sky, the rat is a kind of different monster of the ground of the dead star area dereliction, one swallows for a sky, rat, can swallow the star of a life up all world vitalities!Swallow for a sky, the rat is that the ground of dereliction is previous very terrible different monster, they after swallowing world vitality can knot the next dint crystal pit, that is a kind of compare best dollar the stone want precious 10000 times good thingses!"
"Swallow for a sky, the rat is this strange ability, make the ammonite life of much dead star area feeling too overbearing, a lot of year agos, die the strong race of star area start associately catch to kill to swallow for a sky, the activity of rat, seem to be in several thousand year agos, swallow for a sky, rat at die star area then drive death ray, this swallows for a sky, the rat should destroy completely just to."
The Di gram helplessly looking at to swallow for a sky, the rat give°s the world vitality on the aery island to absorb one by one and cannot helps but a frightened way.
One swallows for a sky, rat, can swallow all world vitalities of the Yan of a lives, is the ability of the indeed as expected terrible pole!
The Ji vast sky facial expression is constantly tiny to change, looking at that body the bulge greatly swallow for a sky, rat, sink a track:"Dollar dint the crystal pit compare a best dollar the stone is precious 10000 times, can provide huge energy for the private in sky, the superior of dead star area affirms someone for the sake of the selfishness and secretly hid to swallow for a sky, rat, those people don't dare at die the star area use and swallow for a sky indiscriminately, rat, then will swallow for a sky, the rat made use of a special method to make outside of star area, affair very obvious, Lu in the sky at die some guys of star area are also insolently ambitious generation!"
"You saw swallow for a sky, rat, I then can't make you keep on living."Lu host in the sky occupy vantage point a ground of station at Gao Kong and use that kind of the stiff words with no emotion motion to say.
Need not he explains, listen to a Di gram said in so some kind of aery islands of public, all understand Lu host in the sky are afraid to pass them this time.
Swallow for a sky, rat at die all of star areas is illegal act, once they reveal news to go out and carelessly spread to die a star area, so Lu in the sky at die some people of star area, willing be united Jiao by the another superior to kill is afraid!Lu host in the sky want a , only will at present in the aery island experience swallow for a sky, all of the person of rat kill, just can dismiss news to leak.
This a moment.The owners all understood Lu host in the sky's idea.
"How to do?"The person of those timidities.An anxiously looking at the old woman of the store and hope that the old woman of the store can give an idea.
Originally thought the defense dint of store.Is enough to come to resist distinctly invading of a sky, Lu and dead alliance, don't help most , can also consume some their strength, words like that, time engage, can also occupy some advantages here, which expect for a sky, Lu host a recruit don't move, just take out one to swallow rat in a sky.Allly account they to Zai to disrupt.
Old woman's facial expression is difficult to see, bitterness bitterness the ground is wrinkly eyebrows, is also an at the end of one's tether facial expression, don't know how to do.
The "in a short while the defense knot in the island the boundary be destroyed, we only with all strength on fighting, there are the words of opportunity, can go toward those space turbulent flow the area escape" old woman hesitated in a short while, light tone a sigh.Incapable is strength.
"There are totally five space turbulent flows in sea Lan mainland area, we come of time, have already ruined 4.There is also the only a space turbulent flow area.I and dead alliance of the leader of alliance also cooperated to set out a defense turn.I think that in the sea Lan mainland didn't°yet who can break I and dead alliance the leader of alliance cooperate to deploy of defense turn day Lu the host seem to know that they think what.Again throw a heavy bomb, cut off public flee for life of back route.
This words are a , the owners all present an air of despair.
The road of fleeing for life of end is thoroughly ruined, this can how is good?Really only die, fight a road?
Lu in the sky and dead alliance are totally 14 nine temple private in the sky,Cheap Beats By Dre.One square is seven, have among them eight nine temple private in the sky is in the territory of horizontal Feng!
The leader of alliance of Lu host in the sky and dead alliance is again the sun star area the strongest of two nine temple private in the sky, not only fix for the state an all profound pole, but also have many strange treasures that come from to die a star area, 2 people's real real strenght includes much strong no man to know.
Need not war, these people then realize they only the dead end is a .
When the everyone is rattled, no one discovers that the Ji vast sky starts air again it's absentminded, her look in the eyes is vacant have no Cuo, double Tong in the geezer scene constantly change and seem and have a certain memory the deep place be seduced at his soul, the memory constituting deep Hai of a segment is got by him.
Gradually, the vacant gradual dissipation in the Ji vast sky eyes, his eyes finally again resume to settle clearly.
The corner of mouth hangs up a smiling face for taking his timing.The Ji vast sky Yang head visits a sky, suddenly way:"Swallow for a sky, the rat also has weakness".
This words are a , public a foolish, soon after and all hope to he, various emotion continue Shan to constantly wear now in the public eye, someone's surprise, someone vacant.Someone is interrogative, someone cuts up rough., !
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