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Everyone has a solution under captive belt this habit ,especially in, the belt is the only tool fixing pants .relationresultBut now thedemon skin little importance ,start of certain intensity fluctuations occur magic ,that would expose the orcs .
It is very unwise choice .relationresultThisis the middle of the night .The two human guards feel tired .It is of course .Finally .The people here .Unable to hold oneself back to sleep two people and three people just wake up .
After simply hand over the hill .Laid-off people left .At this time .A have a drowsy look to new mount guard guard .To flash a roll into the cave .relationresultHeis to change inside the star to .
It is a pity that he would never finish the task :in Shangdi blood just want this new guard scream when .With the broken air sound short blade .Then straight down the helmet neck cracks .
Hard thorn in .relationresultThroatto upload to puncture and intense pain .Let this just completely sober man .Body unconsciously spasm up .Symbol vitality rich blood ,dr dre beats.Along with the sun and the horse to a quickly passing .
relationresultThe newbody and the old body stacked together .This harvest Jeanbot unusually satisfactory .Not only is because of solving an enemy .Because the enemy is not a headache to star the .
But relatively weak infantry combat power to the titan .This phenomenon is now fully illustrated :land warrior .Probably is the Titan infantry .relationresultTwo differentforces synergistic action .
By the staff responsible for the night guard turns .This is familiar with military life .All know the common sense .relationresultA collection of newbody after all Shangdi .BOT to speed up the pace .
Second to the mobile .relationresultTwoposts near Titan infantry ,has not completely out of the sleep state ,which is understandable :nobody in asleep awakened ,and helpless to stand guard, in the beginning ,he would have a very long period of time have a drowsy look state .
Although it is it .But sometimes it can not explain , relationresultTo the left of the entranceTitan infantry just shook his head ,in order to make themselves more sober .relationresultAgiant suddenly secured his helmet ,then the human head can not be controlled by the strength of a turn ,face in the back ,of course lost life .
relationresultSkeletal malocclusionscracking sound to attract another sentry ,he turned his head to see ,after all ,my eyes suddenly open greatly ,throat fast muster ,it screams to escape one when, bot that holding totally distorted heads hands ,they go by like the wind like stretched over, right hand two his fingers ,accurate passing ,Titan standard helmet that other helmets are much larger gap ,straight into the human throat .
relationresultAsphyxiationlet Titan infantry first time put his hands over his neck ,although without making any sound ,but from his action can be seen ,the human is very painful .relationresultEnemy of thestate and did not affect the BOT ,his other hand holding the short edge ,no pause to Titan helmet eye poke in :human short blade and unlike Orc short blade so broad, it more lightweight and slender .
relationresultTherefore,metal blade ,smooth through the enemy ,and from the orbital office into the brain ,cheap dr dre beats.relationresultSilentkilled several enemy BOT ,and none of the results shown any pride or pleasure ,on the contrary, he covered his waist ,deep squat on the ground .
relationresultOrc face is covered with fine sweat ,two lips more without even a little red .His teeth wear lips ,use this way to distract myself ,so let the waist wound on his torture alleviates somewhat .
relationresultAfter a moment,the sergeant barely rose ,sweaty bodies moved to the entrance to the cave .relationresultHecollected the four bodies ,the bodies of a Orc transverse mullion like quilt as cover in his body ,then he quickly started medical reels .
The green light is on the body in large part, from the outside can see only tiny spots of bright spots .relationresultMedicallight to disperse completely ,BOT without hesitation and started demon skin .
He then from cadavers drilling ,high-speed punch to the mouth of the cave ,look to the front of the human camp .relationresultThelady luck is on Sergeant here ,just start medical reels and demon skin produced by the power fluctuation ,does not seem to have been found in the enemy ,at least :these camps are still in the dark .
relationresultA slightlybetter situation make BOT subconsciously made his sergeant ,until now is not very believe :myself in the absence of any equipment ,systemic a bound state, the students killed four enemies ,and launched the two magic .
But all this has not seen by the enemy .relationresultThe orcsnow absolutely believes that :they have become a killer .No wonder the preselected soldiers after the end of the training ,Imperial Intelligence Professional scout troops would watch her .
But that the continent best several killer training institutions .relationresultTo determine the currentsituation ,the orc and returned to the cave .He wants more equipment ,used to escape from the camp .
relationresultAfter a moment.relationresultAa star so that the cloak ,unusually tall and strong warrior from the cave to go out ,his head with a no down visor helmet ,if you look carefully :discover the helmet to inappropriate, how inappropriate :orc face the flesh has been squeezed a mission well ,is that .
relationresultDespite thisdisguise is very poor ,but in this seat in addition to cave in ,almost no one lighting barracks .Can still play a role, at least it help BOT security forward several meters .
relationresultIn the night in thecamp ,advance alone soldiers will be suspicious ,so the orc can bite the bullet ,not far to a guard point forward ,because only the clear destination ,to explain this alone mobile .
relationresultBut thewarning point at least three Titan soldiers on guard .BOT, if it came to the place, he can not grasp not any sound of the killing of three prepared by the warrior .
relationresultInreturn is not ,is not .Orcs can only try to slow down their speed, the brain rapidly looking for solutions, suddenly ,he passes a tent attracted Sergeant attention ,BOT without protective measures tent entrance ,was a stratagem comes to mind .
He put the right hand in the helmet, forced the visor down ,although this action ,beats by dre uk,let him face the epidermis was scraped off the large ,also let two of his cheekbones were packed into the orcs ,but to bear all the discomfort .
relationresultItis one of several steps ,BOT big green opened a tent cloth ,short drilling in .relationresultThe tentair expected no outside fresh ,a breath of life come .relationresultRecentguests did not cause too much attention ,but there are one or two alert soldiers woke up ,but they looked up after seeing familiar cloak and helmet ,and lie down .
relationresultNo doubt,this is a star that tent .But Sergeant can accurately select star makes the tent into ,by more than luck .Its special cloth and embroidered on the outer wall of stars union badge was very obvious sign .
relationresultThe tent interiorspace is small ,there are only three people in the sleeping inside .Bot can see the full state ,as to why ,full tent more came a man ,no doubt .It ask this camp that no reasonable arrangement the sentry .
relationresult. relationresultThe two volume of the sixty-two chapter , relationresultBOTin no mood to think too much ,he is now the most satisfactory is :the three star that is wearing armour to sleep, but they are not wearing a helmet . Related articles:

