
monster beats acceptedly and most

Of hate bitterly the slightest a Ruan surname of bearing comparison with the south household.
As it does also, the at the thought of sand settles state to own threat, Zheng 梉 immediately threw the worry in uncertainty in the heart to far away.At this time of he one heart want to make use of Chinese troops fight wide Yugoslavia and exterminate a sand to settle state.But see him fiercely on clapping arm-rest, sink a voice to declare a way:"This matter comes to a decision so.Each general is still quicker to fix to go!"
When greatly and more of the king and his ministers is busy in calculating wide Yugoslavia, the king and his ministers of wide Yugoslavia is also calculating own northern night enemy by same tone.Vietnam although south the north split up, south outward extending of the Ruan political power but have never relaxed at 1:00.In fact,monster beats, the southern Ruan political power of wide Yugoslavia is medium south peninsula ascend generally acceptedly and most rich offensive nation.South Ruan political power with fluently turn-wide south for base, pass to have continuously going on expedition of the city, water true La etc. small country to the periphery, will it of the territory quickly extended in the southeastern coast of south peninsula.
However these several years wide Yugoslavia goes down south progress but is subjected to Zu of Chinese China company Rao.Because winning the southeastern weather of south peninsula is feat, the rain water is abundant, again adjacent Guangxi, therefore many China companies will choose at have city etc. ground the establishment colonizes a farm.Can have city and is the main object that wide Yugoslavia extends.Therefore wide Yugoslavia to have a city country city of invade and loot, certanly will will result in the huge loss of China company.At first many China companies all chose to consign tax gold and contribution to wide Yugoslavia, in order to spend money to prevent disaster.But minority of China board of trades choose to by force protect his/her own company's building and farm.
Exactly is these very few number of resist, give° wide Yugoslavia to incense.The overbearing Vietnamese feels some only the benefit was the China company of diagram to behave badly too much and unexpectedly dare to make moves to resist.Don't teach these Diao people well how can overlord among states on the peninsula.Besides the Chinese are again so of full of.Hence the medium south tiger of this greed also attends to not and up what the last country don't ascend a country.Start directly with the China company gather to reside of city for target, big four take the offensive sack.Face a suddenly taking the offensive of the Vietnamese, think the China company paiding and then wasing free is beaten to catch unprepared.Originally have already extended into inland of China company the influence was once driven out into by the Vietnamese circumlittoral of a few small towns in.However also the Vietnamese's step can march forward into this.With borrowed to bring from the mainland of artillery fire gun, return to absolute being of the Chinese were very quick in the southeast coast and then builted up to had military fort to protect his/her own farm and company's building.Combined to expel a Vietnamese to have city boundary.And both parties fought to also now rise to white-knuckle burnt bright status.However in order to being medium south the Chinese number of the peninsula is limited, and mainly concentrate in the circumlittoral city.Therefore China company at with the Vietnamese's at war usually is in order to prevent the guarding sues for peace for lord, sometimes also toward the Vietnamese dedicating contribution.However with the contribution change come brief peace, soon again be broken by both parties' arms and supplies voice.Consequently who all don't know thus of pull according to fight to arrive when just can end.Can not break the confrontation here until one day a Chinese troops debarkation that counts myriad people has city.
"His majesty, in minister's eyes.We can in no way let the Chinese step into the land of the wide south.Their lending a Jiao thief is a leave, wanting to come to go on expedition me the dynasty is true!"The big palace firmly offers suggestion a way on dominant great commander soldier Mo trillion dollars of wide Yugoslavia.
"Mo general, this speech differs Yi.The China dynasty is with an upward exposure somehow also a sky country, slicing can't do don't speak the business of faith thus.Besides those are 50,000 dynasty battalions in the sky."Wide south prime minister Ruan light too Si slowly manage of negative way.
"Hum, this day with an upward exposure country actually is what looks you I once experienced.Chinese say 50,000, did you really believe?Say that a nation that lets the Niangs do emperor has again what well afraid of."Mo trillion dollars makes reference to a face here up immediately peeped out trivial smiling face.
"No matter have 100,000.The Chinese started out a to pay around ten thousand persons troops this time at have city debarkation is an undisputable real fact.This before and together I toward being hostile to each other of China company the shortage is 1000 people, and all and piecemeal distribute at have true La of city, water of circumlittoral town.Speak of, person's horse of the general and people's regiment of the China company not next to once offended 10 several times, can once beg for the least bit cheap." The Ruan light disdains to too very of say.Mo trillion dollars in his eyes too self-confidence.Formerly with wide south China company people's regiment of the belligerence is all some to haven't yet disciplinal common businessman and hire work, oneself can also rely on land utilization person's many advantages inhibit the Chinese at coastal region.But this debarkation of but is a flock of real soldier who carries rifles with loaded bullets, is at Central plains the mainland once experienced the 10-year battle fire tests of the teacher of tiger wolf.The Ruan only and too feels together opponent belligerence like this, really little cure of success in wide Yugoslavia.
Ruan light too of answer criticism undoubtedly is stimulate numerous present the wide south will get.Valiant good Dou of they immediately and then start to denounce openly only too weak inability of Ruan, even return to button up for him last a "more crafty" hat.However, is trillion dollars Mo of the party concerned didn't follow under charge to courageously rise to blame.In fact he also knows the Ruan only and too says of is all fact.After China company turtle shrink to go into the city pond, the troops of wide south then have never begged for cheapness under the artillery any further.In addition to rounded city to once force to break the Chinese that water broke a food to hand over a great deal of money for occasionally a few long times.Mo trillion dollars still has never got into those cities that are controled by the China company up to now.And the long time round city, to wide south soldier to say to also want to pay a huge price.Although the after the event can get a great deal of money that the China company pays tribute,wide Yugoslavia wants to import cloth, paper, light oil, and table salt...etc. from China company again have to article.So these money is in Vietnamese hand Zuan return to Chinese hand again in a little while inside.However, Mo trillion dollars I don't think to the China company enter defeating of Jiao, because his troops aren't enough brave to fight well.Is contrary he those deceitful and Chinese artilleries that defeated to all completely blame on China company of sharp ascend.Thinking Chinese will the turtle shrink in the city defense to fire sniper's shots.Once leaving the protection of military watch tower and artillery, they remain is defenseless.Thought of here, Mo the trillion dollars can not help self-confidence of put a speech way:"Even if the Chinese parties comes to large numbers of person's horses again Nai how I am.Left big gun military watch tower, the Chinese couldn't battle.In the thick bush, China pretty the big gun fire of the son gun basically isn't us of the opponent of short knife poisonous arrow!Our bush warriors can certainly let those China pretty son is where, roll a time where go!"
A high speech of Mo trillion dollars was immediately and then led the surroundings will get of the one drink colourful.At this time of they each all rise red face, imitating the Buddha already the wanting of no time for waiting and Chinese greatly does a sort.But a few text ministers of one side see a form but together the Ruan light Be too similar to repeatedly shake a head.Face underneath the text is many martial facial expression with clearly contrary ministerses, sit on the wide south filial piety Zhe emperor Ruan blessing on Long Yi to be close to, but another have own some kind of plans.But saw him pure cough 1, interrupted many issues of ministers, subsequently and then and gladly openings way:"Many meaning that love Qing I have already understood.However the top country is finally a last country.Now that somebody else have already arrived a family, I dynasty from be to the utmost the gift of king and his ministers, the instrument of landlord, greet the battalion of last country.The Ruan loves Qing and then is led severals by you to acquaint with for a sky, the text minister of dynasty etiquette goes to have city to pay a courtesy call on country great commander a soldier.Generation I said, I the wide south would like to lend a top country."
"The emperor is astute.Minister this fixs to go."Hearing the emperor would like to show toward the Chinese weak, the Ruan light loudly receives orders a way right away too much.But Mo trillion dollars hear this news nature is Be not willing to be now kind give up.Hence his together a few force will hurriedly come forward to want to advise emperor to withdraw an order.However their actions are very quick drive filial piety Zhe emperor to obstruct.But see emperor calmly put to put a hand, and then continue to add a way:"Many love Qings take it easy and listen to me finishing speaking words first.Ruan Qing house, you see after the last country general, telling him my dynasty will borrow to work properly a river waterway to go through for last country battalion.The food grass in period is supplied by my dynasty, but pleases country battalion at I dynasty inshore don't go on board debarkation.In addition, Mo general you immediately gather each camp battalion, the Tun soldier works properly a river!"
"Follow instructions his majesty!"One of Mo trillion dollars excitement embraces a boxing to receive orders a way.A hear the emperor prepare to borrow to work properly a river to give Chinese, he only and too immediately and then understood the meaning of emperor with Ruan.The Ruan light is too more a face to admire of flatter an emperor way:"The his majesty is astute, like a recruit disaster water north to lead."
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