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Manichaeism in the army ,Song Jun offered to surrender the city .relationresultThe results of Song Jun wherever he went ,all smooth ,two Song Jun almost gain victory with unstained swords ,in self Qi met .
Gao Zhen and Zhang Shiyan are also relatively funny ,this battle is hit too easily .relationresultSince Qi is big song and Dali border ,a toe ,so the high earthquake appointed several Huang recommended places rural old temporary management from Qi administrative ,waiting to Emperor new officer assumes office .
It left one thousand soldiers stationed from Qi ,then leaving from Qi back to Hengshan District ,when suddenly the probe came in from the west ,Qi ,and Dali country at the junction of the place seems to have Dali and Cochin army ,crossed the Yellow River ,into the large song territory .
relationresultYellow River is the song ,but the river is not deep, in the freshwater period people can hike across a river .Now it is autumn ,Yellow River is entering freshwater period .
relationresultGao Zhen was also surprised ,he knew now being between Dali and Cochin war occurs, but this is another state of things ,do not want to ignore the great song .Before the battle of Yang Yan urges the high earthquake ,cheap dr dre beats,don and Dali ,Cochin China dispute .
But now is the army crossed the border into the territory ,in the Song Dynasty ,it does not matter, so the high earthquake immediately and LX with three thousand troops ,along with reporting spies herded to the border .
relationresultThe sixteen attack on Guizhou 4 , relationresultCame to theYellow River ,with only two army was advancing along the river bank run chase ,an army of about three or four men, of which there are many vehicles to battle ,it seems like a war .
The army is about more than 1000 people ,are catching up with the front of the army .Then know someone to pray the high earthquake ,from look on the armor ,in front of the Dali army fled ,and pursued is Cochin army .
relationresultBecause of the Daliarmy and car wars, therefore run but after seeing the Cochin Cochin army ,army will soon overtake Dali army after the team ,saw Dali army after the team has a will ,riding a pony green brown horse ,suddenly in immediately and the bow and arrow ,continuous shot several catch recent turn toe the soldiers .
And then a big roar ,picked up a rifle ,with hundreds of soldiers and killing them .relationresultCochinarmy obviously didn he would turn around and kill ,be taken by surprise ,by the continuous pick dead six or seven person .
Suddenly there was a confusion .But the Dali general is brave ,but the number of Cochin soldiers too much ,he how one can stop .After the initial confusion, a toe is also divided into two branches ,a branch of Dali army surrounded by entangled melee ,another is to chase after Dali army team .
The Dali team did not escape from far, in the blink of an eye is Cochin army caught up with ,a toe from the left and the right bag exercises ,Wai long up .Only special attack at the car .
relationresultTheDali general situation ,had to pull the horse back ,although in Cochin army surrounded him in a place where there is no one like however ,single-handed ,instantly killing back to the team in the past, in a car is quite large luxurious car edge guards ,but from all around Cochin army ,Dali Army soldiers a a fall ,he cannot resist so many people .
relationresultButthey see people are not much ,it is not a deliberate attempt to invade the song ,the high earthquake also laid down the heart .But here after all are great song territory ,can .
The high earthquake gives the order ,took out three thousand Song Jun .The Cochin ,Dali is fighting between the armed forces of both countries to see Song Jun suddenly out of ,also be startled, left hand .
relationresultThe high earthquakesnapped : there is still a big song of the land ,you are the country ,dare to here . , relationresultAtoe army saw ,also did not reply ,immediately turned away .
But Dali still stand in place different .That members of the Dali generals more out ,went to the high shock front, said: please ask the general your name . , relationresultGao Zhenlooked at the people ,is still very young ,around 1934 years old, said: I am big song Youwu doctor, Guangnan West Road Army Deputy duct ,Guizhou militia to high shock ,who are you? , relationresultTheDali general body quivered, said: the high earthquake ?You are the high earthquake ? , relationresult******************************relationresultLai Wenzheng lifted thecup ,said: in the tea ,please .
, relationresultZhao Cao alsopicked up his teacup ,quaff, said: Mr. Lai ,these days you have to be good at leisure . , relationresultLai Wenzheng smiled a little,said: you are not in ,too ?It will stay with me for tea ,Beats Detox.
, relationresultTheyreturned to Guizhou in five or six days ,although Zhong Ziang no doubt they surrender to the Song Dynasty, still kept them ,but it was not quite at ease ,Chen Dong ,Li Jin ,with the single ,the smell of complex four each banner advocate from Guizhou ,assigned to the rear to .
Zhao Cao and Lai Wenzheng in Manichaeism in high status, to can not be arbitrarily assigned ,in Guizhou .However, are not assigned any club body task ,but is left unused .As far as they bring back the ten thousand famous army was dispersed into other armies .
relationresultSo these dayssince, Zhao grass and Lai Wenzheng have nothing to do all day long ,but in a cup of tea and a chat ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.relationresultZhao Caoto the cup with tea ,slowly : I know now King we have doubts ,but that I do not blame the king, because we are the release of come back, for who he is, at this critical time also can not be absolutely sure that we .
The king can take us to the very good . , relationresultLai Wenzheng lifted thecup ,drink a mouth ,said: this, I can understand your mind .So do not blame King mean ,believe that time can prove everything .
But I now is some figured why Song Jun would put us back . , relationresultZhao Caostartled, put down the cup ,said: I have always wondered ,why? , relationresultLai Wenzheng will bemy tea gulped ,said: very simple ,is to cause us internal mutual suspicion .
, relationresultZhao Cao nodded,admits that Lai Wenzheng was right, in fact the clock Za now is really doubt myself .relationresultLai Wenzheng continued: in fact ,in Guizhou Jushou song is really a bad .
, relationresultZhao Cao puzzled andsaid: ,not the past ten days ,also not dare not to attack for Guizhou ? , relationresultLai Wenzheng shook his head,said: no, not to attack Guizhou song absolutely not afraid, if I is estimated to be not wrong, Yang Yan is hoping that all forces are concentrated in Guizhou ,this will result in other places to go and empty ,for other places ,and then come back to attack Guizhou .
, relationresultZhao Cao wasa stern ,said: Mr. Lai ,you are right ,should go to tell the leader, immediately reinforce other various defense . , relationresultLai Wenzhengand the end of the cup ,shook his head ,said: in ,this is of no use ,at this point in time, the king is won .
Then, the tea drained .relationresultZhao Cao thought,Lai Wenzheng is said to .He sighed ,and end up cup ,was about to drink ,suddenly a stay from the past ,said: in ,Mr Lai King Temple ,or procedure ,please two past .
, relationresult******************************relationresult,now Deputy defeated two ,all the way to the West ahead Yong ,are now to the captured from Qi ,special mill and about river region, is attacking the Yongjiang zhoucheng .
Song Jun and the other a road from the sea ,to perfect landing ,a captured Nunn ,prefecture of Deqin ,NSW ,letter from the state ,Gaozhou, now soldiers peak at the volume state .You see now how should do .
, relationresultManichaeanlistening to people ,the stunning ,originally thought Jushou and wage a life-and-death struggle song of Guizhou .Who knows the song did not attack Guizhou ,but Related articles:

