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First ,the handle is the upcoming hammer and its master to completely freeze into ice .relationresultLeft handswing a ground ice dregs, BOT the high-speed forward ,the whole body levitates a blazing ,Beats Detox.
His progress in the place ,all appeared after melting refreezing distortions, the enemy is miraculously disappear disappear ,only the air smell keeps hinting the battlefield warriors ,here has just completed a lot of people .
relationresultTo theone .Even in the ground and moving speed is quite fast ,no less than the air several of his .relationresultBut thissituation did not last ,with a mixed , relationresultThehowling sound in the air ,the successful interception of the spar Orc flashing knife < road when it appeared again in front of BOT ,and completely ignoring the enemy fire people ,hands holding the flash knife and vertical split .
relationresultThis thoroughlyirritated the sergeant, and again three to the way ,and we just killed one of his men ,these things can be enough to make the assault is not smooth chaos warrior princes irritability ,and that of a pure blood orcs speaking ;irritability often mean anger and killing .
relationresultWhen the gold and iron to make Ming ,firmly grasp the great moment flash knife glove wrapped in heavy ice ,disregard and hand to upload the chill ,a right-handed shake gold white Blazing Sword has suddenly appeared ,and from the bottom of the through .
relationresultConnaughtflash knife brigade is has long been known for the battle collective ,the successive barrier dragon warrior is also the entire battalion sergeant of the top master ,not how dare to disturb his strength ,body side ,holding captured by the enemy flash knife handle hand back violently removed, connected with a handle and a small arm long chain flashed into silver ,then the wrist twist, the silver long chain in the air out of countless circle straight down in golden white blazing sword .
relationresultThe attackis broken ,elements of the sword ,this was only half the thick silver chain around the wrist and eliminated .There was never a situation, make BOT pupil not only enlarged one times ,his right hand to hand out ,dispersed fire at the same time ,it covered a layer of ice light ,made into the enemy pocket .
relationresultFacing the enemywith a powerful elemental attack .On the other hand hands human flash knife suddenly pulled back, the long chain holding the blade ,like a snake like flexible around is full of frost on the palm ,in an instant the Cham blue ice elemental no barriers disappeared ,although frost disappears ,but the spar .
The palm of the hand ,or to the thunder trend into Nord chest .relationresultPOCKETHELMET intersect emit loud sounds ,the students took the enemy hit back a few steps to the enemy ,BOT, although again eliminate their elemental attack surprised ,but he had no time to think ;the catch lightning knives are frozen hand jerked back to the enemy at close .
relationresultButSergeant apparently forgot to handle long chain ,so in a chain fall straight after the sound ,flashing knife fighter still and BOT separated by several meters, when two enemy weapon can be said to be entangled in the chaos warriors injuries ,short time has no special effective attack .
relationresultBOTacross a few steps, borrow enemy weapons were restricted opportunities ,body side ,the left leg was kicked out ,completed the standard side kick .The sergeant that after a long training to some quick response and long time fighting training out of the fight consciousness ,let this attack perfect effect in the enemy ,this impact should let the enemy out of only ,but the two silver chain let this life phenomenon does not appear .
relationresultWithsea and whirlpool breastplate in tied with skull boots solid under bombardment ,produced a deep depression .Although not deep ,but the enemy harm is enough ,flashing knife fighters that light modeling head helmet on stomatal suddenly emit a mist of blood ,is obviously affected by the trauma .
relationresultSeeing theattack succeeded, Sergeant suddenly understand ;the enemy while the sharp attacks ,but also has a well-known method can eliminate elements agglomerate ,but its defense is not how, this is his weakness .
My idea of lightning ;BOT, another foot is also a heavy kick ,they rush .relationresultEatto humans certainly won ,but the frozen edges also doomed ,he could not stay away from .However, or some way human whole palm linkage ,that connected the frozen edge of long chain suddenly elongation ,was pulled out of the ten meters distance .
relationresultThere is thisbuffer ,the human body after the jump ,narrowly escaped the orcs are kick .relationresultThe twochain edge magic completely attracted BOT scold him feel which is to play in combat ?He just from is in and the two handle powerful and magical effects ,attack range can be short or long chain edge battle .
relationresultHewas at the time already know the enemy elements have a strong resistance ,so his right hand from the waist pull out the knife ,toward the enemy to retreat now ,after all ,as long as there is a freeze in the hands of the flashing knife ,the enemy was to run away .
relationresultJustthen ,Sergeant enters the tower plan will be postponed ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,but now this situation only to solve the immediate rivals .relationresultBOTis cannot make oneself an example when advanced siege ,but the rest of the chaos warriors did not idle ,they now and flashing knife brigade ,lizard man hammer axe hand on the wall to kill the humans find it difficult to tear apart ,although the number of dominant ,but individual strength is far less confusion in warrior, plus the terrain is not conducive to form ,so the war is in favor of Munro .
( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit wwwidiancomm ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !) , relationresultThe firstrelationresultThe two volume of the one hundred and thirty-nine chapter , relationresultKnifefighters of the flexible and the lizard man fierce, is let them and orc flat quality ,in fact ;to support the Wellington these human Ranger ,each at least not less than the infantry .
They are all a national treasure and elite, therefore ,can be in before today towers while chaos Corps time .relationresultShould say,the human still shows full of integrity ,Beats Solo HD,in that there was no hope of victory in the battle ,the other warriors didn run away, at least in the spirit is worthy of appreciation .
relationresultOnthe function of weapon escaped human warrior, watching as the shadow follows the form like sticking up bot .Know that this is not a way to go ,but that the knife handle long chain is directly fixed on the arm armour ,temporarily between ,want to get rid of it is not so easy .
Nord soldier can only be determined :on the other hand the flashing knife ,straight pointing forward ,looked to the front and chaotic melee fighters started .relationresultThis is theBOT seek but fail to get ,he faces his grin ,right hand knife for mad throw out :dance on air into a light fly edge straight into flash knife fighters with weapons ,humans are about to block off from the side ,suddenly rushed out a strong soldier ,he wore a heavy body armor ,mouth with little voice ,the unique shape of the helmet with face ,was a scaly lizard face ,two hands ,one a square hammer one-handed hammer ,the other is a kind of rectangular axe tomahawk .
relationresultNeedless to say,the timely appearance is ,a lizard hammer axe in hand, it comes from Chhill mighty warriors ,arm lift force ,a smack down ,in a ringing clash after a short sword ,bot will roll down to the side of the earth .
relationresultThe newappearance of the enemy ,let his brow zou .relationresultHowever,veteran soldier ,not too much to consider .On his right hand skin shine morpho ,suddenly ,many hard rock wrapped around the arm . Related articles:

