
Artist Series uld initiate hero be

 Late moxa heart point sons are all abashed to is red, all over the face fever, hug tight leaf Wan's waist, in a dazely the time kisses, 2 people's tongue ties up together and rounds a turn to beat to roll.
Led a long time, leaf Wan powder noodles beautiful desire drop, the late moxa panting noisily is in a short while loose to open, loves to pitily daut the face of late moxa, saw.Suddenly solved jade bead from the neck, put into the center of palm of late moxa.
"This stays to you."
Leaf Wan holds the Qiao face of late moxa, layer after layer on kissing, by leap and bound run to the window side, jumped to go out, the artistic skill with alacrity clime to over the wall and far escapes but goes to.
The late moxa is still barefoot to jump down a bed, hand at flutter of window, hope all empty over the wall, the Hao month is empty, the beauty has been already gone, keeping the Yi is a dream.
The jade bead of the center of palm son, radiant deeply bright, send out to melt under the moonlight of light.
Ha ha, filled a very small dark line, the lights had a little small joy.Think those early years, lights is also once turned over somebody else's wall, eight pieces of abdominal muscle plank knotholes, ha ha!
Leaf Wan wants to step on the road of abscondence again, however he had a target this time, so how to do his meeting?
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The second beginning go into river's lake 122 surname Zu house
Renew time:2009-3-919:08:39 chapter word numbers:3395

Wait a text east and Wang Tong to touch doorway in the county hospital and just know that leaf Wan has already escaped.
Huang Chao could surge of great fury and buttonned up two polices who blaspheme a job on the spot.Take a project set all through the night afresh cloth card, a police car opens from the hospital and the county police department, pulls an irritating to the ear whistle and soon disappears in the visual field.
", Ha ha, ha ha!"Wait a text east to stand on the wayside and stare blankly to in a short while laugh wildly.
"I hold, leaf Wan true his mama is marvelous, can run like this drop!"Wang Tong looking at the sharp knife in the hand and smiles to shake head.
Expecting the video frequency of car in the leaf Wan salvage is put in the net, soon aroused to coax.At present, have who dare under the shadow that death connect to save 16 people, and finally return quilt mudslide draw in edge, isn't the life and death clear?
When the netizen knows to save the another whole body of the hero of person is "A class wanted" of time, the prestige of this news immediately explodes to rise and draws on the concern of major media, the reporter of the whole whole country on all sides attacks and finds out the young person's whole inside situations that nameds "leaf Wan".
The network is great, the reporter is omnipotent,Artist Series!
Hence saved farmland Rong to start in Sichuan from leaf Wan, leaf Wan's each matter was dug out by the reporter, put online.Connect the reason leaf Wan is caught is that save to fall into water a child, the affairs like this is all dug by the reporter, hence threw on for leaf Wan again thick colourful weigh the hero aureole of Mo sort.
"Is a murderer, still never hesitated to do what is right hero?"
"He is a hero, still criminal?"
"The A class wanted saves person's innumerable in fleeing from home road, how does the government face?"
Headline like this, refreshing, sting eye ground the home page that print in each kind of newspapers and magazines.Also play more to leaf Wan's discussion on the net strong more.After leaf Wan fled from home from the county hospital, attain peak more.
The netizen formed two partieses, a send resolute objection leaf Wan"hero" turn, think that the murderer is a murderer, saved many people again, he is still a murderer, can not offset or don't need a responsibility with the simple add and subtract, but have to admit his hero behavior, and suggest that the police gives consideration while measuring Xing.
Another parties then seems to be more romantic and anarchism, think leaf Wan's conduct and actions, completely exceeded he does of"bad", the government should initiate hero behavior like this.Particularly is society to widespreadly ignore life nowadays, lack the great environment of humanities care and love under, should even adjust high the offense Xing of forgiving leaf Wan, give the people a model, this be"the murderer can also sign big achievement, then don't need offense!"To encourage that more people do a good turn and encourage never hesitated to do what is right behavior.
On the net even someone exclusively did the website of supporting leaf Wan, and had a specialized forum.The name of website makes the police in distress situation very much and calls"leaf Wan, continue to run!"
Be compared to a netizen, the reporter's voice seems to be emollient orderliness much, also more rational.The reporters widespreadly think that leaf Wan's behavior was convex now nowadays social contrary theory, this is also the murderer to become hero.The formation of this contrary theory, lies in universal imperfection of society strong humanities care and for kind and evilness exactitude comprehension.
While scooping out leaf Wan record of events, the reporter of reasonableness formed a consistent opinion, this is leaf Wan always is all seek after the good, is bright, enthusiasm and passion life, care and love close relatives of good person.Is such a good person, after the its cohabitation girl friend kills a suicide, Nu and killed off backstage to direct, is also Zheng Yuan.
This is fierce to anticipate again drive only and perhaps the world not disorderly reporter delivered out.Hence support leaf Wan of a send stronger.Person's meat searches engine of strong is unprecedented, Zheng Yuan's havings in Shenzhen's breaking matters is all dug out by the netizen and spread online.The interloper of the region in Shenzhen, even clapped the photograph of allied China mansion, and pointed out that leaf Wan directly climbs to the 38th floors into mansion inner part to commit murder from the ground homicidal.
The position of the 38th floors, drive PS one is layer after layer of red turn, the netizen immediately responds to come over:Leaf Wan keeps in mind an incomparable skill really deeply!
I depend, murderer, hero, deeply keep in mind an incomparable skill, revenge a homicide, underworld …these keywords combine together, making the netizen excited must absolutely could not fall into sleep, all day of in each big forum the noise is endlessly.
Along with controversially get stripe, each professional, included to keep an industry lawyer and mastered in geographic experts to all flee out.Want to get up for leaf Wan designing the best abscondence route … at this moment, the voice of opposition faction being more and more small and weak to speak in defence of free leaf Wan.
The government has to appear publicly!
Is public security official's section to solemnly declare first:Please recognize while discussing the affairs a little bit more pure, leaf Wan is a murderer that is miserably fierce to first, he after chopping in two the arm of victim, again very fierce miserably use a dart firm go into the chest of victim …
Then is city hall in Shenzhen to appear publicly to declare:Please treat this matter, we absolutely can't wrong a good person, can't pass a bad person as well.Leaf Wan kill people fore, frequently sneak away at after, the government urges it to give oneself up to the police to surrender to justice for many times and give its opportunity to repent, and will consider its never hesitated to do what is right fact, will suggest police and court from light verdict …
The netizens make terribly, leaf Wan doesn't know.His drilling a police hasn't completely established a good turn son, go up north all the way.He devotes to find out the ancestral home of wearing cloud Biao, it is along with Yang Mo Yun to wear cloud Biao by proof hold, and is projected by Yang Mo Yun to harm a person.So his destination is long life county in the Han Dan City in Hebei!
Is all the way exposed to cold and wet on a journey, leaf Wan by dint of the sharply moving of the astonishing natural endowments Cha dint, once hide Huang Chao Neng at make track for to escape in front of the road to deploy of more than ten turn sons Be led Shandong by Anhui, from chat a city to westwards keep rushing toward Han Dan.
This bold long distance adds, another setbacks defending of project set cloth.Huang Chao can think that leaf Wan wants to go up north conceiving of Peking empty.Quick conversion thought, study a leaf Wan mental state.
Printing the general public notice of latest photograph for leaf Wan has already sent forth a whole country, leaf Wan already can not the ground of hall but emperor wear state to be in transit, in a rest, leaf Wan tries the way control face muscle of useful sting cave, incredibly successful.Although very fee energy, leaf Wan the time in the daytime always the face muscle distorts and transforms to arrive very ferocious appearance and makes the stranger meet to dare to see one more eye not, can't even believe that this is the general public notice up grow very handsome murderer leaf Wan.
The long life county is 25 kilometers at Han positive NATO in the Dan City, leaf Wan goes by way of Han Dan and has never dared to stop over and took a car that carries a pig to all through the night enter a long life county.
Entered a long life county on finding out, the house of Yang Shi Lao was in the wide mansion town.Hence multiply by three agricultures to use again car to return to rush through, keep sit more than 40 minutes, just a feet step into a wide mansion town.
The wide mansion town is the long life thou city, leave Han Dan 60 kilometers are or so.
Wide Zhai village in Yan door in the mansion town.
Leaf Wan sees village large memorial arch, the certain context of last book"report the country restore peace to people", respectfully rise respect.
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