
Beats by Dre Just Beats the official this

, now in the house to await orders .relationresultZhao Chenis a sister to the hurried life ,please come in .A little later, Zhao as she hit the sections on house ,to Zhao Chen and Zhou she saluted ,watching the full display gift house ,also cannot bear laughs: think of government a birthday ,actually can be received so many gifts ,if lack of future court ,government does not visit can do a few birthday on the line .
, relationresultWeekDowager laughed: just said ,government officials have a birthday ,but made a large fortune . , relationresultZhaoas she hit the road : only we sent gifts to the poor is much .
, relationresultZhaoZichen said: my sister say is there ,we are one family ,only in the sister have a mind, and not in the present . , relationresultZhao Qianru smiled,this is the gift to take up ,the original is brought in a child a Buddism godness Guanyin statue .
The statue is two feet so high ,with a piece of jade carving, manual techniques are very exquisite ,see is carefully prepared ,the absolute value is not in any of a gift .But the present meaning is very clear ,natural is the hope that soon gave birth to Prince palace .
Of course, this will only as Zhao Chenqin sister can be said as she hit the zhao .relationresultZhao Chenalso was frightened jump ,said: this statue is poor ?Can let his sister and brother-in-law took ,I really feel sorry to .
, relationresultZhao Qianru smiled and said: government over the years to our house gives little still? This just a statue and nothing? , relationresultWeekDowager also laughs: the official ,this is your sister ,brother-in-law of a heart .
But don disappoint them ,soon called away ? , relationresultZhao Chentingsaid so, also nodded ,Zhao Qianru sent gifts and can not be ministers sent a gift together ,Zhao Shi lichen immediately.
This statue brought to the harem worship .Then asked Zhao Qianru to side hall had seating .The Chamberlain lady-in-waiting to know their mother of three people don someone playing scratch ,thus offer tea, are perceived from outside the temple .
relationresultThree peoplesat down after the empress dowager ,weeks before: but the imperial heir thing ,although the state government ,but to also need not too worried ,the imperial examination authority body no .
Your sister ,brother-in-law and married three years later, was pregnant ,but one is a pair of twins .If the government had just turned twenty ,youth ,later had no heirs ? , relationresultZhao Qianrunodded ,said: mother said is ,the doctor also said ,conceived things, can not insist .
The married couple years of infertility is also a common thing .As long as the slowly nursed back to health ,in time, will naturally follow ,so the government should not be too deliberately .
, relationresultZhao Chenmarried too fast a year, in addition to the queen and three other royal ,and graced several maids ,are set for a partial princess ,now in a harem size concubines also has seven or eight people ,but not without a ,is that even a pregnant without ,although the emperor ,Artist Series,Empress and concubines were young ,there is time ,but can not let people but the heart .
And the king and succession event in, so Zhao Chen himself sometimes worried .relationresultButweeks Dowager also understand ,Zhao Chen still had no children, one is time not to ,and on the other hand also because some time ago in the bovine government is too busy ,Zhao Chen Memorial Day refer often to late into the night ,there have the energy to conquer in the bed room, has no that is also the very normal matter .
But since this year after the official system reform ,all of the memorial are the first ministers drafted opinion ,and then submitted to the emperor ruling ,so only the event will be carefully examined ,and for general affairs ,Zhao Chen just skim through it ,can be approved ,government have been greatly reduced ,there is enough time to take care of one ,with imperial concubines .
Therefore, children should also not far away .relationresultListen tothe mother and sister of the words ,Zhao Chen also relieved many ,smiled and said: queen said ,two days ago I heard someone say ,would you like a Taoist monk look I and queen Yun like ,whether at g, otherwise why still childless it is really worried ,too .
, relationresultWeekend tea cup ,is about to drink tea ,listen to the words of Zhao Chen ,his brow slightly wrinkled ,immediately to the tea light down, sink a track : from the government is heard these words ,but when it comes to court and the queen ,can also refer to other people ? , relationresultZhao Chen also foundweeks mood has changed ,not by heart ,said: it was two days ago ,Guo Changda of Erchen said ,he heard people say that Erchen and Queen after infertility ,but luck is relative to the punch ,he heard outside the Yellow cloud concept to a monk named Zheng Xuanchang ,has the line, the most good see migration ,therefore suggested Erchen asked him to look at the .
, relationresultGuo Changda isbeside Zhao Chen served a close-fitting Chamberlain ,who is very smart ,to the popular Zhao Chen trust .relationresultWeeks hum said: this slave material lot of guts, Butler to don ?This slave material there is in please see what migration ,are maligned queen ,also want to introduce monks court ,to be the official as Huizong emperor ?I want to introduce the king palace in the forest Lingsu ,no ? Aberdeen ,king of forest Lingsu are Xuanhe years warlock, was cited access palace ,popular Huizong letter .
relationresultZhao Chenwas also a cold, his house isn too concerned about ,but also to Taoist first-class interest not, listen to Guo Changda, and only when it is a joke ,but also there are serious ,heard after also forgot .
No other aspect to think ,now listen to mother words ,to some .relationresultWeeksshe continued: and do not say these words should the minions ,and official wedding ,the palace is not pregnant woman in nor queen one ,why should say government officials and queen and conflict ,if the queen know ,not sad ,not as a matter of official how careless ,according to my view, behind ,there must be someone earwig ,must strictly .
, relationresultThen Zhao Chenremembered ,if Yue Ying heard these words ,my heart will be painful .And since two people marry later, Yue Ying has been scrupulously abide by this ,neither let Zhao Zichen pet, never exclude others ,and treat other concubines is very kind, to Chamberlain odalisque also very compassionate ,occasionally have made mistakes are less punishment ,on the week of the queen is also very respectful .
Therefore, while less than a queen ,but in the house from top to bottom, the vast majority of people are very respect to queen .relationresultZhao Chen on themountain top was very fond of ,and see her generous ,decent ,she is not to love more weight ,but also more of a tribute .
But the week she is also fond of Yue Ying ,after all through the ages is much a place ,which is the bright Emperor Li queen this example ,more appear Yue Ying tolerance ,good character .
Think Zhao Chen really got a good queen ,that no one .relationresultZhaoZichen said: is Erchen oversight ,as empress wishes, immediately handed Guo Changda over to Jingshi real questioning ,have a look what people told him to do so ?At the same time also warning palace ,later allowed to talk rubbish .
, relationresultThisweek she nodded ,said: government ,you want to make the song a prosperous ,cheap dr dre beats,so a heart flutter in affairs of state ,although this is good ,but the house home feeling also cannot ignore ignore .
Since ancient times ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,all wise master ,the harem inevitable harmony ,so government will have the energy to deal with the affairs of state .The ancients cloud :Slim ,family ,country ,world peace .
The palace is the official home, if even the home can not settle ,and talk about what the country ,the world is flat ? , relationresultZhao Chen,ashamed ,said: is Erchen effect, have had maintained in the palace . Related articles:

