
cheap beats by dre spring is red to ke

My time .How have never thought be known?He clearly doesn't think again lead long to pull with me up, fear me to take a kid to seek him in the days to come, ruined his future prospects, also have never thought him at 1:00 and my good of time, say in mouth of those.Man, talk don't count."
Qin Shou livings silently language not.He grows up in the village and knows that the village person's mouth can compare a killing of person in the city to harm dint to have to be big.In the city, in addition to those old door families acquaint with, those persons who live in the new building.Everyone who all incognizant who.Be want that spreading a mouth is carefree, all the nobody listens to.Can in the village.You go to bed to say with wife of private savings words, next door of the person sometimes can hear.Unless Qin Kang isn't in the village foolish, otherwise, his this new last eunuch in China affirmation place name will be always hanged by person in the village mouth up, and the spring is red to keep a man of of the Kua son the head will also remain.If 2 people have no a kid again, only afraid hereafter of the day once had no idea.The same neighborhood despises to humiliate not to say, be cool down in the cold every day of, also make people uncomfortable.Although sympathize with very much, also really want to let oneself's blood goes on more, can Qin Shou return alive is would not like to lend a kind.If Qin Kang and spring were red to is a millionaire, that his affirmation would be 100 would like to.Pour isn't a figure 2 people ground property, but because the kid can have a nice day to lead.Can if the spring is red to born his/her own kid, but want to be foolish in the village to suffer mental agony, Qin Shou livings to feel that he or she is a criminal, a bastard!
Spring red ground of You You says:"Living son, I know you have a worry, don't want to give birth to a kid with elder sister.Can in addition to you, the elder sister canned not found more suitable person.Living son, the elder sister begged you, you were to help elder sister a favour.Wait kid to be getting bigger, the elder sister sends to him you to go there, as long as want to make him retire to enjoy life for us to attend funeral and then go."
Qin Shou grows long ground of sigh a , the heart says this matter how can stand to I top in the head?Want to say with the spring redly feminine beauty, seek 10000 dollars door of village inside, they not the fart Dian fart Dian ground round she turns, let her lead the best day?He but have already forgotten the truth of "the person walks toward eminence".The spring once going into the city is red, with him,cheap beats by dre, Wang Hao Ren and Yang Wei the person like this once took place to hand over to gather, again how ability does the lo get the soils in the village not to pull several guys?Living the development situation in nowadays by his Qin Shou besides, the spring is red don't seek him, also seek who?
Have been already slept, grow top early grow last.Qin Shou, who breaks a bottle to break to fall off, livings to be like walking corpse general, being like a woman the ground head is general, free to spring red conductor, press on her, do mankind the most original, exercise most by instinct.
"Living son, go fetch that pillow, elder sister Dian bottom bottom, so at the time that you leaked, the sperm easily flowed into, can increase pregnantly an opportunity;Living son, don't pull out, foolish in the elder sister's body, don't come for the run off.
The sky receives bright of time, Qin Shou livings to just trail some bodies of debilities, there was spirit feebly going toward home.He discovers that after with woman**, red with spring this several times of sexual love, the sexual love dided not feel most in his life, is pure for multiplying greatly the sexual love of blood, is the sexual love that the wild beast spreads blood, completely escaped from the mankind's morals category, only have bitter and astringent, there is no happiness.
"Is the kid really importance so?There is no kid, really cannot live in the village?"Qin Shou is born to living a nerveless felling in the heart.
Stand paddy field side, looking at up to 100 bluish green waves billowing, see the fish that the freedom shuttles in the paddy field, Qin Shou livings of the mood is very of good.
"Little father comes, with let's shine on to be like together."
The kid who plays around together with Qin Wan loudly shouts Qin Shou to living.They know Qin Shou's giving birth to isn't his/her own father, also know the Qin Wan and week is quick to isn't their mother.Canning lead is early of mature make them know, only tightly hold tight this several to they good, don't want to make use of the person whom they try to make profit, so as to make oneself get happiness.
"Good!We come to Zhang He to copy together!"Qin Shou livings to hug a few kids and shouts "eggplant" together, drive the camera in Qin Wan Shou left the abyss of time of print to record.
"Is small light, packet, small Wei, small sea, small text, small cloud and light rain, you want at too grandpa here play, still heel I and your aunt Qin Wan return to city in go?"Was foolish in Qin Jia Cun for several days, Qin Shou livingsed not to trust the business in the city, there is the viewpoint to return to.That Ruan is thin although says to help to look after, also have Zhang Cui to point out in the back, can her temperament, be a secretary accommodation, the administrator doesn't necessarily go.
"Return to, return to, we follow little father to return to!"A few kids unanimous opinion lets Qin Shou gives birth to sigh in the heart, know they have already become accustomed to the scene in the city, didn't want to return to country any further.
"This can the Zha do?"Qin Shou livings some difficult.If the population that falls a person, he can accomplish and make a point what lend, the flower ordered money to go.Can these seven kids, who also not dare to help to do population.
In the evening, Qin Shou livings to arrive at a spring red house and says good-bye to her.
"What about Qin Kang Shu?"See Qin Kang just as since go toward ground is not at home, Qin Shou livings to freely ask.
"The wager went to, he left this a fondness for now, I also not block him."The spring red and desolate facial expression makes people looking at pity.
"Tell him, stay some money to retire to enjoy life."
"He goes.That money is the Zha comes, you also know.In addition to gambling, he can also think what?I stay by the side old the origin motionless went."
"I will walk tomorrow, the momentary half will return not.The occupying made a phone call for me and then went."
In brief saying is two, just wanted to go out, spring a red words made Qin Shou give birth to to stop descend step:"Living son, I may have."
"What!"Qin Shou livings not to dare to believe, " how may, just how many days did you know?"
"Coincidentally.These two days my menstruation originally should come of, can have been coming.I feel should be grow last.Living son, the elder sister has already had your child."
A bottom sits to in the Kang, Qin Shou is born to bomb the ground of Long Long to make to ring in the brain.The look in the eyes that in a short while is a person in the village to sneer at after knowing this affair is in a short while this kid hereafter call he or she's eldest brother of embarrassed, in a short while is a grieved appearance after knowing of grandpa's grandmother, after in a short while being Zhang Cui to wait woman to know of consternation and cut up rough ………
"Living son, in addition to I and Qin Kang, can't be different from a person again to know this matter.The elder sister isn't that kind of the E person's person, can't lend a kid to tie up to ascend yours.Want ~only you in the days to come quite a few to the kid, let the elder sister have to depend on and then go."
Spring red comforter Qin Shou livings and see he keep silence ground to walk, the corner of mouth peeps out satisfied smiling face.Livinging to lend a kind to Qin Shou is that the spring is red with the affair that Qin Kang Shang measured for a long time.Among them surely have her the emotion of heart is playing tricks, but also have something to do with Qin Shou's livinging the position in nowadays.Since lend a kind, that lends growing of rich, in the days to come also have to look after, to the kid, has advantage to her.
Helpless Qin Kang can retire to enjoy life to attend funeral and had to promise, but didn't know that this also satisfied his kind of wishes of wife's heart deep place in the days to come for the sake of someone:Who say that the old woman cans not get a little man?Living son exactly be still got by me.He wants to jilt me and has no a door!
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The text chapter 178 is thrown poison
Renew time:2009-5-1315:05:56 chapter word numbers:5254

Because the home overhauls, Qin Shan takes a kid to live lately- covered house in the house is in the old hat Ye in, pouring can also live bottom.Have no the place lives of Qin Shou living and have to oneself to run to the fish pond to live there.Accompanied in the past in the evening at Qin Wan so much, pour at last don't have sentimental appeal as well.Arrived this situation, even if Qin Wan packs again, village inside also the nobody believe she with Qin Shou livings don't relate to.The double that she was straight-tempered to then go ahead regardless, living a pair of nights with Qin Shou flies.Anyway person in the village says again what gossip, return to city in also can't hear, make her dad limits of the earth Qin distress by himself/herself.
The spot that gets married in the Hong jade bead, Qin Wan and Qin Shou livings friendly.Don't apologize, don't allow a promise, 2 people returned to Qin Jia Cun together and generally lived a day with husband and wife.
The fish pond seems to be an abnormality in the night view of quite, Related articles:

