
http://www.beatsbydrinus.com The lens is the wh

Being an administration annually will add to send hand during the period of Chinese New Year, tight concern, prevent°from appearing a fire and harm a personnel piece.
Often the jade Qi prepares ascend the second floor to the daughter hygiene inside the building sweep for a while, the force shining glory recruited to beckon with the hand:"Jade Qi comes over to watch television."
"What does television have to see?"Often jade Qi lo one eye is a little bit whole news.
"I say you are bothersome what, make you see and then see!"Force shining glory not keep saying, hurtled her to become angry, again way:"Leaf Wan, come over to watch television, you have to strengthen study, business and thought's constucting can not loosen!"
Often the jade Qi doesn't know the man is in belly what to turn is what Jin, give 2 people each the tea that steeped a cup, also sit to the force shining glory nearby, conveniently once took knitting wool, the side beats a side to carelessly sweep one eye.
The leaf Wan brain works properly and sees martial shining glory more is the appearance that packs at will and more seems to be and has a little strain and mostly guesses that he wants up the television and combined Chinese New Year period government, troops, Gao Guan, and all wanted to descend the tradition that basic makes New Year's visits, and then thoughted of martial glorious a few days ago of route of travel, immediately guessed to the whole matter 89 don't leave ten.
See jade Qi often still have no awakening, leaf Wan silently gathered together to whisper a way in the past:"The aunt watches television, the force uncle in a short while wants out, news inside …"
Often the jade Qi understands, Pie eye man, the positive bodhisattva sort Malaysia gold knife sits upright and steals to smile.BE return so a matter!
Hence three each bosom of people ideas, six eyes stare at tight television, the taste expecting seems and pierces beautiful female announcer.
Finally, after news ends, the female announcer lifts a page to lift a key link and by leap and bound takes aim an eye to read a way:"On January 29, is exactly an our country lunar calendar La month 25, win totally central political bureau member of committee, the center.Soldier Wei pair chairman, national affairs member of committee the Yu flap to fly at call on to send greetings some emphasize to point out while halting a ground of government troops …"
The lens is the whole, soldier Wei pair in the middle of being a flock of and gleaming a star, the chairman is dressed in casual wear, the joke is abundant, raise an electricity trumpet to announce Chinese New Year to send greetings to talk in several hundred government troops in fronts for seating on the floor.Force the shining glory appear a half piece face, is sticking out chest station at the position of 3 F up, noodles the last facial expression is serious.
In fact the lens is very short, the inattention still really cans not sees clearly, good at leaf Wan and often the jade Qi all have heart.Leaf Wan just sawed and then exaggerated ground to point at a television way:"This be not force uncle, the aunt sees, force uncle on TV, good power and prestige!"
Often the jade Qi sees by that time, lens already slice past, soldier Wei pair chairman and then check government troops accommodation, food in the army camp, simultaneously walk part with nearby of a battalion commander warm confabulation.Often jade Qi's staring blankly is to don't see pure, freely way:"It really is old force."Say again turn exaggeration ground to become overdo, the look in the eyes taking love blames and scolds a way:"Is old martial, you ascended a television, don't say a voice as well."
"Still have to still have."Leaf Wan is simply to run to the front of the television, catch martial glorious of which fear the figure of half second.
The whole news however the penny is many clocks, force shining glory now four bodies, two on the side, twice positive, most an as long as two front side of cow copies.At that time soldier Wei pair the chairman exact center asked to have a training circumstance in the lens, martial glorious man's natural character love this, so came forward half to tread.
Force glorious drive leaf Wan and often jade Qi 2 people clap and crumple, that contented feeling with show before family of happy feeling, make this general happy the all over the face is red light.
At leaf Wan of skillful set off by contrast under, force shining glory absolutely connect set up for totally unconcerned all can not do it, whole float desire fairy in the morning, Zhang Zhu Zui is silly smile, stand on the kitchen side, again and again asks:"Jade Qi, I am that image, also go?"
North of Chinese New Year, for lunch very simple and crude, most think greatly of of is that New Year's Eve dinner.
The force shining glory once had lunch and mad with joily entered den to take a nap.Leaf Wan accompanies jade Qi often to chat on the sofa.
The New Year's Eve dinner has already prepared to stop to be, the seafood, shrimp crab, cool vegetables and platter all and together lives, connect to stir-fry vegetables to go together with to anticipate to all slice to pack dish so much, sea cucumber scallop and fatty sheep two chafing dishes are most often a jade Qi specialty.
The television program is to look back former years Chinese New Year evening party, broadcast a classic program, or song, or essay, ventriloquist.Leaf Wan suddenly thinks of the Chinese New Year of that Yan mountain mountain range inside and thought of 《very small kid 》 whom oneself sings, if there is also that snow, once the Qing feeling at the mid-night kiss, the person who loves each other at present is separated ten thousand insides, can not be reunited and could not helped Chi.
Often the knitting wool of the jade Qi hand inside is beat for son-in-law of a gloves, hide blue, have already welled and just beat to accept needle for two nights.
"Leaf Wan, try."
Often the jade Qi connects to shout several voices, didn't see a response and raised head and looked, but the nearby young person is a full face tears, two eye hairs keep ground to stare at a television.
"Leaf Wan, how?"Often the jade Qi fears, the favour threw gloves and held tight one of his hand:"So big kid …thought of eyebrow eyebrow?"
Often the jade Qi guessed right leaf Wan's idea and saw leaf Wan concern about to such he or she's daughter, the in the mind is again some kind of to remember fondly, some kind of softhearted, is treating to advise to solve a son-in-law, leaf Wan suddenly rushed toward into the bosom of jade Qi often and called 1:"Mama!"Follow to weep aloud.
This"mama" keeps will often the jade Qi call the heart inch break, tears then if broke linear bead son Su Su but fall, embrace leaf Wan to be crying and smiling:"Silly kid … you to eyebrow eyebrow good, mama is too late still happy … she is in the foreign country again not is return not … don't cry, mama loved …"
Leaf Wan slowly piles up for remembering fondly Wu Yang Mei, in this year 30 afternoons finally explosion, at often the bosom pain of jade Qi cried to heart's content and quickly an after, red the face entered a toilet to wash face.After coming out often the jade Qi have already been not in the living room.
Leaf Wan turn off a television and sat on the sofa to think of idea.
The telephone can not break through, but leaf Wan don't believe an United States company in Africa can not communication.The circumstance in nowadays BE, the telephone number has no, so E-mail?
Ye Wan thoughts of here, once the in the mind jump, and I want to give the eyebrow eyebrow the hair E-mail!
At the moment, often jade Qi just in the den, sway the body of martial shining glory such as earthquake general:"Old headman, old headman …"
The force shining glory sleeps just fragrantly, in a daze be pushed to come to, think to take place what important event, sit to ask a way:"How?Does the soldier Wei have a telephone?"
Often the jade Qi puts on tears, on the face but cannot stop smile:"Be not, old headman, I tell you, leaf Wan just shouted my mama!"
"Shout your mama?"The force shining glory stares big eyes and held chin to think along while:"H'm, he early should shout like this!"
"Hum, leaf Wan thinks that the eyebrow eyebrows all want to cry today, this kid is really considerate.Old headman, you send the person connects eyebrow eyebrow back, we handle affairs for them, breeze scene light of, not very good?"
"Like, good!"The force shining glory jumps down a bed, bends from the waist overshoes and suddenly responds to come over:"Good fart, Lao Tze which entitle to send person to pick her up,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com?Said again, eyebrow eyebrow not still two months?You don't again blind Chan give decision, know?"
"I don't know!"Often the jade Qi Jue wears a mouth to wait upon him to wear clothes:"I am old Niangs, don't understand anything, I know that my house's wench doesn't come back again, and the son-in-law is about to want to get sick!"
Give the force the last button that is glorious to button up sweater, often the jade Qi stretches to point some brain door:"If leaf Wan what matter, the old Niang put together with you!"On twisting, bottom's door.

The Volume 4 long breeze rides the waves 91 younger sister Yi son Qing feeling
Renew time:2009-3-919:12:54 chapter word numbers:5201

Often the jade Qi walks into a living room, but sees leaf Wan make change coat, is changing shoe, the favour asks a way:"Leaf Wan, dry what?"
"Mama, I buy set notebook and deliver an E-mail for eyebrow eyebrow."
"Computer?You daddy's den not is have?"
"That is the for use by the military computer, don't connect a net."
Ye Wan says of, is to don't connect an Internet, connects 81 nets.In fact the computer of martial shining glory, doing not say can not connect, be connect to also extremely right to move.
In fact also have one set computer in Wu Yang Mei's house, but equally didn't unite a net, Wu Yang Mei also seldom uses at ordinary times.
Often jade Qi understand don't understand, foolishly looking at leaf Wan to change a good shoes station to start to open the door, suddenly respond to come over a way:"This is all getting more at 3:00, do you still go out?"
"Mama, today celebrates the New Year, if the eyebrow eyebrow confiscates an E-mail, my in the mind how can Anne?"Leaf Wan pushes jade Qi to often go toward in walk Related articles:

