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The short soldiers on warships .At the same time, the Shenzhou on ranged weapons and medium-sized ships to cover ,so that they are in and gold army could be obtained when the support .
From a certain extent, is more like a row into a sea stack array .relationresultBut , Yang Yan some puzzling : it seems to be a more inclined to be a defensive formation .Don lie Gongzuo want to hold back ,then ? But at present the song military strength contrast and gold army Bianzhen .
Time perspective ,Li Gongzuo did this is in line with the forces of the road .Yang Yan asked ,if it is for his own command, may do so .relationresultThen,the distance between the two sides to the closer to the two hundred step .
Song Jun articles on a warship bed crossbow ,slingshot begin to the Jin army warship emitter .Song ,Jin army launched a second round contest .relationresultTheyscreaming through the skies ,smoke ball ,Thunderball ,rolling thunder ,iron cannon ,Tribulus fireball ,Meng oil bomb firearm, as well as in the Jin army ship launching .
Just calm down at sea once again in a fierce battle .relationresultBut this timedue to the Jin army warship arrangement effect for the dispersion ,the Jin army losses were not the first round is so big .
Most of the crossbow ,goes to the sea shells .Instead the Jin army warship in bolt and fire ,to keep closer to Song Jun .relationresultIfall the way down to near the song ships ,can execute the Jin army hope most combat style pedal boat operations .
So you can take advantage of the Jin army number .While in close proximity to the Song Jun process, there are still some warships was Song Jun getting shot ,was hit by gunfire ,some ships and burning fires ,some were sunk, but in general ,the Jin army ships or from the more recent Song Jun .
And the Jin army also began to fight back for ship ,rocket ,fire crossbow .relationresultLi Gongzuostands in the whole battle ship upstairs ,cover all at one glance .As the battle ,a command is issued by a flagman is transmitted to the other warships .
relationresultThesea suddenly are sky rocket was over .Song Jun and the Golden Army ships are dropped the rocket ,soldiers of both sides, side you each other rockets ,fire crossbows ,while the death fight fell to his ships on fire .
relationresultWanyanrunning thread then grate is a glimpse of the dawn of victory .He suddenly thought ,this is all Wanyan long Bianzhen results .A heart full of Wanyan grows to admire .
Can go : Wanyan adults ,it seems that this time we have hope . , relationresultJin Junwas only sixty steps away from Song Jun ,was close to Song Jun ,to push ship ,and Song Jun now seems to be no other way .
relationresultHowever,with the song the strength ,do not appear to be so passive . And then through Yan Changzhi joyance color ,contrast in his heart is faint feel to have a bad mood .
But the club body what ,his mind is not clear .relationresultAt this time,Lee Gongzuo when a wave . , relationresultAlong with theflag will Li Gongzuo command ,the song fleet formation immediately changed .
There are three consists of two small and medium-sized ships the dozen or so of the fleet from the left and right in a three direction rapidly from Deputy ship array out ,riding the wind to the Jin army ship array .
relationresultEach of Song Junfleet consists of two small boat as the core ,a heading ,a rear, eighteen water wheel rapid rotation ,flexibility should in no way inferior to medium-sized ships ,two small ships not dodge ,was the head on ,wobble and shake, suddenly turned upside down .
Medium-sized ships are in both sides of the Shenzhou Shenzhou ,without distracting from both sides of the attack ,concentrate all fire on enemy ships ahead .relationresultWanyanlength was surprised, but due to both sides fleet is too close ,the Jin army to have enough time to react ,can only watch by Song Jun fleet into the Golden Army in array .
relationresultAs a result ofthe Jin army warship distribution is scattered ,this gave Song Jun fleet set aside sufficient freedom of manoeuvre .Song Jun at an alarming rate in gold warships array space shuttle .
The vessel bed crossbow ,crossbow hand together and launch catapult and .Fire arrows ,Firebolt ,sudden gun ,rocket ,with flames roaring protrusion to the Jin army warship .Smoke ball ,Thunderball ,rolling thunder ,iron cannon ,Tribulus fireball ,Meng oil bomb also constantly at the Jin army squad .
Due to both the ship close, so the forces ranged weapons hit rate and high .relationresultSong Junthree small fleets in the Golden Army array in the vertical and horizontal cross ,be a trend which cannot be halted .
Jin Jun ship ship ship was hit ,fire ,blow up .Strong and choking smoke fan man throughout the human body .Warships were sunk ,the ship Jinbing some was bow and arrow ,some shells being killed ,some were burned to death .
Desperate Jinbing jumped into the sea to escape ,but become the target for archer .Blood constant in sea water poured in, screaming and wailing ,roaring and explosion over the sound of the sea .
relationresultAndthe Jin army ship array has also been made into chaos, no one listen to Wanyan ran threads command ,the size of ships are like headless flies disorderly bump, several ships have collided and sank ,google.
relationresultThis isLi Gongzuo put out a defensive battle ,Facebook,induces the Jin army fleet attack me ,by the fleet approached, the Jin army fleet dispersed ,send out small stock fleet into the Golden Army ship array, using the song ships speed and firepower advantage disrupted Jin Jun formation .
relationresultWanyanBen Mio pale look at this three song boat team gold army made a mess .Just that little bit of a shadow of victory also had disappeared was not the least trace was found .
And then after Yan Long is also a face livid ,deputy general will indeed Fleet Command was preoccupied picturesque ,for ship control ,far from them on horseback Nuzhen can imagine .
relationresultWhen Yang Yan,on Li Gongzuo command to admire their .relationresultFourteen victory in the sea , relationresultSong Junthree small fleets in the Golden Army array in the vertical and horizontal cross ,be a trend which cannot be halted .
Jin Jun ship ship ship was hit ,fire ,blow up .Strong and choking smoke fan man throughout the human body .Warships were sunk ,the ship Jinbing some was bow and arrow ,some were killed and some artillery ,was killed in the fire .
Desperate Jinbing jumped into the sea to escape ,but as the goal song crossbowman .Blood constant in sea water poured in, screaming and wailing ,roaring and explosion over the sound of the sea .
relationresultAndthe Jin army ship array has also been made into chaos, no one listen to Wanyan ran threads command ,the size of ships are like headless flies disorderly bump, fight the enemy separately ,several ships because they bumped into each other and sank .
relationresultThis isLi Gongzuo put out a defensive battle ,induces the Jin army fleet attack me ,by the fleet approached, by watching the Jin army fleet dispersed ,send out small stock fleet into the Golden Army ship array, use the wind when the song ships speed and firepower advantage ,with one action upset the Jin army formations .
relationresultWanyanBen Mio pale look at this three song boat team gold army made a mess .Just that little bit of a shadow of victory also had disappeared was not the least trace was found .
And then after Yan Long is also a face livid ,deputy general will indeed Fleet Command was preoccupied picturesque ,for ship control ,far from them on horseback Nuzhen can imagine .
relationresultWhen Yang Yan,on Li Gongzuo command to admire their .relationresultLi Gongzuo smiled and said: in fact, the Jin army person much ,small boat ,spread offense ,show machine pedal boat used in combat tactics .
But even the correct tactics also needs to have a suitable person to perform ,but their ships ,cnn,weapons ,soldiers quality and will command ability than I army differ very much ,so it is in the correct tactics is of no use . Related articles:

